
Chapter 7

"Mr. President." Helios greeted respectfully.

"Why so formal Hel?" Jose Sebastian teased. "They are with me." Jose Sebastian told the maitre d' who simply nodded and led them to their table.

"Selina, how was your first day back?" Rebeckah Sebastian asked as she hooked her arm on Selina's.

Selina smiled at the older woman, she was so kind and sweet, she couldn't understand how such a nice woman had a son like Alexander Sebastian.

"It was great Mrs. Sebastian. I just had some business to attend to today." Selina said with a smile.

"Please Selina, call me auntie. You and your brother are always so formal." Rebeckah teased. "Do you remember my daughter, Katerina? You met once."

"Yes, I do." Selina said as she smiled at the beautiful woman next to Rebeckah Sebastian.

Katerina Sebastian was an intimidating woman, she carried herself with much poise and grace.

"It's nice to see you again." Katerina said with a smile.

"Katerina you should take Selina around the city! It's changed a lot since she was last home, plus I would love for you to have more friends." Rebekah Sebastian told her daughter.

"Sure mom." Katerina said with a smile.

"Ah you bumped into each other!" Selina's father, Dante said as they approached the table.

"Yes." Jose told his friend as he sat next to him. "You should really tell these two to stop being so formal." Jose Sebastian teased.

"Are there really these few people that eat at Nouveau?" Selina asked as she looked around. There were many empty tables around them, something she did not expect.

"No, they had to clear the place up a bit cause of dad." Katerina explained. "Are you coming with us to Auntie Priscilla's party tomorrow?" Katerina asked Selina.

"Yes, your mom invited me and my mom." Selina said.

"Oh great. I hope my friends go. Although Ayanna has been avoiding these things and Nicole has an operation. Maybe Veronica will be there." Katerina said excitedly.

"I think my mom is dragging me along so I can find a boyfriend." Selina said with a laugh.

"My mom has given up." Katerina said with a grin.

"It's because you're already dating someone." Rebeckah Sebastian teased her daughter.

"Mom! No one is supposed to know!" Katerina complained.

"The Ramirezes and I go way back. It's fine." Jose Sebastian tells his daughter. "She's dating Eric Chan."

Selina spits out her drink in surprise, this independent looking woman was dating the country's #1 artist. It was quite a shock since the actor was a private person, no one knew anything about his background, and despite that his fans loved him. He rose to fame years ago out of nowhere and was now considered to be one of the most eligible bachelors due to his fame. The only thing lacking was for him to come from a prestigious family.

"And that's alright with you?" Elissa Ramirez asked their friend.

"Why not? The Chans are a rich and respectable family." Jose said with a shrug. "I've known his father longer than I've known Dante."

"Wait, Eric Chan is from that Chan family?" Helios suddenly asked. The Chan family was considered to be one of the richest families in the country, they owned almost all of the private hospitals in the country. Their children were all excellent as well, their son Miguel Chan was dubbed the Miracle Doctor due to his skills. He never lost a patient and even managed to save even the worst cases, their daughter on the other hand Nicole Chan was equally accomplished. She was an anesthesiologist in her brother's team, she was also being groomed to take of the whole of Saints Hospital.

"Dad, you're not supposed to tell." A male voice from behind them suddenly says making Selina sit up straight.

"Ah Alexi, I thought you said you couldn't join us." Jose said as he waved his son over. The only empty seat was next to Selina so he sat there.

"Selina, Helios, you remember my son Alexi?" Jose Sebastian said as he re-introduced them.

"Yes, Alexi and I had a few run-ins in the University." Helios said with a smile. Alexi was not exactly the nicest guy at the University, he was quite notorious together with his cousin Raymund Laurence.

Selina simply nodded and smiled at Alexi, not only was he dating her ex best friend that used to be in love with her, she even had an embarrassing run in with him the previous night.

"Alexi, you remember Selina?" Katerina said with a grin.

"Yes." Alexi said coldly.

"Well, Selina and I are going shopping tomorrow before the party. You are coming with us." Katerina declared.

"I'm busy." Alexi told his sister.

"No you're not." Katerina said as she glared at him. "Your assistant said you're busy."

"I have other plans." Alexi answered back.

"You don't have a choice. Right mom?" Katerina asked Rebekah Sebastian who simply laughed at the bickering pair.

"Alexi take your sister and Selina shopping." Jose Sebastian ordered his son.

"Helios can accompany you guys as well." Dante said, offering his son to accompany the girls as well.

"Of course dad." Helios was always a dutiful son and rarely said no to his dad.

"It's settled then." Katerina said excitedly.

The rest of dinner went by peacefully, although Selina felt awkward with Alexi sitting next to her, Katerina was quite nice and talked with her the whole night.

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