
My brother's friend

Tang An is a high school student about to graduate. But everything changes when her brother's friend moves in. Battling with trauma from home, she tries to overcome her family challenges but when an unknown secret is exposed, can Tang An survive its consequences or will she die at fates hands?

Nzoputa · General
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12 Chs


"Bye guys;" Tang An said to her friends as she waved and walked off in the other direction.


She held the straps of her back pack tightly as she strode slowly towards home. The streets were scanty today, but Tang An vaguely noticed, her attention was drawn away from her surroundings because her head was filled with a sweet tune which she hummed softly to her self.


Her mind was set on default mode as her steps seemed programmed. She branched at 'Aunty Chen's place" to buy some of her special chicken noodles.


She greeted Aunty Chen as she walked in.


"Hello Aunty Chen,"


"Xiao An, my precious darling, how are you today?"


"I'm fine Aunty thanks for asking, how are you?"


"I'm alright I guess, just pushing through."


Tang An dropped her bag on a nearby chair, turned to her and said enthusiastically; "What can I help you with, hmmm? "


"Oh darling what am I going to do without you?"


"Who knows, probably be more successful."


Aunty Chen laughed softly, the sound of which ringed through the semi-empty restaurant.


" There isn't really much to do, today was such a slow day, I barely had any customers, I don't even know about this business anymore, everything is falling under". She said this with a shadow over her eyes.


Tang An felt bad for Aunty Chen, she wish she could help but didn't know how. Aunty Chen's Place had been here for as long as she could remember, and the business used to be booming until the new restaurants started opening all over the town drawing the business away.


She could still remember when they moved to A city, Aunty Chen place was the first restaurant they'd visited.


She ordered her favorite chicken noodle soup which Aunty Chen brought to her with a big smile that warmed her heart. The aroma of the food filled her nostrils and made her feel like she was floating on a cloud.


And when she had finally taken a bite, she fell in love with it and the restaurant. Ever since then, she had frequently visited the restaurant and often helped Aunty Chen, most especially after her son had passed away.


"Don't you worry Aunty Chen soon enough this restaurant will pick up again and be the best restaurant in A city, I assure you."


With this a wide smile spread across Aunty Chen's face and her spirits were lifted again. Tang An helped Aunty Chen with some chores, ate her delicious chicken noodle soup and was off.


The atmosphere had become more soothing and this lifted Tang An's spirit some more, she began to hum her sweet tune again and in no time was singing the song silently.


She waved at some familiar faces she met, one of which was Tang Lee's friend Qing Jun. They stopped to talk for a while, this was the perfect opportunity to ask him for that favor she had long be waiting to ask; "Do you still teach programming?" she started after giving the complementary greetings;


"Not really, I've been busy for a while now, I decided to pause it for now until further notice, why do you ask?"


"Oh I just wanted you to help me with my latest project in school, but its no problem, I can probably find someone else to help."


"Oh yeah, your still in high school, what grade are you in?"


"I'm in my senior year,"


"Really, so your finally a senior? That's nice, your gonna graduate this year right?"




"Well if it's for you, I'm sure I can create sometime to help you with your project."


"Really?" Tang An said in a high pitched voiced, because she was excited.


"Yeah, its no problem."


"Thanks, alright bye, I have to go, its getting late."


"Ok no problem, I'll call you when I'm free."


"Thanks again," Tang An said as she walked away waving.


She began to sing her song softly again.


It didn't take long for her to reach home, and when she passed through the iron gates which led into the compound, she increased the volume of the song she was singing, her melodious voice ringing

through the compound.


She walked into the living room with her head held high and her voice ringing through the air. She paused when she saw two ladies eating noodles on her dining table.


She blushed a little cause she felt embarrassed, she didn't know that there would be strangers in the house, if she had known she probably wouldn't have sang so loudly.


The ladies smiled at her hysterically and she bowed her head in greeting as she apologized for her singing, this made the ladies giggle a bit as they told her she had a nice voice.


They offered her some noodles but she respectfully declined, she told them how she had just eaten before she arrived. But they remained persistent, a little too persistent which rose some suspicion deep within her.


Luckily for her Tang Jiang walked in. They were Tang Jiang's friends. He seemed a little suspicious of the situation and asked what was going. The ladies started talking to him so she used the opportunity to sneak away to her room...


"What an odd pair of ladies " she thought to herself as she changed out of her uniform.


She changed into a coral off the shoulder top with flare sleeves and a pair of slim fitted khaki pants which outlined her slim figure.


She tied her thick long chestnut colored hair into a rough bun exposing her large golden brown eyes. She looked into the mirror to verify her appearance for a while, observing her pointed nose and her full pink lips.


When she was through, she ran down the stairs gleefully but stopped abruptly at the bottom of the stairs as she saw another stranger, male this time, standing right in the middle of the living room. There eyes met for a split second but she quickly ignored him and ran into the kitchen to get some lunch.



Thank you for reading my brother's friend. This is actually my first novel in webnovel and I hope I'm doing a good job at it. I decided to edit some things and change the story line to improve the novel. Please bare with me any errors and feel free to comment your thoughts below.