
My brother's friend

Tang An is a high school student about to graduate. But everything changes when her brother's friend moves in. Battling with trauma from home, she tries to overcome her family challenges but when an unknown secret is exposed, can Tang An survive its consequences or will she die at fates hands?

Nzoputa · General
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12 Chs


Lu Xiang knocked on the door, and after a short while, it slowly opened.


He walked into a massive study, which had a big handmade mahogany desk right in its center. A shelf of books stood here and there. And documents stood neatly arranged on the desk.


Tang Jin sat at the far left hand corner facing the window. She had a cup of ten in her hand and sipped it slowly as she watched Lu Xiang approach.


On seeing Tang Jin, Lu Xiang was angered once more as the memory of Tang An's disheveled state flashed through his mind.


The resemblance between mother and daughter was astonishing. They had the same color of hair, the same pointed nose, same face shape and the same full pink lips.


The only difference was that Tang Jin's eyes were coal black, and Tang An's eyes were a soft golden brown.


One could easily mistake the two without looking at their eyes. And to top itt up, Tang Jin looked about the same age as her daughter.


Tang Jin was a bit surprised to see Lu Xiang standing here in her study. His facial expression was a bit off, instead of his usual cold emotionless expression, there seemed to be a hint of…


Was that… Anger she saw. 'Hmm' she mused; 'What could have set off my guest".


"Mr. Lu, what can I d…"


He caught her off immediately, in an ice cold voice he said; "You hit her."


Tang Jin looked at him, a look of confusion plastered on her face as she said; " Hit who?


What ever do you mean Mr. Lu.?"


Because Lu Xiang didn't know Tang An's name, he could only say in an even more icy voice;


"Don't play smart with me Mrs. Tang, you hit your daughter, that's abuse."


She scoffed turning her face away towards the window, licked her lips and nodded her head, not in response to Lu Xiang, but to an internal thought, she bore.


She turned her gaze to him and said in a completely composed voice that suggested threat;


"Mr. Lu, I don't think you are ion any position to question how I discipline my child, if she does something wrong, I am obliged to correct her.


"Mrs. Tang, " Lu Xiang began,


"There's fine line between discipline and abuse, and it's a shame you can't tell the difference."


At this moment, Tang Jin sprang from her seat, seething with rage.


"Mr. Lu I would advise that you watch your tone with me, do not overstep your boundaries, and do not forget with whom you are speaking to."


"You are a guest in my house, and I will not tolerate being insulted in my own house," she said emphasizing the 'my'.


"So you should do well to remember that and do not forget your place."


Lu Xiang kept quiet, sparks flew between them, and the daggers he starred at her almost frightened her a bit, but she remained unmoved and said;


"If that's all Mr. Lu, you can leave my study."


Lu Xiang remained unhinged for a few more seconds before finally bowing, turned to leave and slammed the door behind him.


Tang Jin sat back in her chair slowly, picked up her tea cup and took a sip before finally giving a sigh of relief.


"So Tang An disobeyed me… again? Hmm."




Earlier that day.


Tang An was almost done with her chores, and it was almost 4pm.


She still hadn't eaten all day, and she was beginning to feel a tad bit weak. She was glad that she was about to finish, it was just remaining the room at the end of the hallway in her floor.


She had her headphones on as she worked and was singing along to the song that was playing, when suddenly, she felt a hot sting on her cheeks and stumbled backwards.


The force of the slap was so strong that she tripped over the mop bucket behind her and fell unto the dressing table, knocking some things down in the process.


She was transfixed and didn't know what was happening. A hand forcefully ripped off her headphones from her head making her fall to the ground.


She looked up in confusion, only to find her mother standing there, facing her, hands on her hips, feet tapping on the ground. Her facial expression was sour.


Tang An wondered what she had done this time to anger her mother, she was still weak and found it hard to get up from the ground.


"Tang An," her mother began. She only called her by her Chinese name when she was in trouble, so she knew that she was in soup.


"How many times most I call you before you answer hmm? I have warned yoy on several occasions not to ignore my call."


She pulled her by her hair, raising her face to look face her.


"Look at me when I'm talking to you."


"I.. I didn't know you were calling me" Tang An stuttered in a weak voice.


"How would you when you've got that bloody thing blasting into your ear. Have I not warned you about using that thing? I guess you don't want it anymore right?"


Tears began to well up in Tang An's eyes, mostly because of the tight grip on her hair but also because of what her mother said.


Her music was the only thing keeping Tang An sane and it was her only escape from all this drama, having it taken away from her would break her soul.


'Why was all this happening?" Tang An wondered in her heart.


"Why are you so darn disobedient?, her mother's voice overshadowed her thoughts.


"Why are you just doing this room? You know Tang Jiang's friend is going to stay here, and you're still not done." She let go of her hair with force, knocking her down again.


"You asked me to do it last," Tang An said as she slowly struggled to her feet again.


"What's that supposed to mean hmmm? Why are those sheets on the bed? Didn't I ask you to put the oxblood ones?


Why are you using those curtains? Didn't I say the one with spiral patterns?


Why is the dressing table like that?"


By now Tang An was consumed with anger.


"You asked me to do all that," she said in a loud voice.


"Don't you dare talk to me like that," her mother interjected.


"And stop looking at me like that," she said giving Tang An another heavy slap.


"Stupid, worthless piece of trash, why are you so damn useless." She gave her another slap.


Just then, one of the attendants rushed to Tang Jin and informed her that Lu Xiang was her.


She looked at Tang An with anger filled eyes she slapped Tang An again and whispered


"Now look what you've done, my guests' room is not ready and he has arrived."


Then through clenched teeth she said; "Tidy this mess up before he comes, because if he meets you here, you would be sorry."


She walked out, leaving Tang An weeping on the floor.


After a while, Tang An got up, mopped the water, changed the sheets and the curtains.


As she was picking up the things from the floor, she felt a presence behind her.



As promised, here is an update. Although I still have exams, I found free space to post this chapter, hope you like it.


Thank you for reading my book so far, and I hope you are enjoying it. Please leave your views on it and suggestions on how I can improve on it in the comment section below.


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Thanks again,

