
My Brother's Keeper

Izuku’s life is going fantastic. He’s a third year in college on his way to an engineering degree, he’s got a bomb girlfriend that’s not afraid to really give him what he wants, and his mom is getting remarried after all these years! Which would be great and all, if the man she was marrying wasn’t Bakugou Masaru. You know, the father of Bakugou Katsuki. His childhood friend, middle school bully, and, oh yeah, the guy he spent the last two years of high school fucking.

daniel99 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Katsuki throws down his keys onto the kitchen counter and Izuku, hands on the straps of his backpack, walks in awkwardly behind him. It was a short train ride, then walk, to Kacchan's apartment, and Izuku's mind had been racing non-stop.

He's got to admit, he's nervous. Kacchan actually seems to care a lot about his friends, and making a good impression is going to be paramount. Especially this roommate – Kaminari - character. Kacchan hasn't really told Izuku much about him – mostly that he's 'so dumb I fear for his genetic offspring' and 'a musical genius,' which limits Izuku's conversation pieces. But he HAS spent the past week researching different musical instruments, popular bands and the finer points of what music majors study, so he's as prepared as he's going to be! With a look of determination, Izuku rehearses how he's gonna introduce himself in his head.

"Welcome to the Den of Homoeroticism, green bean!" Before Izuku has a chance to say anything or look up, a blonde head, more golden-retriever than human, pops up from the couch. His amber eyes are trained on Izuku, like he's a shark smelling fresh blood, and the limber man actually stands up on the couch cushions and makes a show of climbing over the back.

"Green bean….?" Izuku starts.

"We don't call it that," Katsuki adds quickly, placing a defensive hand on Izuku's lower back, as Kaminari barrels toward them with reckless abandon.

"Uh… thank you for having me here." Izuku says politely, shaking off the previous comment.

"Yeah, dude! We've been psyched! We even put you on the calendar!" The exuberant blonde points to the refrigerator, and, against his better judgement, Izuku follows the man's finger.

Izuku turns to the refrigerator, where a sexy fireman calendar is held up by a Pikachu magnet. Mr. March has an 8 pack and is lounging with low slung pants and suspenders on a red truck. Well, there's that, but there's a cutout of Kacchan's face, grimacing, taped over the actual fireman's face. Today the date is circled, followed, in big words "Brother gang bang today!"

"G…gang bang? Do… I'm…." Izuku's face automatically flushes bright red, and be can't stop the stammer from leaking out, to Kaminari's amusement. He turns to Katsuki, eyes wide.

"I'm lubed up and ready to go, stud," Kaminari winks at him, and Izuku is pretty sure he's going to dissolve into the ground, with the body temperature he's certainly reaching. He turns his head from Katsuki, to Kaminari, back to Katsuki, horror in his eyes. For some reason, Kacchan is not reacting. It takes a second for Izuku to process the brother part of things, but when he does, he's pretty sure he's going into nuclear meltdown.

Kacchan's evil roommate is already laughing his ass off, tossing an overly comfortable hand around Izuku's shoulder, pinching his ruddy cheeks as Izuku flails his arms in panic.

"They know?!?!?!" Izuku screeches, every hair on his body standing on end.

"I didn't mention that?" Katsuki says, nonchalantly.

"Down, Dumbass. If you don't tell him to fuck off, he's gonna hump your leg all week." Kacchan presses on Izuku's lower back, and Izuku starts to walk in said direction, Kaminari undeterred, staying glued to his side.

"Don't worry, I'm super into step-sibling porn, and I have cameras all over Katsubaby's room, so, you know, get busy whenever…"

"K-Kacchan… " Izuku's stammers, pressing harder into his step-brother's frame, unadulterated horror dancing in his poor, innocent green eyes.

At that, Katsuki looks down at Izuku. Izuku doesn't expect that that would cause the look of sheer, unadulterated panic in Katsuki's eyes.

"Why did you –" Katsuki starts, accusatory, when overwhelming laughter and wheezing cuts them off.

"KACCHAN?! Oh. Oh Jesus. That's so cute. You really are brothers. Oh Onii-chan! My pee pee is standing up, what should I do with it?"

Kaminari turns his voice low, "Well, little brother, you know how you can suck on popsicles –"

Izuku prays for the grace of God to send a tornado through this apartment in this very moment, pick him up and yeet him the fuck off into the sun. Or tear him limb from limb. Whichever.

"You disgusting mother FUCKER." Katsuki grabs the electric blonde, zooming around the room like he's hopped up on drugs by the collar and drags him in the opposite direction of where Izuku stands, pushing him towards his own room.

"You disgusting BROTHERfucker," Kaminari giggles, and finally disappears behind his door.

"What." Izuku states, absolutely stunned, dropping his things off in Katsuki's room.

"Yeah. He's a lot."

"Harvard?" Izuku asks.

"Yeah, majoring in Clown Studies with a minor in Having a Punchable Face. Fuckin' moron."

The two of them exchange a look as two honks, as if on queue, emanate from the living room. Although Izuku's sure that Kaminari was joking, he still glances around the corners of room, and under all of Kacchan's sturdy books, just to make sure there really isn't a hidden camera in there.

Turns out, there's not. Turns out, a lot of the apartments in Boston are just old, and that things are pretty easy to hear between rooms. A fact that Kaminari doesn't forget to mention, constantly, suggestively, almost creepily.

It's a different side to Kacchan that Izuku's never really seen before. Not that you can assume things about people with the company they keep, but… Izuku really can't stop himself from smiling when the electric blonde cuddles up to Katsuki on the couch, easy affection that Izuku couldn't even imagine being accepted in any known universe, or when he notices Kacchan bobbing his head to the sound of electric guitar radiating from Kaminari's room.

It's nice. Its all… so domestic. For a couple of days, Izuku even forgets how fucked their entire situation is. He feels… normal.

"Ay, don't stay out too late lovebirds! The squad is coming over tonight!" Denki Kaminari calls out as Katsuki and Izuku head out the door. Katsuki doesn't even acknowledge his roommate, simply locks the door behind him and gives Izuku a bored stare.

"The squad?" Izuku inquires, small smile already playing on his lips.

"Leeches. Dunce-face's friends."

Izuku watches Katsuki's stoic face and grins.

"What are we doing today, Kacchan?" Izuku asks. Without words, Katsuki intertwines their fingers. In the cool spring air, Izuku watches the buds on the bare trees, virginal and ready to flower, crowds shucking their large jackets despite the chilling wind, everything and everyone bathed in sunlight. Everything feels new, and beautiful, and fresh. He glances up to his blonde counterpart and squeezes his hand.

"Fucking… Boston tourist shit." Katsuki grumbles. He takes a beat to add, "That okay?"

Izuku nods enthusiastically, and holds on to the buff arm of his boyfriend, nudging his head into the man's shoulder. Izuku can swear that, despite their familiarity, despite their intimacy, Kacchan still blushes.

So they walk. Hand in hand, through Boston Common, past the Benjamin Franklin statue, onto Old North Church. Izuku's laps up the historical sites, stopping to read the plaques as, to his surprise, Kacchan talks about each site like a certified tour guide. It's a nice, long, leisurely stroll, and towards the end of it, they stop at a coffee shop.

They start the walk back, Izuku happily sipping on his iced coffee, when Katsuki clears his throat.

"…So. What… what do you think? Of Boston?" Katsuki's voice sounds rough, strained, a spark of something deeper behind his words, and Izuku tilts his head at him with curiosity.

"It's really nice. I love all the historic buildings and museums. And being close to the water. Don't really know what you're missing out on when you've been landlocked all your life, ya know?"

"It wouldn't be a bad place to live," Katsuki says, more as a question than a statement.

"Yeah, I'm sure its fun! You seem pretty happy!"

Izuku must have said something wrong, because his boyfriend mumbles something incomprehensible under his breath and ends their conversation. Izuku shrugs, enjoying his drink, unaware of the insecure maelstrom that is building in his step-brother's paranoid brain.

Kacchan's friends are forces of nature. First of all, they each barrel into the apartment without so much as a knock, changing the atmosphere, the very air into something excited and sparkling. Second of all, they all seem to know a lot about Izuku. Too much, even.

"Ay! We late for the orgy?" the tall, black haired lanky man croons, sauntering in like he owns the place, making a straight shot for a shell-shocked Izuku.

"Stop teasing the guy! Hey, Izuku! I'm Eijiro Kirishima, and this is my girlfriend Mina Ashido," he points to Mina, a pink haired girl in a leopard print body-suit, who is already setting up drinks in Kacchan's kitchen.

"The lanky dude is Hanta Sero. Sparky's girlfriend is gonna stop by a little later. We've all heard a lot about you, buddy! Happy to see you here!"

He's exuberant, sharp in both hair and teeth, but soft in personality, and next to Kirishima, Izuku feels instantaneously relaxed. And, surprisingly, a little jealous. He seems cool, calm and levelheaded. And, uh. Clearly stacked.

Izuku blushes as his eyes trail down the red-head's frame, insecurely ogling his massive arms.

"Yer gonna poke someone's eye out," Kacchan insists as Kirishima, seemingly seeing the way Izuku is staring at him, decides to flex in his ridiculous muscle tee. He wraps a possessive arm around Izuku's shoulder, and somehow, there's a beer in Izuku's hand, although he's not 100% sure who put it there.

"Deku, idiots. Idiots, this is Deku."

"Um. Izuku Midoriya. Pleasure to meet all of you."

"Yeah, I'm sure you pleasure meat all the time…" Kaminari comes from nowhere, chortling like hyena under his breath.

Sero makes a show of leaning over, examining Izuku's assets, before nodding thoughtfully.

"Well, can't say KitKat was exaggerating. Nice to meet you, Perfect Ass!"

Izuku flushes up and down as the group laughs.

Kaminari seems to have taken a liking to Izuku, though, and it takes a while to see that Kacchan has abandoned Izuku's side as the boisterous blonde tugs Izuku from person to person, finally saddling him up next to a girl with purple hair and a pair of expensive headphones around her neck, changing the music pumping through the speakers in the living room.

"Midori-yum, this is Jirou, my girlfriend, my light, love of my life…" Kaminari yells, and Jirou blushes, nearly dropping her phone as she puts a finger over her lips, covering her shy smile with a 'shush.'

"Um… you. You all know about our… situation?" Izuku asks, embarrassed.

"Yeah, dude! Its like some star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet bullshit. I mean, we do have a strict bakubroes before bakuhoes policy. So your whole situation…" Kaminari sizes Izuku up, wiggling his eyebrows, making Izuku glance down at his beer. "Kind of throws a wrench in the saying. Hey, Kiri," the blonde calls across the room, "What do we call someone who is a both a bro and a hoe?"

"A bromosexual?" Ashido interjects, and the five of them laugh. Even Izuku tries to. But something is off, and the half-hearted chuckle dies in his throat.

He can't keep his eyes off them. Ashido with Kirishima, Jirou with Kaminari. Sero's the only one that seems to be alone, but even he seems right at home, easy, comfortable. These are Kacchan's friends. The people in his life. The people that he chose. Izuku suddenly feels incredibly lonely, like he doesn't belong, and maybe never will.

Not knowing where Kacchan is, Izuku makes his way out into the porch to get a breath of fresh air, the ache in his chest insistent and depressing.

Izuku almost doesn't notice when a red-haired menace and a giggling blonde rush outside, followed closely by the sickeningly sweet smell of marijuana.

"Whoa, Midoriya! What are you doing out here all by yourself?" Kirishima asks, wrapping an arm around the green boy's shoulder while Kaminari sits on his other side, passing the blunt between them. They offer it to Izuku, and he waves it away, shaking his head politely.

They sit in amicable silence for a few minutes, before Izuku finally speaks, his throat feeling raw.

"…Kaminari, can I ask you something?"

"Call me Denki, buddy! But yeah, sure."

"…How long have you and Jirou been together?"

Kaminari looks like he's thinking for a long time, then grins.

"Its been like 6 glorious months, my dude! She's so out of my league we're not even playing the same sport but its been...." Kaminari sighs dreamily, and Kirishima reaches across Izuku to punch him in the shoulder.

"Sap alert!"

Izuku frowns. Six months together, and they're already saying I love you to each other. Six months, and there's this ease, this understanding, this connection between them. Kacchan and him have known each other for years, but Izuku can't help but feel that there's a wall, impermeable and unspoken, between them.

For one, Kacchan hasn't told him that he loves him.

"Why do you ask, Midoriya?" Kirishima asks. His gentle smile makes Izuku feel like he might just crumble.

"… Is… does Kacchan seem happy? I'm sure its, um, not easy, to be with someone long distance, and… " Izuku fiddles with his shirt, biting the inside of his lip. He leaves the words unsaid, but they ache in the back of his throat. Long distance and complicated. Long distance and his goddamn step brother. He feels so vulnerable, and he half-wonders if there's a second-hand-high going on, because he's on the brink of crying in front of these two total strangers, and he can't bring himself to care.

"Dude… I know Bakugou isn't the best with expressing his feelings, but you seriously don't know?" Kirishima asks, new tenderness in his eyes. Izuku can feel the tears, stupid and ready to spill, stick to his eyelashes, whipping free as he shakes his head.

"Don't tell Bakugou about this. He'll kick my ass." Kirishima is nearly whispering, like he's sharing some kind of secret with Izuku. Izuku swallows hard, steadying himself, and opens his eyes. Kirishima is holding a cellphone out to him, paused on a video. Too embarrassed to let the redhead see him being so sensitive and weak, Izuku simply presses play.

The video is grainy, shaking like crazy, clearly held by someone either going through an earthquake or in a deep state of intoxication. But he can definitely make out the beautiful blonde silhouette of Katsuki, sipping on some kind of clear cocktail. His eyes look glazed and he's not staying still – it looks to be the end of some kind of crazy night, red cups littering the floor behind him. Somewhere to the recorder's left, Izuku can hear a slurred, high pitched voice that he can only conclude is Kaminari.

"Okay Kitty Kat, truth or dare?"

"Fuckin' dare, dunce idiot. Fucker."

"Can't get into my pants with just sweet talk, baby boy!"

"Pfft, like I wanna swim in a pool of drug-resistant chlamydia, you fucking passed around blunt."

"Ouch, dude! The slut shaming!" Kaminari laughs, and Katsuki has a cute, self-satisfied grin on his face. Seeing him like this, despite Izuku's misery, makes him smile.

"Fine, if you're so goddamn good with words, I dare you to recite us a fuckin' poem, Edgar Allan Hoe!"

Somewhere from the background, he can recognize Mina's voice, "Charles Bukows-gay!"

"Homo David Thoreau?" That one sounds a little bit like Sero, somehow more sober than the rest.

"We're getting off topic. Well, Comrade Katsuki?"

Katsuki snorts, some of his drink backwashing back into his cup.

"Y'all are in for a fucking ride. Get ready to slip-n-slide outta my place with how wet this shit is gonna make you. Dumbasses." Katsuki clears his throat and sets his drink down. Something changes on his face, making Izuku's breathing hitch.

"There are so many things I'm not allowed to tell you.

I touch myself,

I dream.

Wearing your clothes or

standing in the shower for over an hour, pretending that this skin is your skin,

these hands your hands,

these shins,

these soapy flanks.…"

He's reciting the words from memory, somehow, ringing clear, confident, the tempo the image of perfection and Izuku almost has a hard time hearing, with how quickly his heart is beating, with the incessant flow of blood into his own ears.

Its beautiful. Its beautiful and intimate and feels like something Izuku shouldn't be seeing. Something private. And yet, he can't look away, just watches, slack jawed.

"We're shooting the scene where I swallow your heart and you make me

spit it up again.

I swallow your heart and it crawls

right out of my mouth.

You swallow my heart and flee, but I want it back now, baby.

I want it back.

Lying on the sofa with my eyes closed, I didn't want to see it this way,

everything eating everything in the end.

We know how the light works,

we know where the sound is coming from.




I'm sorry.

We know how it works.

The world is no longer mysterious."

In the video, no one makes a sound. Katsuki opens his eyes, picks up his glass, and takes a prolonged drink.

"Holy shit, bro." Kirishima whispers on the other end of the phone.

A pink flurry jumps in from the side, and Mina's arms are wrapped around Katsuki. Izuku can tell that there are actual tears streaming from her eyes.

"Bakugou! Who hurt you, baby? Who were you in that in love with?! Kiri has never read something so beautiful for me, un-gay yourself and be my boyfriend immediately."

"Pfft, you fucking wish, Pinky. Doesn't fucking matter. Its, uh. Its over. He was… Just a guy I was seeing in high school. Never really saw what all these shitty fucking poets were writing about… until him." Katsuki smiles, and no one laughs. Almost out of respect, it seems, the video goes black as Kirishima pulls his phone back, staring at Izuku expectantly.

"… so what? That was a long time ago. I wasn't…" His stepbrother then. Izuku can't even say it out loud. It makes a difference. It makes all the difference, even if some people, even if Kacchan's friends, pretend like it doesn't. Quickly and discretely, he wipes a tear from under his eye.

"I've known Baku for three and a half years, and I've never ever seen him talk about anyone else like that." Kirishima starts, looking off into the sky, almost seeming nostalgic. "He's maybe a little difficult to get affection from, but… He talks on the phone with you every night. He was all fucked up when you were dating your ex. He missed you like shit, dude. Baku can be a bastard, but he's loyal to a fault. He clearly loves you. I'm sorry he hasn't told you, yet. Its not your fault, dude. You gotta be patient with him."

Something defensive spurns in Izuku's chest. "I've known Kacchan since we were kids… But he seems to trust you guys more than he trusts me. Loves you guys more than he loves me. Maybe that's… never gonna change. Maybe I don't deserve it."

"Fuck, dude. Have you told him that? He'd not that bright, compadre, sometimes you just gotta tell that human-Pomeranian-hybrid what it is you want." Kaminari's amber eyes look up at the moon, serious and morose. Under the starlight, he looks unexpectedly pensive and handsome, and Izuku hates him. Just a little bit. For having what he desperately, hopelessly always wanted.

Kacchan's already in his room when Izuku treks his way through the door, the remainder of his friend's hugging Izuku goodbye. He doesn't know how to feel. The world is no longer mysterious. Maybe it never was. Izuku knows the reality that the two of them are in. He may have been in denial, may have excused it all with 'the power of love', but this is the truth. He can't have what Kaminari has with Jirou, can't have what Kirishima has with Ashido. He can't even have what Uraraka has with Tsuyu. He can't have any of that, and it makes his heart hurt so bad, he doesn't know what to do.

"Whats going on with you?" Kacchan asks, finally. Izuku feels like he's going to unravel. He wants to scream, to yell, to cry. Where were you all night? Why did you leave me alone? What do you want? What do I want?

What do I want? Izuku looks Katsuki up and down, giving him this curious look as he sits on his bed, and Izuku knows exactly what he wants. In that moment, something possessive, feral breaks free from a wall in Izuku's mind. Kacchan's his. His.

He bridges the distance between them in two rapid steps and slams their mouths together, suddenly unsatisfied in being passive, of waiting, of letting Kacchan take the lead. He's taking too long, and it hurts way too much. Kacchan doesn't want to tell their parents, so they don't. Kacchan doesn't want to tell him he loves him, so they don't.

But Izuku wants it all. He wants everything.

Izuku nearly growls with the thought, gripping at his step-brother's ass, peppering kisses down his jaw, his neck, sinking his teeth in, not letting Kacchan get a single word, a single kiss, a single touch in.

"Deku, what the fuck?"

"This is what I want." Izuku states, as if answering some unspoken question, fire and fury in his eyes. Dangerous green meets shocked red, and he sees the blonde's face relax.

"What, you want to fucking top me?" Katsuki leers, and Izuku can't help but clench his jaw.

"Is that a problem?"

Katsuki looks taken aback, and Izuku's nerves bristle.

It is too much? To want Kacchan to be his? To take him, to fill him up, to fill him with his cum, to dominate and take ownership and hurt him? Its driving Izuku wild, the beast inside him nearly starving, the scraps Kacchan gives him not enough to sustain him. He needs more. He stares defiantly back at Katsuki, waiting for the other man to respond to his request.

"I… uh. Need to prep, then. Give me a few minutes." Katsuki says, voice uncharacteristically shaky, as he gets up off his bed and goes to his bathroom. Izuku sits on the bed, fiddling with his fingers, his own heart in his throat.

What does Kacchan want?

What is Kacchan willing to give him?

What is Izuku willing to accept?

In high school, he'd take even a brief glance, a sloppy handjob. He'd shower happily in the scraps of affection. But now…? He loves Kacchan, but if Kacchan isn't willing to give all of himself to Izuku, maybe… maybe Izuku should let him go. The very thought feels like poison, coagulating his blood and shooting icicles through his veins.

Its not like he'll ever stop loving Kacchan. Loving Kacchan is intrinsic to him. Like breathing, like sleeping. Its never going to change. But just because Izuku loves him, doesn't mean that they should be together.

If anything, visiting him shows that Kacchan is capable of giving more. Capable of loving, of connecting, of succeeding. That's what his life has been, before Izuku re-entered it. He's got such a bright, beautiful future. And Izuku wants to drag his claws through it.

Kacchan comes out of the bathroom a few minutes later, holding a towel and avoiding eye contact. He looks sweet and bashful, a cute blush peppering his cheeks. Its weird, with Kacchan being so much bigger than him, but as he approaches Izuku, he seems small, vulnerable. The blonde wordlessly gets between Izuku's legs, and naturally, Izuku's hand rest on the other man's waist. He can feel the muscles rippling underneath, and he runs his fingers over them in appreciation before pulling the blonde roughly towards him.

When Kacchan doesn't say anything, Izuku glances up at him. His beautiful red eyes are on him, but they seem far away, like they're not really seeing Izuku. He hates it. Almost violently, he drags Katsuki into his lap, arching his hips so he can rub his erection against the other man's thigh.

His. Kacchan has to be his. Izuku won't settle for less.

Izuku stands up, their bodies flush, and easily takes off Katsuki's shirt. With an exhale of appreciation, Izuku leans in, running his tongue along the nape of Katsuki's neck. He licks and sucks, harder than he probably should, hard enough to leave a mark. He keeps going, even when the man hisses in pain, even when his hand pushes against Izuku's chest.

"Shit, what the fuck – "

"Want you. Get… Get on your knees, Kacchan." Izuku, rage building, points to the bed. Katsuki stands in front of him, defiant, seemingly thinking about the command, but Izuku doesn't relent. Finally, Katsuki nods, and crawls on his bed, ass up in the air. He's so damn pretty, skin looking so fair that if he spanked him, smacked his palm against those muscular cheeks, it would become a delicious pink. And his cute pink hole… wouldn't it look nice stretched, cut up around Izuku's cock?

Izuku's not sure where these violent thoughts are coming from, and he steels himself for a minute, breathing in deeply. The desire to dominate has never been so strong, and the sight of his beautiful step-brother, ass up in the air like the perfect pillow princess, so obedient for him, is doing insane things to his self-control.

Searching Katsuki's bedside drawer, Izuku finds the lube and quickly coats his fingers. He's never been as good as Kacchan at this, but he tries to be ginger about it, fingers trembling with the inherent need to fuck, hurt, stretch even when the blonde starts to grumble, arching his ass back to increase their contact.

Its wordless. Izuku's whole body feels like its sinking into the abyss. Emptiness and desire intermingle on his tongue, and he only prays that the feel of Kacchan's entrance will return the warmth, return that feeling of belonging. Lining himself up, Izuku enters him slowly. He peppers Katsuki's back with bites and kisses the whole way in, a trickle of pride hitting his chest when the man hisses and then moans when Izuku bottoms out. He pushes down on the nape of Katsuki's neck, pinning him.

More. This isn't enough. He needs more. Izuku can't comprehend why there's tears in his eyes, why his hands trail up and down the other man's body, squeezing hard, fingernails digging into the velvety skin of his back. He bites hard into the flesh of his own cheeks, putting a hand around his own throat, hoping to temper the madness in his mind. He's going insane. He's going insane, and the warmth of Kacchan's insides is going straight to his brain, the contents of his head melting into a warm bowl of soup ready to spill over.

His hands don't listen. With a wet, loud smack, Katsuki's head shoots back. Izuku can see the large, red hand-sized mark on the blonde's ass cheek, and he punctuates it with a sharp thrust. Fuck. Izuku bites harder into the flesh of his mouth, feeling the tell-tale taste of iron cover his tongue. He digs his fingernails into the meat of the man's ass, hips moving as if they were designed to obliterate Kacchan's hole, each smack breaking free a whimper, so innocent and wrecked, out of Kacchan's hanging mouth.

He smacks again, over the same red mark, and Kacchan moans. Fuck. Izuku changes his angle, pistoning himself repetitively, and the noises coming out of Katsuki's mouths are divine. He's never heard him sound like that before – he lands his hand against the red, inflamed skin again, and Kacchan nearly howls.

Izuku's out of his mind. He's fucking, too focused on the reaction he's getting from his step-brother to pay attention to his own body, sensitive and tense, ready to break at any second, each thrust sounding a hell of a lot like Mine, mine, mine to Izuku's rattled consciousness.

"Deku, holy fuck –" Kacchan bites out, and Izuku's not 100% sure what's happening. His name makes him wake up out of his daze, and he looks again. He's pretty sure he's cum already, he's so numb, but he's somehow still hard, somehow still sliding in and out of his step-brother's ass with lube and jizz coating his way, a second, oversensitive, overwhelming orgasm building in his system. He's even more surprised when Kacchan throws his head back and when a spurt of cum shoots out of him, hitting his comforter. That sight itself… Izuku can't hold it together any longer.

Its intense. No, that's not the right word. Otherworldly. Izuku's legs are shaking, his toes are curling, and the feel of his partner rhythmically contracting around him sends him into a frenzy, his cock spurting uncontrollably, Katsuki's flesh in his mouth as he bites wherever he can reach, salt and sweat mixing with the taste of blood, leaving Izuku feeling like a wild animal, a wolf howling at the blood red moon.

Shaking, Izuku pulls out. His legs almost give as he wobbles to the bathroom, coming back to wordlessly clean Kacchan up. He lets him, too, not even twitching a muscle, chest heaving with the exertion. Naked, their sweat feeling cool in the open air, Izuku finds himself nuzzled into the crook of his lover's arm, spent and overwhelmed and happy.

So his dumb mouth says what his dumb brain's been thinking.

"Kacchan, I love you."

He feels the man under him stiffen.

The silence lasts too long, and Izuku's sense of peace dissolves into nothingness.

"Please, just… just say something. Tell me what you feel. You don't… I don't know and it hurts, please, please Kacchan…"

"…I don't know what you want me to say." His voice sounds rough, like his vocal cords have been put through a blender.

"Yes you do!" Izuku nearly shouts, disconnecting his body from Katsuki's, staring at the other man's impassive face.

"Tell me this is all for something! Tell me that this matters! You don't want to tell our parents, you don't want to tell me you love me, do you want to even be with me?"

Kacchan says nothing. Izuku's on the brink of tears, and, furious, he grabs his clothes off the floor and walks out to Katsuki's living room to freeze his ass off on the couch.

He wakes up, back aching, feeling like he's run a marathon. Someone put a blanket on him overnight, and he peeks blearily past it. The rage, the hurt from last night still sits heavily on Izuku's chest, and he pretends that he's still sleeping, not ready to face the day, to face Kacchan, to face his own words and Kacchan's lack-thereof.

Which is why he overhears Katsuki and Kaminari talking in hushed voices in the kitchen.

"Dude, why is your boyfriend on the couch?! If I had someone that fucked me like that, I'd fucking propose to them on the spot!"

"Shut the fuck up, idiot. He's still sleeping, don't –" Kacchan sighs. "Its fuckin' complicated, okay? Its not all fucking incest jokes and orgasms, shitface. Can you get that through your thick fucking skull? We either break it off, fuckin' destroy our family or hide for the rest of our lives. Is that funny to you?" Kacchan's furious whisper rings out much more clear than Izuku's sure that he intends, and it hurts Izuku to the point where he can't breathe.

Breaking it off is an option, huh? It wasn't in Izuku's head, and suddenly, the chasm between them seems infinitely wider.

They stay silent on the train to the airport. They stay silent as Katsuki walks him close to his gate. The ache builds to a rancid wound in Izuku's very heart, to a flood, and, as his step-brother stares at the floor of the airport terminal, Izuku, contempt in his eyes, says the only thing he can.

"I'm not going to wait forever, Kacchan. Make up your mind."

The other man says nothing. Doesn't even say goodbye.

On the plane, Izuku notices an email from Endeavor Industries sitting on his phone. Gritting his teeth, he clicks 'Reply.'