
My childhood life pages

When I saw my childhood life pages they are empty nothing was written on them. I wonder why , why these pages are empty. I think that on childhood life pages only mother can write on them. why my mother not write a single word on it how mother can forget. When I saw carefully I saw some things written on it but can't read it because it's words ink is spread can't be read. I feel sorry, why they are empty I think my mother was dies when I am only a four years old that's why the pages of my childhood life are empty. I think why the words are spread because of my tear which are drop on it when I am crying for my mother. I tried to read what are these spread words but it not clear enough to read I saw something like that the word mom turn in to the word sister. I not remember my mom face even her voice but I clearly remember my elder sister who care me she give me food when I am hungry she care me when I sick that's why I feel my sister is my mom. Now I am over fifty but I still think my sister is my mom. I think the pain in my chest for my mom go with me in the grave.