
My Children Are Fierce and Adorable!

The second Ye Lulu transmigrates, she gives birth to three children on the spot. She imagines that she's the only transmigrator here and has to be careful. Who knew— The first baby: Cold and stern, he's a young little adult who acts as a judge! He steps forward to draw a bolt of lightning from the heavens to punish scumbags. The second baby: Agile, lively, and extremely smart. Every time he moves his mouth, he can accurately predict the future! The third baby: One with an even colder personality, with a single wave of his finger, he can hook out your soul and play with it! Ye Lulu never had a boyfriend in the modern world. Yet, who would have expected that the moment she changed into a different identity, she would have children, a husband, and in-laws — basically, the whole package? Initially, she says, "The three babies are so cute. They're my biological children. I can have them! As for my husband… I'll get a refund." Unexpectedly, Ye Lulu gradually realizes that her husband is very handsome! He seems very mysterious and charming! She seems to have developed feelings for him. How wonderful! However, Ye Lulu holds onto her little protective mask tightly and constantly warns herself to be conservative, as people in the ancient times are comparatively not as open-minded. Unexpectedly, that husband of hers is not himself either. He was a Yin God from the divine throne in the heavens where there were no restrictions, and thus is even more casual. One day, her handsome and god-like husband presses her against the wall and lifts his hand to hold her chin. He says to her in a husky voice, "I think I like you…" He lowers his head and kisses her deeply! Ye Lulu: "???" Something is wrong here! Aren't you guys from the ancient past? Why are you so unrestrained?

Weng Liuli · General
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448 Chs

Pork Bone

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Mother Rong received the pork bone and held it in her hand. She had been surprised over the past two days.

Guan Chibei replied, "I caught another wild hare on the mountain today and exchanged it with the village butcher."

He had exchanged his prey directly for something else today.

Mother Rong was overjoyed. This was amazing. Chibei had really learned how to hunt. In the future, this house would have endless meat to eat!

She didn't even dare to think about it.

Mother Rong still had a shocked expression on her face as she carried the pork bone into the kitchen.

The pork bone was big and beautiful, and the meat color was fresh. It was probably a pork bone from the pigs that the butcher killed every day. Besides the big stick bone, there were also a few ribs.

The pork bone was chopped into pieces with a large knife. Although Mother Rong was a woman, women from farming families were not weak at all! Holding the large knife, Mother Rong was fast and accurate. Her strength was so great that the chopping board was trembling. With a few chopping sounds, the pork bone was chopped into pieces.

After washing them with clean water, she placed them in the pot and blanched the water to remove the bloody foam.

Then, she scooped up the pork bone and washed it clean. She mixed it with seasonings such as scallions, ginger, pepper, and other ingredients. Then, she filled the pot with water and placed the pork bone inside before starting to boil the bone soup.

The bright flesh of the pork bone was very tempting.

The pork bone soup had just been boiled.

The news that Ye Lulu gave birth to triplets and all three of them were male babies had spread throughout the village!

The news spread like the wind. Today, everyone in the village was talking about how it was a blessing to give birth to three babies in one go. The women and men from various families were discussing in surprise.

The main reason was that it was very rare to have given birth to three children in one go in the village!

At most, everyone had seen twins before, but that was very rare too. It was considered a blessing to have a woman pregnant with twins every few years. However, in the past few decades, almost no one had seen triplets!

And all three of them were boys!

This was too rare. They heard that the triplets looked exactly the same. How would they look like?

The villagers were all very gossipy. Not only did they start to discuss among themselves, but they also swarmed over to Guan family to take a look at the triplets and Ye Lulu.

Actually, some people already knew about this yesterday when they saw Mother Rong and the rest carry the babies back to their old house. Some aunties in the village who were on good terms with Mother Rong also asked her about Ye Lulu's labor situation.

Mother Rong naturally shared something. After all, it was not something to hide. On the contrary, it was a joyous matter for the Guan family.

However, Ye Lulu's body was too weak and she was busy the day before. Mother Rong did not allow anyone from the village to ask about Ye Lulu or visit her.

Mother Rong had even stopped a few of the most gossipy women in the village. Yesterday, they had argued at the door of the Guan family's old house for a while. Those few women had wanted to say something but were rejected. At that time, they were unhappy and said many things that were hard to listen to.

However, Mother Rong still stopped them.

This morning, there was no stopping them. A large group of women from the village rushed to the door.

"Ye Lulu, we're here to see you!"

"Where are the children? Eh?"

All of a sudden, the house was filled with aunties and daughters-in-law. Some were older while some were younger. All of them gathered around and looked at Ye Lulu, who was on the bed, with bright eyes. Then, they looked at the three babies sleeping beside Ye Lulu.

"Oh, there really are three boys! They look exactly the same!"