
My bully-Jelena story

A failed swimmer and an expert swimmer. Would be a great match. However that failed swimmer's bully is the expert swimmer. And she needs his help. Ain't that great?

Mahjabeen_Shah · Celebrities
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20 Chs

Part 1

Part 1

"His touch was like poison in the form of heaven"

Selena's POV 

I woke up with the sun shining in my face.

And I couldn't help but let out a frown when I realised it was a Monday.

I mean no one likes Monday because of school.

But I especially don't like Mondays because of swimming. 

I just don't really like the idea of getting into a pool drenched in freezing cold water with my swim suit giving me an awkward wedgie.

I sighed and started to notice an disgusting smell.

God what was it? 

Oh wait, I place my nose to my armpit....

I think I just died.

Yeah I need to have a shower. 

I quickly rushed to the bathroom and went into the shower.

I remember that I brought a new strawberry scented body wash and well this was a good time to use it.

I realised I was talking to myself and shook my head with a laugh.

I quickly cleaned myself with my body wash. 

Once I was done, I wrapped a towel around my body and brushed my teeth.

After I was finished with that, I went back to my bedroom and checked my watch.

It was 8:00, meaning I had half an hour to get to school. 

Ugh even the word school gets me grumpy. 

I groaned out loud... including making loud stomps with my feet on the ground.

Okay Im technically a kid. So my tantrums are justified.

I went to my wardrobe and changed into ↓

It was kinda a Christmas outfit  ecause it was December....

Ooo I hope it snows heavily, because I love snow and school would shut down then I wouldn't need to go.

Wow I really do hate school.

Oh well.

Also it was from my dad, so I kinda had to wear it. 

I made that mistake once and we'll let's just say he made me pancakes with a frownie face on it and 'outfit hater' in syrup.

I walked to the mirror and I let my hair loose causing them to reach half way down my arms.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to see my mum and dad having breakfast. My eyes snapped towards mum who had a slight worried look on her face. 

Wonder why that was? 

I entered the kitchen whilst doing my suspicious whistling. "Hey mum, hey dad" I said with fake cheer looking at them and grabbed a piece of toast from mums plate taking a bite into it. 

Luckily she didn't really notice and let out a grin.

I sat on a chair next to her realising she wasn't going to hit me for her toast.

"Selena, we have something to tell you" I heard mum say and I raised my left eyebrow signalling her to continue. "Well we are having someone over to dinner with us" mum smiled causing a small dimple to appear and I nodded for her to continue.

She gulped as she glanced my dad and she held my hand. 

I looked down at out hands and squinted at her.

My mum only holds my hand when she is doing something which I won't like. 

Wait does that mean...

"-And you need to promise me that you'll be on your best behaviour whatsoever" she said as she continued to smile and I leaned back a little go figure out what she hinting at.

Was she going to tell me I'm adopted and those guests are my real parents are planning to take me away?

Because if so.

I wouldn't mind.

I tilted my head in confusion. "Um I promise" I said slowly not fully trusting my words and she let out a breath of relief causing me to stiffen.

"-And that someone is Justin's family" she said giving me another nervous smile and I felt my eyes widen. 

Wait Justin.

As in Justin Bieber.

My bully.

The devil.

The one that hates me for no reason and did I mention.


She tilted her head as I froze before sighing.

"Yes I mean Justin Bieber, I know you guys don't like each other but please don't ruin the dinner. I really want you two to be friends and actually Justin's mum and I have become really good friends so please cooperate for me" mum said squeezing my hand gently and I tried to swallow the words I wanted to explode out of me.

My mum didn't know that Justin bullies me.

I mean she knows we hate each other but I hadn't had the guts to tell her about the continuous abuse he gives me.

And now she said Justin's mum is her friend.

So now I definitely cant. 

I looked back at her releasing a breath before nodding.

She smiled before giving me a tight hug.

And I mean a TIGHT hug.

"M-mum can't b-breathe" I choked trying to gasp for air and she quickly let go off me. 

"Sorry" mum sheepishly said with a grin and I shook my head laughing a little. 

I turned my head to my dad who seemed awfully quiet.

He suddenly glanced at me before shrugging and looks down continuing eating his sausage and bacon causing me to shake my head with a chuckle.

I was about to take a sausage from his plate but he slapped my hand away.

"Owey" I said rubbing my hand and I glared at him.

"Don't touch my bacon and sausages" he said pouting like a child with food falling out as he had a full mouth. 

Ugh he's like obsessed with his food. 

Well I can see where I get my food cravings from.

I let out a sigh. "Ok I'm gonna go to school bye" I said kissing my mum and dad on the cheek.

But before I went, I snuck behind dad and tried to get a piece of his bacon but he quickly turned around and slapped my hand away again. 

Dude how'd he see me? 

"I'm like a ninja" he grinned and does a karate chop in the air.

I shake my head laughing and left the house to walk to school. I sighed breathing the fresh air that I had before I reached school, which was like 5 minutes away from my house so I didn't really worry about getting up late.

I made sure to really enjoy my walk before the school sucks all my oxygen out as usual.

I finally reach and looked at my planner to see swimming written all over it..

Well not really but it felt like it.

It obviously had to be first period like what's better than having wet hair for the rest of the day. 

I groaned and went to my locker to get my swimming kit but stopped as my light bulb appeared in my head.

Maybe I could say I'm on my period.

Oh wait I said that last week and the week before that.

Maybe I could say that I have period issues.


I mean I had a male teacher so he would barely understand I guess.

I turned around to walk to swimming but I was pushed against the locker causing me  to let out a squeal.

I looked up to see the biggest asshole of the year.

Justin Dickhead Bieber.

No on could beat his record for some reason, but he seemed to break his record every year. 

He pushed himself against my petit body causing me to groan.

"What the fuck are you doing here Slutena?" he growled in my ear and I felt myself weaken under his tall height. 

Ok I was kind of scared of Justin cause well he's 10 times the size of me.

Not saying he's fat.

I mean he's fit but I mean I'm weak.

"-Well" Justin groaned tightening his grip on my arms and I looked up at him in confusion whist clutching on his arms so I didn't fall. 

Wait what did he say?

I sighed as he asked the stupidest questions ever.

"I have school so I kinda have to attend" I said stating the obviously and he let out a sigh before whispering something under his breath which I didn't quite understand but I think that was a good thing.

He glared at me tilting his head down causing a strand of hair to drop to his forehead. "I mean why haven't you died yet?" he smirked at me and I felt myself frown.

Oh right yeah yesterday he said that.

How could I forget?

Boy sometimes I just want to slap his face because of the words that come out of it.

Just slap.

Slappppp sllllappp slapppp.

I gulped. "Well because I thought since we only live once, I haven't completed a lot of my wishes on my imaginary list like meeting Brittany Spears so I kind of need to cross that off my bucket list and I can't do that if i'm 6 feet under ground" I pouted innocently at him and he pushed into the locker causing me to let out a groan.

He slide me up against the lockers so we were face to face.

"Don't act too confident around me Slutena because that will get you in trouble, a lot of trouble" Justin threatened me and I was about to let out a laugh but I kept on getting distracted by his lips that were inches from touching mine.

I looked at his eyes and I think he glanced at my lips but I don't know.

"Ok now can you let me go?" I whimpered slightly and he growled once more before pushing me to the ground and walked away leaving me with a broken back.

Maybe not broken but it still hurts

Ugh and I even have swimming.
