
My brother's friend

Tang An is a high school student about to graduate. But everything changes when her brother's friend moves in. Battling with trauma from home, she tries to overcome her family challenges but when an unknown secret is exposed, can Tang An survive its consequences or will she die at fates hands?

Nzoputa · General
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12 Chs


Earlier that day, Tang An's older brother Tang Jiang met up with his friends in a hotel they often visited, where they rented a room for their get together. They hadn't seen each other in a while so it this was a good opportunity for them to catch up.

"...And then she turned to me and said, 'I don't know who you have become anymore."

They all laughed, Feng Ming one of the guys, was telling a tale of his latest romantic disaster which was a classic to the guys. He had had so many romantic disasters that they had lost count.

Then Qing Jun another one of the guys stood up, a wide smile spread across his face as he said; "But seriously guys lets have a toast to Tang Jiang and Lu Xiang who are venturing into this business as partners, we hope you guys succeed and if you do, don't forget your life time pals, we wouldn't mind sharing the money".

With this an uproar of men laughter could be heard over the room.

"A toast to Tang Jiang and Lu Xiang"


Lu Xiang who had been sitting quietly in a corner smiled a little as he raised his glass in correspondance.

They partied for a while and then it was time to go. Tang Jiang and Lu Xiang left together. Tang Jiang was giving Lu Xiang updates about some things.

"The total expenditure will some up to 130,000 yuan and will have to be paid latest next week. The investors meeting will hold tomorrow night and we will have to be there before 10..."

Lu Xiang who had been silent all through the trip suddenly spoke up and said to Tang Jiang;

"Would you mind if I stayed over at your house for a while?I think it will be better for me since you live closer to town and I live so far away."

Tang Jiang was a little stunned becuse he had never expected Lu Xiang to make such a request. He knew he was a man of little words and so was truly surprised.

He hesitated a little before finally saying; "Uhm of course you can, I'll just have to ask my parents first."

Lu Xiang was pleased with this response and he was sure Tang Jiang's parents would agree, although he had only met them once. He kept his ulterior motive of wanting to stay with Tang Jiang hidden.

And hidden he hoped it would remain.


Lu Xiang dropped Tang Jiang at his house and sped off into the night. As Tang Jiang stepped out of the car, Tang An came running out to meet him and asked him if he had bought the stuff she asked for. He gasped softly and apologized to her, telling her he had forgotten.

She was a little disappointed but not very surprise, she already guessed that he would forget, it was in his character to forget.

Tang Jiang went in and met his parents sitting in the living room. His dad in his usual position of watching TV and his mum typing away at her phone. He greeted them and said;

" Hey dad, remember my business partner Lu Xiang?"

" Yes, the one I met the other day?"

" Yes that one, he needs a place to stay which is closer to town and he asked me if he could stay here for a while, I want to know if you are okay with that."

His dad hesitated for a while as he pondered over the idea. It took him a while before he finally said; "It's okay, we have enough rooms in the house and my hands are always opened wide to your friends, most especially that Lu Xien fellow, he is a very promising youth and I like his aura, so it isn't a problem with me, he can stay if your mother agrees".

Tang Jiang looked expectantly to his mum and she nodded her head in agreement, anything for her darling son.

Tang An who had been sitting quietly at a corner was surprised and wondered who Lu Xiang was. She imagined how he looked for a while. She couldn't believe some stranger was going to be living with them just like that.

She was very uncomfortable with strangers, most especially the ones who came to visit, most especially if they were male. Just like the one who had come earlier, he made her feel so uncomfortable. She was still wondering who he was and thought of the possibility of him being Lu Xiang.


Thank you so much for reading my novel. I'm so happy to see someone read it. And I hope you are enjoying it so far. For those who have already read it before the change of story, I hope you find this new plot more appealing. I am really determined to make this novel interesting and I hope I won't disappoint. Thank you again for showing interest in my novel.