
My Clan of Husbands

Zara is a beautiful young girl that awoke in a strange land after an accident and met a handsome man who called himself a wolf. Not only that, if she wishes to survive in an unknown land she must add males to her clan. Otherwise different dangers approach her!

TheRomanceAddict · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Feeling Guilt

After a while Zara and Ayan made it back home, but Ayan was still quiet which was unsettling for Zara. If she spoke would he talk back? There was so much tension in the room Zara didn't even know what she would say first.

"Umm Ayan....."

Suddenly Ayan embraced Zara with both his large arms tightening his hold every few seconds for few that she might disappear again.

"Ayan, it's too tight." Zara grunted.

"Please, just let me hold you little while longer until I'm satisfied that you really are here."

Zara couldn't help but feel guilty at the sight of Ayan, she had caused him so much heartache, if only she had been more careful.

Only after a couple of minutes did Ayan finally let go.

"Ayan? How did you guys find me?"

Ayan let out an exasperated sigh, but finally lightened up a little, "By finding your scent of course! Especially right now, with you being in heat and all, it made it easier to track you down."

Zara let out a half hearted chuckle, "Well I'm glad to see that it was good for something."

Just then Reiner came in, he still had a cold look on his face. "I've already dealt with the problem. That female will no longer be a nuisance to you Zara."

"You didn't....did you?"

"Even if I did would it be such a bad thing? Consider what she was going to do to you..." Reiner said.

"That much is true, but still! She had children to take care-"

"She's not dead, I didn't kill her. I brought up the matter to the head of the town and she and her last male will be exiled, along with her litter of offspring." Reiner explained.

Zara let out a sigh, "Well at least she wasn't killed....mmh? Last male? What happened to the ones with her...maybe I'm better off not knowing.." she thought.

"More importantly, you won't be left alone anymore." Reiner told Zara.

"Eh! What do you mean!?"

"You almost got killed, remember? All because that mutt didn't keep a better eye on you." Reiner said.

"HUH! Weren't you with me when Zara got kidnapped or did you forget?! Of course you would with that bird brain of yours!" Ayan snapped.

"Hmph. In any matter, the mutt and I will take turns hunting from now on, so someone is always with you. You won't object to that will you?"

"Well you are right, fine, I'll always make sure to be with either you or Ayan from now on." Zara wasn't too happy knowing she was going to be watched every minute of everyday, but she also didn't like the idea that Sarah might come back to finish what she had started.

"I'm sorry."

"Hmm?" Both Reiner and Ayan turned to look at her.

"I was too careless, and wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. In the future I'll make sure to do better so I'm not always being saved by you two."

"Oh my sweet female! Don't feel sorry that that bird brain couldn't protect you from harms way!" Ayan said cheerfully.

Reiner with a angry and confused look on his face took two of his feathers and used them as darts at Ayans face. Bullseye!

"Um Ayan....you're bleeding..." Zara told Ayan.

"Oh my female, are you concerned about me? This is nothing compared to the pain that Reiner must have made you feel today!" Ayan exaggerated.

Reiner looked like he was about to attack Ayan, but instead went over to Zara and firmly planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Ack!" Ayan stood paralyzed.