
My Brother is the Protangonist

Guang Shishe, a descendant of the illustrious Dragon Kingdom, makes a startling discovery—his own brother is the long-awaited protagonist. Despite being born into royal lineage, Guang Shishe failed to manifest the inherent advantages of his blood, while his brother successfully awakened the dormant Golden Dragon bloodline that had remained inactive for millennia. However, Guang Shishe is no ordinary individual; he was a man consumed by an obsession with temporal research, ultimately leading to his demise as he inadvertently ruptured the fabric of time. Miraculously, he finds himself reborn in the body of Guang Shishe. Now navigating this altered reality, Guang Shishe is driven by a singular ambition: to conquer time itself. What better experiment than to control the destiny of an immortal protagonist?

Gibeu · Fantasy
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1 Chs

My Brother is the Protagonist, So It’s ok to Eat Soft Food Right?

Nestled amidst rolling mountains and lush bamboo forests, there stood a magnificent institution known far and wide as the Soul Daojing Academy. 

This distinguished school bore an air of antiquity and tradition, with its elegant, ancient stonework structures and the surrounding forest. 

Within these walls, young cultivators were moulded and tempered into powerful Soul Masters—a type of master that wielded their very souls to fight against evil and cultivate their spirit in preparation for the Immortal Heavens.

The academy's grounds sprawled across acres of meticulously landscaped gardens, adorned with blooming lotus ponds and bonsai trees older than the oldest of masters. Massive stone gates guarded the entrance, inscribed with ancient runes that pulsed with an otherworldly energy. 

Within the confines of the academy, pagodas soared towards the heavens, their roofs adorned with golden dragons and phoenixes that seemed to come to life when the moonlight graced their scales.

At the heart of the academy stood the Grand Hall of Qi, a colossal structure where students congregated every morning for lectures, and the monthly competitions. 

On the outside, the hall's exterior appeared fairly underwhelming, sporting plain brick walls and simple earthen rooftops, devoid of any gold or ornamentation. It bore more resemblance to a nondescript shrine than a magnificent academy hall.

Yet within, the Grand Hall of Qi contained some of the most beautiful and exquisite décor in the Soul Daojing Academy. Intricately chiselled pillars held the building together, while elegant tapestries and paintings adorned the walls. The floors were built from a strange translucent crystal which glowed when Soul Stones were inserted, illuminating the entire hall with a soft, blue light.

On ordinary days, disciples clad in emerald robes and silver insignias could be found seated within the hall, eager to learn the secrets of soul cultivation. Their young, unmarred faces shone with fervent anticipation as they sat attentively, absorbing the lectures from their esteemed teachers, who were often masters that had achieved at least partial soul perfection.

On the day of the opening for new freshmen, the entrance of the academy was filled with people around the age of 12 to 15. Most of them were dressed in common clothes, but there were the odd few donned in expensive, silk robes. However, they were quickly ushered into the changing rooms to put on the green robes of the academy. Well, that's only if you got accepted.

To understand how to get into the academy, one must reach rank ten. How does one do that? That's a tale for another time. The majority of the kids were here for the initiation, as the academy doesn't hold trials until a year later. They will have to prove they are ready and then pass the tests.

There were lines of people outside of the gate getting tested, but there is one person in particular who stood out, but he's not the one forming this story. It was actually the transparent person beside him. Hell, even the gods might glance over him.

At the gate of the academy, two boys wearing royal, yet tattered clothing were painting, seemingly out of breath. Both were covered from head to toe with dust and grime, their clothes ripped and their faces scratched and bruised. However, their eyes shone with a strong and brilliant will, full of hope and determination.

"Brother Shishe! We made it!" cried the taller of the two. He had bright yellow hair which matched his eyes and sharp, aristocratic features. He had a well-built body and the bearing of a warrior, standing tall and proud like the noble lion.

His name was Guang Long, but everyone just called him Lionheart at home. It was not because he was courageous or heroic, but because he was the only descendant of the royal family of the Golden Dragon Kingdom that wields the blood of the legend of the Golden Dragon. The boy with a similar aura of nobility beside him was called Guang Shishe, but it was like he blended into the surroundings, making him unnoticeable.

"Brother, what did you expect? Us to die?" Shishe said, rolling his eyes and then muttering, "After all, you're the protagonist."

"Huh, what did you say?" Guang Long said, not knowing what he said.

"Oh nothing," Guang Shishe chuckled, smiling.

"Whatever, we're here now! I can't believe we had to travel so far, run into a spirit beast horde, survive in the woods, starve, and go days without water. I can't wait to get admitted into the academy and sleep in a nice warm bed!" Guang Long said, sighing wistfully, but his eyes were full of arrogance.

"Don't mention it." Shishe said, sighing lighting, his eyes full of emotion as the events of the past unfolds in his eyes.

It was because of this trip he learnt that his brother was actually the protagonist. The two were travelling through the Soul Mu Forest after leaving the Golden Dragon Kingdom due to their father, who was king, saying that in the past ten thousands of years, all kings went to Soul Daojing Academy and studied. One even became one with the heavens and became a god with four others!

Of course the Kingdom slowly started to fall, which led to the invincible Golden Dragon Kingdom to slowly start to fall as well. Now the Kingdom is as powerful as the two rivaling kingdoms. The Holy Kingdom and the Naiad Empire. Both are as powerful as one another and are locked in a stalemate.

Of course Shishe knew that this would change one day and his brother would actually be the one to end the war. Why? Because he's the goddamn protagonist. Who else better fits the job than the protagonist? Of course there's those MCs from web novels, but the chances of that are as high as Shishe getting the protagonist's job. Which is not likely as he's the brother of the protagonist.

But of course there's that trope of killing the brother of the protagonist to take the title. Which won't happen as Guang Long is a lot stronger than Shishe, and has had experience in cultivation as well. Also isn't it better to accept the soft food given by his brother? After all, he has a soft spot for family, just like any protagonist. So Shishe will gladly take the soft food given to him as well.

Back to the main point. How does he know his brother is the protagonist? Well let's start with what happened three days ago...