
my brother, my mate

ScaryStoryTime · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The place

The sun was beating down on her fur. She ran through the sunshine all the way to the place. The place which she told herself she wouldn't go. The place were her father laid peaceful 6 foot underground. The place that held both of her parents bodies. The place where she felt the weakest. The place where she became the sister to the alpha. The place where she failed my one job, protecting her parents. The place where she took responsibility for her parents death. The place where she blamed herself. She laid beside of her parents graves. Even though they never treated her like they loved her, she still left empty and lonely. Her step brother took over the roll of Alpha since he said that she was useless and didn't deserve the spot. With those words her heart shrunk along with any hope for her mate. Lavender knew that if her own family didn't love her then neither would her mate. The cuts on her arm grew in number everyday. She hated herself for everything. Though she didn't show her weakness to anybody. She stood tall though she always felt like shrinking. Lavender came back to the place everyday to put more flowers to hopefully gain her parents forgiveness. The loud beeping filled her ears as she reached to press the off button. Once her feet pressed against the cold cement floor of the pack house basement a soft yawn escaped her lips as she tip toed up the dark staircase and opened up the black wooden door. She bent over to place socks on her dirt covered feet, so she wouldn't make to much noise. she quietly shuffled across the squeaky wooden floor boards. She walked into the dark kitchen and silently turned on the light. Her eyes met the to do list that sat everyday on the top of the oven. She sighed and trailed her grey eyes up to the green numbered clock. "4:30 A.M" she said out loud as she rubbed the sleeps out of her eyes. Lavender stood on a old wood chair to reach to top shelf of the oak wood cabinet. "Got it!" she whisper yelled before doing her happy dance. She quickly jumped off of the old chair and lift it up so it doesn't drag along the floor. She quietly placed it back at the dinning table. She quickly began making pancakes. As her 'pack members' rolled into the kitchen she placed the syrup on the table and scurried back to the basement. Just like her brother told her to do. She flopped down on her mattress that laid against the dirty cement floor. Her head was filled with thoughts. "Can I leave? Will I ever be able to leave? Will I ever get my mate?"She questioned in her head as she tied back her hair that touched her shoulders. Lavender's eyes traced her dark room a soft sigh escaped her tired lips. She stood up and pulled the chain on the one bare light bulb on her ceiling. She picked up the witch like broom and metal dust pan that always sat in the corner of her 'room'. Soft sounds of the brush hitting the dirty ground. She hummed quietly as she swept the dirt and dust up into a big pile. The door burst open and her wooden broom fell to the ground causing a small crash to echo off of the closed off walls. Her brother stood at the top of the lightless stairs. "Get up here you useless Runt!" He yelled and stomped down the creaky steps. "I said come here!" He shouted and wrapped his hand around her wounded small wrist. His hand gripped her cuts tightly, she bit her lip to hold in her cries of pain. Suddenly a loud slap and stinging followed the sound. Her pale cheek now held the hand print of her brother. "Useless! Bitch! Stay right there!" He yelled as he started to take off his leather belt. Lavender's grey eyes widen in fear as he came closer to her holding the belt in his hand. "Come her you stupid slut!" He yelled and yanked Lavender by her blond hair to the middle of the room. His leg slammed into her stomach causing her to fall to the floor clutching her stomach. He dropped the belt on the ground and punched her on the nose. A loud crack followed his punch, she knew her nose was now broken. He picked up the belt and straddled her legs. The belt met her face, stomach,back, legs. Anywhere he could hit. Tears fell from her eyes as he kept punching her and smacking her with the belt. He stood up an stumbled up the stairs leaving Lavender with broken ribs and bones. Blood ran down her face making a pool along the ground. Shakily she stood up and walked into her bathroom. She gasped when she saw the damage with her own eyes. Alex, her brother always hit her when he was mad, drunk, sad, happy. It didn't matter what mood her was in. Lavender traced her split lip. a soft sob left her mouth as she touched her broken and bloody nose.She looked into the rusty mirror and punched the glass. Her hands found the sharpest piece that came from the know shattered mirror. The glass traced her soft flesh slowly splitting the skin. The thick red substance fell from every cut as the once clear glass now was stained red. Lavender quietly said every awful word about herself that came to mind every time the glass came in contact with her used to be milky flesh. "Ugly. Worthless. Slut. Whore. Runt. Forgotten. Hopeless. Mateless. Gross. Ungrateful. Stupid." Her hand was a shaking mess as she stared at herself in the glass fragment. Her eyes became heavy and her thoughts became fuzzy.Lavender's eyes closed and body fell to the cold cement floor.