
Chapter 175- Court Meetings.

Kathryn's POV.

I woke up with a smile, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face if I wanted to at this moment, the happiness was evident on my face and in my body.

I yawned as I stretched touching the bed trying to feel him, I stood up when I realized he wasn't here, then it hit me, he is a king now and he needed to oversee a lot, the same with me, I have a lot to do today, especially in the women's court.

I smiled when I saw the breakfast he made for me, though it looked like it was almost past breakfast time, I ate it immediately smiling all through, he still had the chance to take of me even when he has Kingly duties to attend to, even as King, he still took every chance he got to take care of me, it's really surprising, and the same time not surprising, he was took care of me every chance he got, so I knew it shouldn't be that surprising as well, I slipped out to the bathroom immediately I finished the breakfast, as much as I am on cloud nine this morning, I needed to prepare and go out, I like how our personal chamber is arranged, how we have our privacy as much as we needed it, it's one of the best things in the palace.

It didn't stop me from reminiscing my blissful night when the water poured on me,I decided to leave my curly hair out today, so when the hot water from the shower hit me, all I could do was remember last night and smile, how crazy we went at each other, how he woke me up twice again just so we should go crazy, how he gave me mind blowing orgasms, the ones that made me really shaky, and we kept telling each other over and over how much we love eachother.

Last night was one of the best nights of my life ever, I was sure the smile on my face won't slip easily, and the bliss, how content and happy I looked it wouldn't wipe away easily, that's how amazing he is, he knew just how to put everyone in a good mood, especially me, and I am sure I put him in a good mood too, that's what we told each other last night, we both gave and received from each other a lot in this relationship.

I liked everything about our relationship, thinking about us puts me in a good mood more than I could imagine, it makes me be on cloud nine because of how amazing it has been and from the look of things, he wasn't letting our new status change anything, it would keep being this way, even more intense, we seem to be way more into each other daily, we grew closer than we've ever been, every thing we've gone through,pulls us closer, and I just knew that's how our days will be, I also knew we would keep facing things as the time went by, but one thing for sure is how we'll always be for eachother.

Thinking of facing things makes the happiness in me slip away a little, but I sighed shaking my head, reminding myself how happy I am, how I've been on could nine since I woke up and just like a switch on a channel from a TV station, I went back to my blissful and cloud nine self, it's amazing how Bas takes much of my thoughts and I don't really complain, I want him taking it, I smiled as I brought out the gown I would wear, it matched with my eyes, I heard I would get the chance to see him later I'm the joined house of royals, I couldn't wait, I planned to finish my court meetings, then prepare for the joined house of royals.


The court was more beautiful than Lyn described, every thing in the palace really was something to stare at.

I sat on the throne I saw there, with my crown on my head, I smiled when I saw Lyn walk in with a wide smile.

"My queen." She bowed and I shook my head.

"Oh please, there's no one here, how are you feeling baby?" I asked and she sat down on the chair close to me.

"I'm okay, I can't believe, but it feels so damn good living in the palace, though I have to prepare myself for venomous court ladies." Lyn said and I laughed.

"Oh my, I can't wait to see them, I did hear from you and Matteo how venomous they are, I saw a little snippet of that when I went for Bas trial." I replied and she nodded.

"Anyways, I wonder where they are?" I asked searching the empty room for the court ladies, or royal ladies as Lyn calls them sometimes.

"They want you to wait, to make it feel like they have the power over you." Lyn said and I sighed realizing how true that is, it felt like my excitement made me forget how brutal court is and how the ladies here acted,as Lyn said, even my mother warned me, I added her and Bas's mother , I needed their council more than ever.

But I wouldn't let them win with this, I stood up getting a perplexed stare from Lyn, "well they have to wait for a long time then too, at least 30 minutes tops, then I'll join them, tell our mothers to be late." I said and she smirked.

"Okay, let me join you." She said and I smirked, we went back to the lounge quarters, Lyn said she could hear them coming in, but I decided they needed to wait more for not keeping time anyways.

We ended up discussing a lot, when it was up to thirty minutes, I signaled her and we stood up leaving for the meeting room, "our moms just arrived." Lyn said.

"Good." I said loudly as I opened the door, I could see them stare at me, I felt a little unnerved when I met their gaze, but I smiled when I saw them, moving to my seat with Lyn close to me, she sat close to me as my second in command in court.

"Welcome ladies." I said and I could feel the glare and I almost laughed, they made me wait and they really thought I wouldn't do the same to them.

"You shouldn't make us wait when you know we have a meeting." One bold enough to say something said and her group of court lady minions nodded.

"You all came late, trust me, I have watching eyes,so don't think the Queen would be early for you all." Lyn replied and I smiled.

"Let's start with the order, state your complains, I don't have all day." I said sharply and I earned a smile from my mother, I couldn't help but smile back, I knew they won't like it, but I didn't really care, they needed to know I have the authority and they shouldn't behave stupidly, I could see the lady I saw on Bas's trial, and I just shook my head.

The meeting started in an amazing order making me imagine while Matteo and Lyn said court and even the council had dramas in every meeting that have been held, then the drama started with an argument, and I couldn't help but chuckle, this was as amusing as Lyn said, Matteo said I should carry my popcorn and now I really wished I did, this was award worthy, I wasn't sure actors and actresses could do this effortlessly like they just did,it was more dramatic than I expected,I didn't bother stopping them for minutes, then I felt extremely nauseous, I decided to end the meeting.

"I think that will be all for today, we'll meet each other again at the joined house of royals." I said and they nodded leaving.

I sighed as they all left, I felt much more relieved, the noise and my head, I felt extremely dizzy, I decided to rest before the second meeting.

"Are you okay?" My mother in law asked and I nodded, though I knew I wasn't feeling okay.

"I'm feeling nauseous, I'll just find a way and rest." I said and she nodded.

I left the meeting room running to our personal chamber, I undressed and ran to the bathroom vomiting immediately, I touched my tummy, I know I was late on my period, but it felt like I'm pregnant, and this wasn't the city that I could know easily with a little test.

I brought out the book my mom gave me to read, and read it out, I brought out the ingredients pricking my fingers to draw out blood, I gasped when I tested it, I really am pregnant like I imagined, I smiled happily, I'm sure Bas would be very thrilled.

I dressed up for the joined royals meeting, it was time, I wasn't ready for the surprise that hit on my way to the meeting, I felt something hit my head and I called Bas name before blacking out.