
My Boyfriend is a Campus Bad Boy

Author: Maryixxx
Completed · 1.1M Views
  • 271 Chs
  • 4.8
    119 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is My Boyfriend is a Campus Bad Boy

Read ‘My Boyfriend is a Campus Bad Boy’ Online for Free, written by the author Maryixxx, This book is a Teen Novel, covering WEREWOLF Fiction, TEEN Light Novel, FATEDLOVE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "Love or death? Which will you choose?"–"On this day, I will be your knight shining in armor! I will always be at your b...


"Love or death? Which will you choose?" – "On this day, I will be your knight shining in armor! I will always be at your back even the entire school hates you!" Sebastian Woo, a campus bad boy told her and quickly lifted her chin to meet his gaze. He kneeled at the ground, convinced a young girl to look into his round, brown eyes. "On this day, you will never be alone and afraid. I am here always by your side." A genuine yet bitter smile drawn on her pale lips. "I've been waiting for my night shining armor," Halora whispered. But, how long he will keep his real identity from Halora? Will he confess the truth or the faith will find a way to reveal Seb's strange power and past life? Would he rather choose to lie to the girl who captured his heart or tell the truth and will be vanished on earth? Discover and find out what will happen to the unique, interesting first love story of Halora and Sebastian. ctto, the artwork is not mine. (will be changed soon)

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Dear Moment

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :BOOK I: Searching for Alpha's Destined Mate
Volume 2 :BOOK I: The Lovers' Past
Volume 3 :BOOK II: The Truth and The Final Battle


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"Author's Note/ Shameless Review" This is my third novel on Webnovel. I hope you will support me until the end, and I need your reviews too. Thank you and happy reading, butterflies! **: My Boyfriend is a Campus Bad Boy is an entry for WSA 2021.


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THE STORY REALLY GETS HOT FROM CHAPTER 3 ONWARDS! wish there was an anime, i gotta give the writer credit for sculpting such an interactive story ! with imagining, cliche bad boy and innocent girl tale but good developments


Good work but I'm wondering about first love with werewolves on it. It's quite interesting and I am expecting something from this story. Nevertheless, I love the concept. It is new and refreshing for me.


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From what I have read so far, I am deeply attached to the characters. I saw that this novel has great potential and I can't help but fall in love with the MC. Haha 😂 All in all, A very recommended read for me! Plot was moving and I can feel the thrill! Kudos and Congrats! 👏


best one keep writing[img=More pls][img=More pls]


There is probably a good story hidden somewhere in this, but the poor grammar and weird pacing makes it hard to find. I wonder if maybe English isn't the first language of the author or something. Given that others seem to like the story and characters a lot, this could probably benefit from a proofreading and a bit of editing.


Just have one word to say WoW, 💛amazing story line, great dialogues, wonderful writing keep doing your work author would recommend this book to everyone out there💚💚💚


it's a nice book I'm looking forward to the next episodes .Please update them fast I really love this story [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


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The story is typical, which is good. The plot, I can predict, but enjoyable I guess? This is good for teenagers, to give them flutters and stuff. An honest critique, speech, and paragraphs need a little bit more creativity and grammar needs a little bit of fixing too. But it isn't really bad. It's as good as great. But I guess it was happening fast? In less than three chapters, there were already some exciting scenes. Anyways, maybe it was purposely done like that. I can recommend it to early adolescents, surely.


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Whew! The chs flew by so fast (not because of short cha, but because of the wonderful plot)! Haven't read such a fast-paced novel on WN for quite a while! Loved the characters of Seb and Hermione! The plot is full of suspense and I specially liked how the chs ended with different questions, which keeps the reader wanting for more! Will be waiting for more updates![img=update] Author, good job done with the plot so far![img=recommend]


The story is great. It's a teen novel with werewolves. it's so good. And I am wondering what will happen when she gets to know ml is a werewolf. good work author.


Another interesting book by the author and I'm reviewing after reading all chapters. This is an interesting read and a but different from other books. I totally love the bad boy vibes.


Wow! A modern life story with a twist of Werewolves and hidden secrets. The author must be up to something interesting that would make this novel unique, and thrilling for the readers. Keep up the intriguing start, and I'm looking forward into it.


Huhuhuhuhu....What a nice story, but I'm sadly sad for the ending....😢😭


This story was a really great read. Just very fast-paced. I recommend this story to anyone looking for a good romance book to settle down on the couch and read. You will not de disappointed!! Thumbs up to the author!!!


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