
My brother's friend

Tang An is a high school student about to graduate. But everything changes when her brother's friend moves in. Battling with trauma from home, she tries to overcome her family challenges but when an unknown secret is exposed, can Tang An survive its consequences or will she die at fates hands?

Nzoputa · General
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12 Chs


…She felt a presence behind her…


However, she didn't care, she just wanted to pick her stuff from the ground and get away from here as fast as she could.


She paid vague attention to what was happening behind her, and after a few seconds, she could feel that there was another person standing by the door.


In the next instance, she felt someone beside her, helping her pick some things, she could tell it was Mr. Han, but he ignored his actions as though he wasn't even there.


Tears were still flowing down her eyes like a stream and her nose ran like the tap. When she had picked up all the things from the floor, she got up and turned around to leave, and at the same time tried to wipe her runny nose.


She could tell that the second person at the door was monitoring her, but at this point, she barely even cared. Her cheeks still stung, and the sensation of the slaps she had just experienced could still be vividly felt.


Tang An was about to make a break for it but suddenly, the person by the door who was monitoring her grabbed her elbow, turning her to face him.


She stared at the ground not daring to look at the person out of embarrassment, the next thing she knew, he turned her chin so that he could examine her face.


And just as he was about to touch her swollen cheeks, she said in a hash and tear struck voice without looking up,


"Let me go, this is none of your business"


She forcefully yanked her hand from his grip, and ran away.


Tang An ran towards her room and once she was in, banged the door tightly behind her and fell on her bed.


She cried for a really long time, her heart was sour and hurt at her mum's crude behavior. She couldn't understand what she had done to her to make her mother treat her in such a way.


The thoughts that had constantly flooded her mind in her childhood came rushing back.


'Why doesn't she love me?'


'Shouldn't mothers love their daughter's, especially when they had only one?'


'Why was her case different?'


When her family moved back from Nigeria, her mother had suddenly started being cold and distant with her, she didn't even visit her for months when she was still recuperating in the hospital steer the accident.


Her dad had told her that her mum was really busy, but Tang An always wondered what could possibly make her so busy that she couldn't even visit her own daughter in the hospital. She had even prayed that her mum would visit her.


And after a while, she started showing up, but that was when she started becoming cold and distant. She would often scold her for the slightest things, and whenever she made a mistake during her physiotherapy, her mother would get into a fit and would lose her head.


She would rage on and on at Tang An, making the poor convalescent feel awful. At some point, she stopped praying for her mum to visit her, and would hope that she never came over.


Her mothers' behavior did no good in helping her quick recovery, but instead slowed it down.


Later when she finally did heal, her relationship with her had hit rock bottom, and she was already frightened of her mother. The thought of her would make Tang An's heart run for a million miles. She feared her so much that she would frequently lock herself in her room whenever her mum was around, and she would cower at her feet whenever she made the slightest mistakes.


When she heard her friends speak about all the cool things they did with their mum like, shopping, going to a spa, the movies, and other cool things, her heart would sink and she would just give a small smile to mask her sadness and the grief she felt in her heart.


When she went out with her mother and saw other girls happily giggling and holding on to their mothers hands, she would look up at her mum who normally strode elegantly in front of her, and would wonder if she would ever have such moments with her.


Whenever she tried to hold her mum's hand, she would forcefully shove it a way and scold Tang An for misbehaving in public.


The sight of all this would leave a bitter taste in her mouth and would squeeze her heart, it would feel like a sharp needle pierced through her heart at that moment, the pain sharp and evident, destroying her whole mood.


All she ever wanted was for her mum to love her, even if it was just a little, was that too much to ask for? The wave of pain and grief that often clutched at her heart always made her depressed and destroyed her cheerful spirit.


Have you ever longed for so little that it seemed so much? The feeling of hatred that she received was devastating, especially to a little girl.


After a few years of experiencing such hardship, she slowly got used to it and would play deaf ears to her mother's unkind actions.


It had become a usual thing, and she always acted nonchalantly and bluntly towards her, but today, today was really bad, she didn't even know what she had done, she had just followed her mother's orders to avoid any problems, but still her mother found fault in her and decided to be so mean.


'I mean who does that to their own child, talk more of their daughters.' Tang An wondered.


Tang An didn't know how long she cried, but somehow she had fallen asleep. Only when she heard the house phone ring did she finally open her eyes.


It was dark by now and Tang An surveyed her room, the dark purple walls which flowed up to a lighter shade of purple gave it an ecstatic look.


The murals on the wall had bright colors, which she had made gave the room a faint glow as the lights were switched off.


She turned her gaze towards the source of ringing which disrupted her sleep. She could feel a sting in her cheeks and her face felt like it was wet and then dried.


She remembered that she had cried herself to sleep. Then the scenes from earlier on flashed through her memory.


The ringing sound persisted, and with great effort, she got up from bed. She was extraordinarily weak, and remembered that she hadn't eaten all day.


She staggered towards the switch to put on the light, then walked slowly to the phone and picked it up. In a weak voice she said into the phone, "Hello?"


Her mother's voice sounded through the phone, "Come to my study."


Then the phone went dead and a long beep followed it.


A frown spread across Tang An's face, there wasn't any emotions in her voice, so she wondered what her mother wanted, and had a premonition that it wasn't to say sorry.


She looked down at her body to discover that she had gone to sleep with her messy clothes then walked to the bathroom to freshen up and into her walk-in-closet to find a suitable dress to wear.


She resolved to put on a simple white frail gown with butterfly sleeves and let her hair down.


Tang An walked out of her room bare feet and towards the elevator, pressed the button, which led to the fourth floor, and watched the doors close.


Lu Xiang had left his room door open, and after several hours, heard another door open as well, he jumped off the coach he was siting off and trotted softly towards his door, hoping to catch a glimpse of Tang An.


Luckily, for him, just as he reached the door to have a look, he saw her walk out of her room and shot the door behind her.


He stood by the door and watched as the girl clothed in a white frail gown, hair loose falling down her back and bare feet stepped into the elevator, pressed a button, and watched as the doors slowly closed.


And in the last instance, she raised her head and looked in his direction, their eyes met for a split second just as the elevator doors closed.


The unwavering feeling of uneasiness slowly crept back into Lu Xiang's heart. He stood there transfixed for a little while before finally turning around, closing the door behind him.


The image of her angelic form was stuck in his mind for a long time.



Hi guys, Nzoputa here.


Sorry for the lack of updates, as you already now, I have exams and haven't been able to post frequently. But thanks for remaining loyal, ;*.


I'm hoping to keep trying to post whenever I'm chanced, and I hope you haven't began to lose interest in the novel, I apologize once more.


Back to the story, so what do you think about the emotions here, do you think I did a good job at conveying Tang An's sadness. If I didn't, would you please kindly inform me and also leave advice on how I can improve it so as to make the reading experience better for you. Thanks in advance.


Also, why do you think Tang An's mother called for her? And what do you think will happen next? Will it be another round of abuse? Or would it be for some other unknown reason? What will happen now that Tang An has seen Lu Xiang? Will any romance begin to brew? Or would she be resistive towards him? Stay tuned to find out more.


Just a quick reminder that you should please, please; help to support this novel by rating, voting, leaving a review or simply commenting your thoughts below. Thanks again.


