
My Childish Papa

Rather than fighting destiny that was already written, Ryushin preferred to follow fate. Wouldn't destiny force us if we refused, and fate would guide us if we followed it? No matter the identity of the mother, the most important thing for Ryushin in this world is only Kim Jangjun aka Ujang. Papa as well as the older brother to him. The only family Ryushin has in this world. *** From the very beginning, family for Jangjun was not a joy that was given to him just like that. It was something he had to protect with relentless persistence. Jangjun gently stroked the 14 year old teenager who was lying on his bed. He is now sitting on the edge of the bed. It seemed just yesterday that he was overwhelmed by the redness of the baby. Without realizing it, years have passed. The baby has now become a handsome teenager. Slanted eyes that show only one line when smiling, a swollen nose, and full lips that look sensual. This boy was truly a reflection of himself. It was as if he looked in the mirror face to face with the boy who liked this ice cream. It felt like Jangjun was seeing his old self now. However, there were times when he felt that this boy was not a reflection of himself, but ... "Don't touch me! What are you doing, heh? Are you a pedophile who wants a handsome teenager like me," Ryushin held his body tightly.

Mijun_123 · Realistic
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164 Chs

Ritual (2)

"You just finished doing the ritual, huh?" Ryushin asked with a probing look. He stood with his arms crossed, leaning against his father's bedroom door.

"Ohok!! Ohok!! Ri-ritual what, Shin?"

Jangjun coughed loudly in surprise. He never expected that his son would accuse him of such cruelty.

Does Ryushin think that Jangjun is currently performing black magic rituals like those heretical sects? Or did Ryushin mean the ritual of lonely men? Ryushin is really outrageous! Jangjun thought.

"What do you mean, Ryushin?!" asked Jangjun back. He was even afraid of being stared at by his son.

"That's ... a ritual that singles usually do on Sunday nights like this," answered Ryushin with the innocent face he made up.

Jangjun walked closer to Ryushin. He cupped his hands to Ryushin's cheeks.

"Wh-why can you say something like that, Son? Who tarnished your innocence, Shin?" asked Jangjun with a sad expression.

"You see, I used to do that too, Papa." Ryushin smiled as he said that.

"WHAT?!" Jangjun screeched, loudly. His eyes are now even bulging, disbelieving.

"Yeah, I got videos from normal friends. I also have HD ones. Do you want it? Let me send it."

Ryushin started to take out an old phone that still had a qwerty button. Ryushin still wore an innocent face, not knowing if his father was currently worried.

Jangjun's mind was getting confused. Has Jangjun been wrong in educating his son all this time?

How can his son watch and save adult videos?

Is it so difficult to maintain the innocence of youth in modern times like this?

It seems, Jangjun forgot what he did more than Ryushin a dozen years ago.

Jangjun closed his eyes tightly. Jangjun didn't want to see the video that Ryushin was about to show.

"This is called Time, Pa. The story is, at first the girl really hated the male character. Then, when the girl started to like the guy, the boy died of a brain tumor. It's really romantic and really sad, Papa. I finished a pack of tissue because I cried so much."

"Heh? W-what?"

Jangjun said clumsily. He opened one eye to stare at Ryushin's phone screen.

"Oh ahahaha... it's only Korean drama ahahahs what's this with me? Ahahahhaha...."

Jangjun laughed loudly again. He was rolling on the floor. Laughing at his bad temper at Ryushin.

Earlier, Jangjun had thought that Ryushin often watched lewd videos and performed rituals like men do when they are cold.

Ryushin frowned when he saw his strange papa. Jangjun was still laughing as he rolled on the floor of their rented house.

"You know? Papa is getting weirder and weirder. Is this the effect of eternal singleness?" Ryushin said while taking a thousand steps, before he was hit again by his father.

"Hey! It's still better for Papa to be single. Instead of you, you're already single, it's wibu again! You worshiper of two-dimensional girls!" shouted Jangjun.

"Rather than Papa who can't move on!"

"Rather than you are also single from birth!"



The debate ended with the sound of pots, plates, glasses being thrown in front of their house.

"DON'T BE LOUD, WOY! IT'S NIGHT!" shouted Jangjun's next door neighbor.

To be continued....