
My Cat Bullies His Tiger (BL)

Ilari is the youngest child of a renowned magical family with an enormous fortune, and his family is both proud and protective of him. Over-protective, even, if you ask him. But that's because there's a secret identity that resides within Ilari - something that even he isn't aware of. With the short-tempered but caring cat Alair as his magical familiar, Ilari doesn't have too much to complain about - except his family's over-protectiveness. Ilari wants to be a magical detective, you see, and his family is dead-set against it because they consider it a dangerous profession. They'd rather that Ilari be a magical scholar instead. Kir, on the other hand, is an orphan, and there isn't anyone around him to care about his welfare or the danger that surrounds him. Despite his talents, he likes to keep a low profile. There are more shadows in his closet than he can count. With the broccoli-loving tiger Kai as his magical familiar, unusual and mysterious is the norm with Kir. Kir never thought that he would be able to step out of the shadows and openly love Ilari and accompany him in his chosen profession. However, fate and Ilari's over-protective family have other plans for the two of them.

Jaywalker_Holmes · Fantasy
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22 Chs

17 - KAI Detective Agency

Armed with his family's blessing and Kir's support, Ilari didn't waste any time in setting up his detective agency. Within a week, an office was identified and rented – Gramps did offer to buy it for him, but Ilari refused firmly. The landlady was a nice, elderly lady called Lily with dual wind-water elements and a large, shaggy dog familiar called Darling.

"I've lived in sixteen cities in my life," she told Ilari cheerfully, and added with a wink, "When I first move in, my neighbours think I have a very…colourful life because they can hear me calling for Darling at all hours of the day and night!" She showed them a spacious set of rooms on the second floor.

Ilari loved the space immediately. It was bright and airy, and although the building was old, it was very well-maintained. Lily rented out the entire three-storied building to small businesses. The ground floor had a coffee shop, the first floor was a book store and the third floor was rented by a company to store their files. They even had nice parking spots across the street and individual access to each of the floors. Most importantly, it was right in the centre of the city, and Lily's price was an excellent bargain, given the location.

"I like it," Ilari said, and looked at Kir for his thoughts.

Kir nodded. "It is nice."

This was actually the third place they were scheduled to visit, but Kir suddenly needed to visit an ex-colleague in this area and suggested they see this one first.

Lily clapped her hands in delight and Darling attempted to lick Alair affectionately. The silver cat avoided the canine and climbed on to Kai's back deftly.

The tiger sighed but didn't dislodge the cat. Darling eyed both felines balefully.

"My Darling is a bit too affectionate to people he likes," Lily explained. "You look like such a nice couple, he's quite taken with all of you. Have you been married long?"

"We're not married," Ilari said immediately. He didn't notice the flash in Kir's golden eyes.

"Got engaged recently," Alair spoke up lazily. "Wedding will probably be held next year."

Ilari blushed furiously and opened his mouth to protest, but Kir interrupted him.

"Are you certain you do not mind us renting this office for our detective agency?" the older man asked Lily.

"It's fine," Lily replied nonchalantly. "I've been married to a gangster as well as a policeman. There's hardly anything you young people can do to scare me. Although, if you end up with a corpse here or damage the building in any way, you'll have to bear the costs of clean up and repair."

"Of course," Kir said, nodding.

"Have you decided on a name yet?" Kai asked.

Ilari nodded. "KAI Detective Agency," he announced.

Lily and Darling giggled. "Oh, how romantic!" the landlady exclaimed. "You're naming your business after your fiancé's familiar!"

"I object!" Alair hissed angrily. "Useless human! If you are the one naming the agency, shouldn't you at least name it after me, your own familiar?! Change it to Alair Detective Agency right now! It can be called ADA for short!! So much better!"

"I don't think it is named after me," Kai said quietly. "If we take all our initials, we would have the letters K, A and I, right?"

Alair hummed thoughtfully. "Is that what it is?" he demanded, glaring at Ilari. "Have you put two K's in the name?"

Ilari smirked and shook his head. "No, I really am naming it after Kai. I drew his portrait last night and he looked so good and impressive that I decided to make it our logo and name the agency after him."

If tigers could blush, Kai's orange and black fur would be bright red now.

"Well, he does look good, even I can't deny that," Alair grumbled. He nipped Kai's ear playfully. "You'd better bring us luck as the mascot, got it, pretty tiger?"

Kai ducked his head shyly.

Kir cleared his throat. The tips of his ears were a little red, but he was otherwise quite composed. "Shall we finalise this office and cancel the other appointments, then?" he asked Ilari.

"Yes, no point in driving around unnecessarily," Alair commented. "Why don't you be productive instead and cook me a plate of salmon?" he asked Ilari.

Ilari frowned at his cat. "I already packed lunch for us," he said.

"Then, since you have some time now, why don't you guys take a little break and go for a picnic?" Darling suggested. "When was the last time you went on a picnic?"

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Ilari mused. "The last family picnic was probably when I was still in high school."

"How about you two?" Alair asked Kai.

Kai ducked his head despondently. "We…we've never been."

Ilari felt a twinge in his heart.

"Oh, dear, that won't do," Lily said. "There's a nice public park nearby. I'll give you directions."

"Would you like to join us?" Ilari offered. "I packed more than enough for all of us."

And thus, the six of them ended up going for an impromptu picnic. Lily and Darling were rather likeable, and Ilari was quite content as they discussed how to set up the office interiors. Of course, he didn't forget to keep an eye on Kir and Kai to ensure that they ate properly.

"I'm pretty bored these days," Lily said. "Why don't you let me be your receptionist for the time being?"

"Yes, let's do that!" Darling piped up eagerly.

Ilari looked at Kir.

"It's…not a bad idea," Kir said.

Ilari turned to Lily. "It truly wouldn't inconvenience you?" he asked.

"I wouldn't have offered if it did," she told him. "Besides, you shouldn't turn down free labour when you're just starting out."

"We'll give you a cut when we make profits," Ilari promised.

Lily laughed. "Young man, I own several buildings in the centre of the city. I'm not short of money."

Ilari flushed, embarrassed.

"What are your plans for the afternoon?" Darling asked.

"Movie date," Alair declared. "You can't come with us."

"Shut up, Alair," Ilari snapped.

The silver cat turned up his nose at his human.

Lily and Darling burst out laughing.

"All right then, I won't keep you young lovebirds! Off you go!" the elderly landlady told them.