
My Boyfriend is the Villain I have to Guard against

The year is 3002 when three families are torn apart and left with nothing all because of one picture. A picture taken in the twenties that will now haunt the lives of three innocent girls and all the people around them. "Babe see you in 2020!" She yelled happily and walked out the door. Leaving him to wonder why and how she had really gone back in time.

eneukn · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 : Orphaned

No matter how much time passes and humans advance somethings never change. They would always have the same desires pulsing through their veins driving them into doing good or evil.

Maybe instead of trying to come up with the next best innovative idea or machination. Thinking about the consequences of his actions was what he was supposed to do.

"It has been done" a mechanical voice reported echoing around the white sterile room.

Different high tech machines were organized all around the room all silently humming as they did their work.

The room was pristine as various white surfaces glowed with not a single blemish in sight.

Everything looked magical as they glowed with an ethereal tint making the grey robed man even more noticeable.

He was the only person in the room and seemed to have stopped what he been doing and looked up at the intercom with a smile.

His eyes seemed to glitter with wicked intentions as he elegantly pushed himself off his stool and walked up the end of the room.

This side of the room was entirely different as it was organized in an office format. Holding a wide smooth marble desk a huge cushioned seat with various decorations splashed around.

A quick glance at the many decorative certificates on the wall showed a well known name to all.

Ling Yi a rich philanthropic scientist whose name was on everybody's lips as they praised his many achievements over the years.

He was said to be born of a poor family and orphaned only to end up in an orphanage. Where he met his adoptive parents who had changed his entire life.

He gone from being an orphan to being an old money family heir in the blink of an eye garnering a lot of attention. Many wondered why the family was giving all it's legacy to an adopted child.

Making him become the target for public outrage but that all stopped when he got to highschool. A new story came out about him, he was genius who intended to save the human race.

Just like that the tables had turned as he worked hard at proving himself with world watching in awe. Soon he was showered with nothing but praise and ignorant adoration.

So even after he got married to a similarly blessed lady and cheated on her while she was still with child all the mad was thrown at her.

After all it was her fault that she could not keep an eye on her handsome genius husband when she didn't even deserve him.

Even when he seen flaunting around with a woman on his arm while his former wife struggled to bear him a son all by herself in the hospital no one cared about the poor woman.

Yet they still had the audacity to shame her for refusing to give up her son to the heartless man who only cared for his reputation and so it of no shock to hear his words as he spoke on the phone.

"Are you sure they are dead?" he emotionlessly asked into the intercom.

"Yes sir they bodies have already been taken into the mortuary." he smirked after getting a satisfactory answer.

"Good job now go handle the others make sure none of them interferes with our plan" he ordered before hanging up.

He was happy to know that five innocent lives had been taken at his request leaving three orphaned girls at the mercy of the harsh world.

He pulled out a weathered photo from the fringes of the file on his desk and stared at it for a while before scoffing and putting it back in.

The file seemed to be the only ancient thing in the lab and was soon dropped into a hidden desk drawer and locked away.

"Ling call the orphanage!" he ordered into the air before getting of the desk and walking back to one of the working stations.

"Calling the orphanage" a familiar mechanical voice spoke followed by a short ringing tone before a hesitant voice could be heard.

"Hello?" a mature female voice could be heard over the speakers.

"Miss Shen how are you doing lately?" he asked moving around the equipment he had been working on before.

"Everything is fine thanks to you donation Mr Ling." she answered her previously hesitant tone replaced by a more cheerful voice.

"I was just fulfilling my duty to the society." he answered perfunctorily.

"Well I called you today to request something from you." he went on after a small pause.

"Sure anything if it is up to ability that is." she quickly acceded showing her clear intentions.

"My friend called me a few minutes ago and told me he had found three children who really need your services." he went out to say knowing the woman had no choice but to agree.

"Oh that is no problem just have them sent over here." she quickly accepted happy to be able to help him.

They both knew just how much this favor would benefit her especially since it was not that hard of a request to fulfill.

"Thank you so much Miss Shen I will immediately tell my friend." he said before hanging up and sending out a message.

The recipient heard his communication device ding and had to step away from the men he was talking to before he checked his phone.

'She is ready for you' the message read.

His boss had sent him out on a secret mission earlier that month and he had finally done and was excited to be only left with the clean up of everything.

Luckily he had started his preparations earlier and was just requires to pick up the last girl. Smirking he walked back to the group and shared his goodbyes before walking back to his motor.

It looked like any ordinary car from the past was different as it had been modified throughout the years to be able to carry a whole lot of instructions.

Two toddlers sat at the back of the car with teary eyes as they stared at him climb in. They both seemed to be about the same age and tightly held onto each other's arms.

This scary man had showed up at the hospital and school where they were being held after each receiving devastating news and had told them he was the police before taking them away.

They still didn't understand what was happening and how their parents had gotten hurt but still held onto each other which somehow made them feel a lot safer.

"We will go get the last one before we leave okay?" he asked in his deep gruff voice scaring them even more.

They were clearly young and had never been put in such a situation so they both nodded fearfully and leaned against each other as the rover took off at amazing speeds.

This was one of the advancements which enabled the machine to be able to cover huge distances within a short span of time without affecting it's passengers.

It had been a major improvement that had brought about a huge change in the travel industry as now people would move through towns at the speed of light.

Just like that they got to their destination one of the girls nervously looked up at the man as he stopped the rover before jumping off.

Gutesi had been the first to be picked up after her parents had been hit by a Cargo rover while driving back home. She had been shocked to hear the news from the school's secretary. Who had called her out of class before unflinchingly breaking the news to the girl.

There she had waited at the receptionist's office for further instructions and news when the strange man had showed up with her uncle who told her to follow him.

She had asked why she had to follow a random man but had instead been told to behave herself by her uncle before being forced to leave with him.

She had fought the decision but had still been carried away she had cried the whole time and had only stopped when she had found out that they were getting another girl.

Corral had been a crying mess of tears and snot when a huge scary man had showed up in her ward with a little girl in tow. She had never seen them before and was scared when the nurse told her they were here for her.

After experiencing such a traumatic event she had been justifiably terrified and demanded for her aunt but was ignored and forcefully carried away by the man after being discharged.

It was both their first time experiencing this sort of thing and were tok young too realize that police didn't go around picking up random orphaned children.

That was how the girls had met and comforted each other but they were now nervous as they jumped off the rover and followed behind the man. They tightly held onto each other's hands as they walked into a funeral home and walked into one of the rooms where the familiar scene of mourning relatives greeted them.

The room was filled to the brim with adult in mourning clothes wailing with the exception of a girl their age seated in the corner quietly watching as if none of it concerned her.

She was pretty and was dressed in a child size mourning dress and yet remained expressionless as she looked around at the wailing people as if she didn't care the girls were shocked.

They followed behind the man as he spoke to a few people he even paid his respects to the departed before approaching the little girl.

She was different from the other girls as she calmly looked up at him as he spoke it made him uncomfortable as he felt as if she could see through him but still went on talking.

The two girls curiously watched the scene and only turned away immediately after the girl turned towards them. Causing them to miss her slight nod before following the man and approaching the shy pair.

"Hi my name is Xu Wei." the new girl confidently introduced herself to the other girls who muttered their acknowledgements.

None of them seemed to know the magnitude of their meeting or why they had been picked up on the same day by the same person interwebbing their threads of fate.

Just like that a new cycle was started hopefully for the girls everything would be different this time around.