
My Brother's Rival

New rule: Opposite charges attract, Like charges are toxic. I'm just a sweet little girl. He's the new boy that charges the air with danger. Terrifyingly, the danger get's me high. Ash had very bad reasons to follow his 'was best friend in hell' to a new town. What he didn't expect was the innocent little sister. If they were related, surely she had a wild side too? Slight change of plans.

Pearson_BJ · Urban
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40 Chs

Part 10: Which guys?

"You want to leave now?" Devyn touched my arm.

"Huh?" For the slightest of moments, I was lost. I had spoken aloud again, hadn't I? "I... no, no... This place is... great and luxurious and looks like some café from the future or something."

"And the problem with that is? You have some grudge against the future?"

"No... I just... I..."

"You expected more? Something better?" Devyn probed.

"This place makes me feel at home. Why would I leave home to come here when I get the same feeling?" I told him, desperately trying to convey the message that I didn't really like that place without hurting him.

"You little devil," My brother nudged me. "I know what you're trying to say, it's exactly what I had hoped for. This place is in two sections. This is the part that nerds like you prefer, and the other part is where devils like you manifest."

My face brightened up. "Really?"

"Sure." He signaled for someone. "Besides, none of us would want a devil in the wrong part of the garden again or Eve's history would be repeated, wouldn't it?"

I laughed out loud. Most times I was really the most fortunate to have a brother like Devyn.

"Is this her?" I heard a low voice drawl.

I turned, in time to catch him brush a whole bunch of golden locks back, the gesture putting pressure on his biceps which caused them to obediently bulge out. He didn't look like a sales person at the most boring place in town at all.

He looked like a stripper fresh out the bedroom where he was servicing the wildest of clients. I instinctively pressed my thighs together to stop the tingling sensation that was starting at the core of my center. Wrong move.

The movement invited the attention of the darkest golden eyes I have ever seen. His angled face had high cheekbones, a tipped nose and only a hint of dark facial hair on olive skin. And, his Eve's Garden vest which was tagged 'Dave' gave the impression it was designed squarely to show off his tight body.

The closely placed, lazy eyes fixed on my thighs, rendering me uncomfortable and aware that my sexuality was still in tact and had already kicked in. I shifted in my chair and his eyes took their time to travel to my face.

By the time he looked into my eyes, my hands were fidgeting on the counter, and the tingling sensation had turned into a thumping swell.

He smiled, exposing a single sharp canine. "Hi,"

I swallowed.

"Adey?" Devyn turned to me.

I took my eyes off the tender to my brother but only for a second. "You wanted to take me somewhere." I said unable to get my eyes off the giant on the other side of the counter. "Let's leave."

"Are you sure?" Devyn looked between the tender and I. "Because I think your eyes are stuck on him and I don't see them getting off safely enough."

I glared at my brother. "Is there a bathroom somewhere here?"

"The single person's or a twosome bathroom?" Dave asked.

"What do you think?" That came out in a wrong tone. I had intended it to come out with a hint of irritation but the tone I used was a breathless needy one that I never knew I possessed.

"Are you two flirting right in front of me?" Devyn gasped in disbelief. "Dave?"

"What?" Dave nodded at my brother. "Usually, my ability to sexually attract anyone makes you proud but all of a sudden you're sounding like a cathedral father listening to the confessions of a shapeshifter." He flipped his hair back fixating his gaze on me again.

"Bathroom's that way Adey, ignore the two golden doors and the purple one and get into the black door." Devyn indicated his eyes not leaving Dave's face.

I followed the directions and found the bathroom. I rushed into one of the cubicles, leaned against the door and let out the breath I had no idea I was holding.

I have been turned on before, but never by looks. Not even watching porn could get me wet. What happened a minute ago was the most bizarre thing that had ever happened to me since the beginning of time.

I mean, he looked untrustworthy, messed up and as evil as Ash.


Was I suddenly attracted to every dangerous looking person because of Ash? That couldn't be. A couple of days ago I was fantasizing over a nerd in my living room, nothing like Ash.

'But he had dangerous unruly looks.' A tiny voice whispered at the back of my head and I waved it away. It was unrelated to Ash. I was probably unconsciously thinking about sex with Javier.

I was probably still shaken up by the near break up experience.

Right. I assured myself. But the experience had left my panties a little damp. Not fair.

"Here you are." Devyn smiled when I returned, his eyes flashing a warning at Dave.

"Yeah." I sat down eyeing Dave who had a smile playing on his lips.

"Devyn says you don't like this place." Dave slid a milkshake across the counter. "But I like you. Does that count?"

"Thanks," I accepted the milkshake.

"For the drink or liking you?" He asked, his eyes glinting devilishly.

"The drink." I told him.

"Accepting the drink means I'll be seeing you again, doesn't it?"

I frowned at the drink between my hands and eyed my brother. "Did you bring me here to sell me?"

"It doesn't seem like you've got a problem with that." He muttered.

"I... What?"

"Even if I did before I'd change my mind following the chemistry that I witnessed." Devyn announced.

"Chemistry?" I looked between the two young men.

"You guys started flirting at sight." Devyn said.

"Which guys?" I asked and he opened his mouth to say something but closed it without saying anything, looking instead at Dave.

A smile slowly spread on Dave's face. "I think I really like your sister. Don't ban her from coming here yet."

I said nothing, but a little devil inside me had started celebrating.

What do you all think about Dave? Oh, and finally, what do you think about Adey? Was there any Chemistry or was Devyn simply being a typical brother? Read on and smile

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