
My Boyfriend is the Villain I have to Guard against

The year is 3002 when three families are torn apart and left with nothing all because of one picture. A picture taken in the twenties that will now haunt the lives of three innocent girls and all the people around them. "Babe see you in 2020!" She yelled happily and walked out the door. Leaving him to wonder why and how she had really gone back in time.

eneukn · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Unlatching the windows

The Suku technological and innovative city stood on a massive island that was separated from all the other cities and continents making it a special place that many wished to visit.

But could not as one needed a special identifying card to be allowed onto the under water train which was the only official means to get to the island.

So the train staff was used to seeing a bunch of well dressed adult moving about and were shocked when a small ten year old boy showed up card in hand and was actually allowed access to the island.

They were not the only ones who were shocked as the other passengers also stared at the tiny figure curiously until he got off at his stop.

Ryan had missed his father and was smiling happily as he skipped his way into the company wondering how his father would react after seeing him.

Maybe he would even get him a present after he told him about how much the teacher had praised him for being the top student.

Imagining the proud smile on his father's stoic face made him even more energetic as he started running towards the lift leaving his Manny in a panting mess as he chased after the short boy.

"Young master, stop running or you will hurt yourself!" he yelled in between his breathless huffs and puffs.

Other staff members noticed the boy and stepped away letting him zoom past them as they immediately recognized him as their young master.

The boy didn't seem to notice the attention nor hear his manny's words as his tiny figure rushed into the lift almost crushing into a staff member before pressing the lift's closing button repeatedly.

The short moment that it took the doors to close felt like an eternity to him as he watched his Manny speed up so he could reach him.

All his work was in vain as the doors closed right before his eyes before shooting up. Ryan had always felt queasy because of how fast this elevator would go everytime he was on it and had to hold onto the hand bar as he watched the numbers swish by before the doors opened into his father's massive office.

No one could be seen in the room making him wonder where his father had gone before rushing to his file stacked desk. His eyes curiously glided over the files before stopping on a familiar file. He had seen this logo before and it was the reason he had come to see his father.

His heart beat with excitement as he realized that his father was already thinking about his career selection even before he brought it up before reaching out for the file hoping to check if his father had already made the choice for him.

His chubby hands nimbly pulled the file from the stack before turning it on with his eyes glued to the bottom of the document. There it was a small tick on the STEM box making him feel happy at the thought that his dad actually knew what he liked.

He was still smiling happily when his eyes mistakenly landed at the top of the document where the name should be filled and was shocked to see a foreign name. Corral Panels was the name making him frown as he wondered why a girl's name had appeared instead of his.

Still feeling hopeful he looked up at the red dot on the top of the file and clicked onto it and was happy to see two other forms. He quickly clicked on them with a smile that quickly faded after seeing two more foreign names.

"Your father is a very busy man and as his son you have to accommodate him" he could suddenly hear his mother's voice ring in his head.

His mother Eleanor had gotten married to his father a couple of years ago before having him. She had always told him that no matter what happened his father would always love him.

So he had kept this belief in his heart even after he was forcefully separated from his mother and taken in by his dad and wife who only cared for her son.

Even though his father never cared to spend time with him or find out what he was doing he still believed it but now he started to think that maybe his mother had lied.

He was not done with his thoughts when he heard a small beep and looked up to his father who was elegantly sauntering into the room with his long legs.

His eyes seemed to shake a little after seeing his son but quickly went back to normal before walking up to his desk and immediately noticed that he had touched his things.

"You are here" he commented hiding the slight tinge of annoyance that had flared up as he held the urge to scold the boy as he took a seat in his chair.

"Yes father, I will be turning ten in a couple of days and wanted to consult with you regarding my division for CNP" he explained.

His father had always been a busy man who hated having his time get wasted and would make sure to make anyone who wasted his time suffer the consequences.

"Oh that?" he asked rhetorically fingering the file Ryan had just gone through.

Yes 'that' little form that can determine your son's future Ryan thought before nodding silently after noticing his father's eyes on him.

"Go with STEM, if that is all please excuse me" he answered perfunctorily before turning away from the boy who felt a little disappointed and sighed silently before trudging out of the office.

His entire soul and body felt heavy as he wondered why his father had the CNP forms of other kids while he didn't even bother to look at his.

He felt sad and dejected as he walked out the office only to come face to face with his now well rested Manny who quietly stared at him as of waiting for his instructions.

"I am done let's go home." he mumbled before walking to the lift and waiting for it to open after pressing a button.

The Manny noticed his behaviour and seemed hesitant to speak up as he chewed his lips before silently looking away.

He felt pity for the boy as he could guess what had happened in the room making him look so dejected after leaving.

The duo was silent as they climbed onto the lift and pressed the basement button before quietly drowning in their own thoughts as they waited for the lift to reach their floor.

Soon they got to the basement and were silent during their whole journey home. Ryan's mood seemed to have improved as he took out the CNP file from his bag and filled it up all by himself.

He was done and had already sent it out when they drove in to their compound and up the driveway where he climbed out before picking his bag and walking into the massive house that impressively stood above the trees.

His footsteps were silent as he walked across the hallway and was just about to climb up the steps when a decently dressed middle age woman walked in from the side room.

"You are back?" she asked the obvious question making him stop before turning to her.

His eyes quickly fell on the huge shiny green emeralds shining on her neck and was quickly reminded of an old picture he had seen before smiling mockingly.

That necklace had been laying on his mother's neck a few years ago before this woman had decided to be selfish and break apart a marriage.

Even though his mother had told him to be respectful he could not find it in his heart to hide away his disdain against the woman that was righteously looking down at him.

"Yes" he answered not bothering to hide the disdain in his eyes as he stared at the woman whose life mission was to take away everything from his mother.

"Your father just called me and said that-" she started rumbling on and on about how she had spoken to his father and how he should have asked instead of bothering his father with such trivial matters.

Her words seemed to tickle the boy as he let out a small almost inaudible chuckle before turning away. "Let's see if you will think the same when Rowan receives the same treatment.".

Denise who was about to admonish the boy shut her mouth after the words sunk in as she watched the short figure slowly climb up the steps reminding her of her cold husband.

Rowan was her son and Ryan's half brother who had been born a couple of years ago and was now still a toddler who was also being ignored by her husband and would probably experience the same in no time.

Especially with the rumors that had recently been spreading about how her husband was now hanging around the daughter of a technology billionaire and would probably divorce her.

You may find that the names have been changed. That is because this were they names in the OG draft but I made a tiny mistake.

So sorry about that, I hope you will keep enjoying the story.

eneukncreators' thoughts