
who's that guy?

Hi my name is Kenichi Sakuya and I am part of the student council one day when I was walking home I came across (him) helping a cat stuck in a fence he looked nice but I'd never get him I'm just a nerd a lonely nerd he had nice muscles a beautiful face shining smile he was the perfect guy I asked his name he said hi I'm Asuma what a nice name I'm a animal lover so him saving it made my day anyways I went home my mom told me someone new was moving in I said okay :( my mom told me to go greet him little did I know it was Asuma what a coincidence I noticed him and he noticed me it was a awkward stare😑 I said hi again gave him a welcome cake and wished him goodbye I went home and went upstairs to my room all I could think about was him my face was beet red I was lying down then I went to bed I had a dream where we were together I could only Remember some of it barely any the next day I went to school to my class the teacher said hi class today we have a new student be nice to him he's not from around here his name is Asuma....