

All Bella wanted was to live a normal life with normal people but things didn't go as she planned.Working at JLMK company was her dreams always.She buried all her past behind her if that was what she thought.But things kept on getting worse.Bella Anderson a smart, intelligent young lady who thought she could start a new life but it wasn't like that. Sean Walter the hot and arrogant CEO with his good looks.Delivishly handsome but dangerous.He got it all money,Looks,Fame. Sean carried a dangerous vibe around him, Cold,Distant, Intimidating but handsome.Every girls dreams man.But he doesn't have the time for women. ...... "Is this some kind of trick again bella?" Sean asked as he began listening to every thing he just couldn't believe it. "Sean it's not what you think" Bella pleaded put in front of this situation what was she even thinking. "So have been fooled again" Sean said to him self. "It's not what you think Sean" "What am I supposed to think about right now!!!"Sean raised his voice. This story is amazing.Will bella tell Sean are story or we she hide it or will Sean tell her what's his plan.Will there both fight for their love or it will lead to a disaster find out what will happen between this two both hiding their dark secrets. Notice: guys I don't know how to write long novels.my novel are not long and not short is just normal.thanks I hope you understand.And this is my first book so please give it a try and I'll try to update the book cover. Thank you

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The alarm was still beating, and bella managed to switch it off while closing her eyes, she opened her eyes slowly she gasped in surprised she woke up late and today was Friday she just hoped her boss won't fire her as his personal secretary, she quickly had her bath and dress up then she didn't even had her breakfast she just left for work like she just prayed her boss will spare her.she boarded a taxi to work.



meanwhile Sean was talking with someone on the phone he was discussing a business deal with someone when someone barged in without knocking he turned around to know who it was, he hanged up the phone quickly.

"Why are you here Nasha?" he knew she wasn't here for anything else except to see him.

"Sean you won't believe it."

"what happened?"he asked.

"I mean I was coming to meet you when a girl tripped over me without even apologizing she just backed me and left I think she's new here because I haven't seen her here before ,she has to be fired."

knock! knock! knock!

"come in". Nasha said. Then bella entered inside the office immediately Nasha saw here she burned with rage she was the girl that tripped over her and she has the goddess to walk away and leave her like that she felt embarrassed.then she spoke "Sean she's the one that I was telling you about." she was giving bella a deadly glare.

"s-s-sir-r....a-am s-sorry...p-pls par-don me" she said while stammering she just hoped the worst wouldn't happen.

"shut up you fool... you think I wouldn't find out huh trust me am gonna make you pay you slot."

"pls ma'am what did I do?" bella was really confused here and her boss wasn't saying anything or perhaps her boss knows already.

"Aren't you the one that tripped over me? don't even think of playing mind games with me."Nasha said.

Now bella remembered with she was talking about.actually when she entered the company this morning she was in a hurry going to see her boss and explain everything to him when she mistakingly tripped over someone the person feel on the floor she was trying to apologize to her but she just shouted at her she even tried getting her up on her feet but she distance herself from her,and she left her and went to meet her boss . simple.

"Am so sorry I never meant to do that to you I was actually in a hurry."

"whatever you will pay for this no one ever intimidated me before..."Sean pls fire her."

Then bella heart beat skipped she turned towards her boss trying to read his face but nothing showed expect form his usual expressionless face and nothingness.

Meanwhile Sean was quite enjoying this no one ever dared to intimidate and embarrassed Nasha before he was quite impressed with bella ,then what he heard made him jolt up.

"fire her!" no way he could not fire bella she just started working under him so why firing her he too was surprised by himself he didn't want to fire her not even like this both his inner mind and outside were both saying no.then she spoke up again.

"come on Sean fire her she's not worth it."

then he too spoke "are you worth it?".

Nasha was surprised by Sean words even do Sean was still having the same power ,aura ,money , beauty she still feared him but what he spoke to her was so unlike him,what was it he found? "Sean are you telling me this?" she could feel the strange cold aura emitting from him he was always like that.but the he spoke to her sent a very cold shiver to her body making her body shake.

"yes Nasha I am the last time I checked I own this company ,am In charge here ,so I have the right to do what I want,I have the right to fire who I want to understood! he raised his voice at her.

" but sea...."

he cut her off"no but Nasha don't overstep your boundaries don't forget." he was feeling really pissed right now.nasha was really becoming something else.

"so your saying you wo....."

"yes I won't fire hire understood?"

"I am just saying that she doesn't deserve all this kind of treatment your giving her."

"so who now deserve it." "you? I don't think so"


"get out!"

"but sea...."

"I send get out don't let me repeat myself he banged the table and stood up from the chair be was sitting on."

Then with that she stood up she gave bella a deadly dare before she left his office , how could Sean embarrass her like that ? in front of that thing called a human being .who the hell was she? what does she has that she doesn't ? then she checked herself of course she was pretty and good looking she has money of course her father was a very rich businessman so what does Sean see in her? as per she knew Sean doesn't do love talk less or even liking a girl or even protecting her.whatever it was she was going to find out with that she exit the company.

***at Sean office***

"s-sir am s-sorry "

"why? you didn't do anything wrong."

"but I came late sir"

"well don't do that ever again"

"so am not fired?"

"no then she jumped up like an excited little kitten her face suddenly brightened up Sean was glad that he finally made her happy he noticed that was pale before that she was even sweating and shaking.

"thank you sir."

"your welcome" here have this he gave her a file. I want this on my desk in the next one hour.

"okay sir" then she left the office. she was so happy that she wasn't fired.

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