
My Boss Is A Cat

Stephanie is a young woman who is desperate for work. Her desperation leads her to take an internship with a mysterious boss who turns out to be a cat. As she struggles to adapt to this new lifestyle, she finds herself drawn into a web of intrigue and deception. Can Stephanie survive the new job?

M_Gaspary · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 8

When Titan applied the cold compress to Stephanie's battered arms, she gasped. "Ouch!" He clucked and gave her a quick look.

She grunted in pain as he kept pressing it without responding, leaving her speechless. "Sir, what the fuck?"

He grabbed her arm and began to push and drag her as she attempted to release it. He refused to release his hold, delivered a scowl, and raised an eyebrow at her in place of moving.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Stephanie lifted an eyebrow.

He kept applying the cold compress on her skin, saying, "Nothing."

Her eyebrows knitted as she leaned her torso to pull herself a bit closer to him. "Why did you do that, Sir Titan?" She looked at him, gazing at him. "What compelled you to do that? I've said this before, sir. This doesn't look like you would do some charity."

He froze. He cleared his throat, trying to maintain his composure, and focused on her arm. He paused and gently stroked the bruise once more, saying, "It wasn't a nice movie to watch."

Her eyes shuddered. "It was remarkable to see you doing something like that, sir."

He slowly raised his head when he heard it and faced her, watching as she raised an eyebrow in expectation of his reply. They exchanged gazes.

This time, unable to gather his thoughts, he purposefully applied more pressure to the compress, causing Stephanie to groan in agony. "Ouch! What the hell, Sir Titan?"

But as he turned to go to his desk, he turned his head away and tossed the cold compress at her.

She caught it with both hands.

"Anyway, it's great to have you in my office, Ms. Reyes." He got up from his desk, brought out a folder, and handed Stephanie the document. He nearly threw it at her as he sat down in front of her and moved it closer to her.

"What's that?" She flicked her head down, wondering what it was.

"Your new internship contract."

She tilted her head slightly, her chest feeling a little tight. Her eyebrows cocked. "Oh." Before taking the folder and beginning to read the terms, she nodded and placed the cold compress on the table.

Before she opened the folder, she glanced at him. "Why do I need a new contract when I still have one?"

"Because of your reassignment."

"Reassignment?" After she repeated what Titan said, her eyes widened when she recalled what he had announced in Ms. Gonzales's office.

He clucked and sighed in disappointment. "Since you are reassigned for special reasons, you will undergo a performance reset for your internship evaluation."

"What do you mean by that?"

He pulled his torso forward. "To put it simply, your records under Ms. Gonzales, whatever they were, will be cleared, so you come under my supervision a clean slate."

"When you said, you'll be my new supervisor, you meant it?"

"I always mean business, Stephanie. I mean what I say. Bullshitting won't work well in this industry. If you read Section two of this contract, you will know what I'm talking about."

Stephanie flipped the pages and read the terms. This time, she was reading it word for word. Her eyebrows knitted in confusion.

This Internship Agreement ("the Agreement") is made this 22nd of July, 2022 by and between Mr. Titan Sandoval, CEO of the Wise Cat Real Estate Company, and Stephanie Reyes, (hereafter "Intern").

Section 1. Recitals

A. The Company is offering a paid internship which shall consist of the following activities:

a) Work management assistance needed by the Company

b) Ensure smooth operations through skillful and strategic execution of instructions and plans provided by the Company, including attending to the immediate needs.

B. The Intern has agreed to perform work for Company on this project.

Section 2. Agreements

In consideration of the mutual covenants set forth in this Agreement, the Company and the Intern hereby agree as follows:

Specifications. The Intern shall be available according to an agreed-upon schedule ("the Schedule") and shall provide the following efforts and services as requested.

Compensation. The Company will compensate the Intern on the following basis: $21.76 per hour for the entire 120 internship work hours.

Other Miscellaneous Fees. Based on the Special Agreements discussed and agreed by both parties, the Intern will compensate for the extra fees required for the program. The Company will provide the Intern the specific amount to the Intern at least 30 days before the scheduled payout.

Titan stood still as he waited for her to finish reading the contract's provisions that he had written. It was entertaining to see Stephanie grow more and more agitated as she read each term.

He grinned a little since she was reading the contract out loud while mumbling. At the same time, he found himself relishing the silence as his attention grew increasingly focused on Stephanie. He persisted in pondering things.

Why did he do everything for her?

Why did he feel the need to take her under his wing?

In his life, who was Stephanie Reyes?

Maybe his soul mate?

He didn't care how long Ms. Gonzales had worked for the company. In his mind, he could have simply fired her. But he was prevented from pulling the cord by something, or rather someone.

Since Stephanie entered his life, he had never thought that his world would suddenly turn upside down as soon as she began to affect his decisions. He was terrified by it because of the uncertainty.

She dragged her face up, her eyes widening, and frowned as she reached the final few pages. "What do you mean I have to pay you back?"

Titan flinched as he woke up from his senses. "Yes, fifty percent." He rested both of his arms on the top of the couch's plush surface while leaning against it. He cocked his head and grinned, which perplexed Stephanie.

"Eh? Fifty percent?" she sputtered.

He clucked. "Yes, Ms. Reyes. You've read it right. You, as my intern, have to pay back fifty percent to your supervisor for the training," he paused and leaned his torso forward in Stephanie's direction, threading his fingers, "Look. You will cover the cost of my time spent educating you. In addition, I'm not your average boss. I am the CEO. Is it not reasonable for you to pay for my expert services?"

Before Stephanie could reply, he stood and continued, "Plus," he paused and walked around and stood behind the couch, leaning his torso forward in Stephanie's direction. He pressed both of his hands on the same surface where he placed it before.

"You're paying me for the monthly rent for the space, including the cooking expenses used in my kitchen. Since it ain't a cheap apartment and the living costs are increasing, you've got no other choice but to pay me the other half of your salary to cover your living costs," he paused, "And that's even a discounted price for you."

"But how about the promise you and Simon made that night? You guys said you'll pay me to double if I do what I needed to do," she sputtered.

"Well, that was already included in the calculation, Stephanie. Otherwise, you won't be receiving a dime from your internship."

Wow. That was the only word she could think of.

Stephanie was so shocked that she had to cross her arms and rest on the couch. As she listened to her boss, her eyes widened as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing from this idiot.

Certainly, Stephanie. You're screwed. She had that in mind.

"Look, you'll still receive the same monthly salary as before. Fifty percent of the new income salary will go to you, and the rest of the fifty percent goes to me. Simple."

"And why the hell would I agree with that?"

"Technically, I'm your new landlord and your roommate at the same time. As your landlord, you've got to pay me for the monthly rent and the living costs as well."

She cocked an eyebrow. "What living expenses are you talking about?" she sputtered.

He grinned and looked straight into her eyes. "As an intern, your responsibility is to make sure you're following the right instructions assigned by your supervisor. Remember the Section two of this contract?"


"In other words, you'll always stick with me. You come here if I work here. You stay home if I work from home. And by the way , I appreciate your cooking expertise. Therefore, you must prepare meals for me anytime I am hungry. That includes your internship hours as well, Stephanie," Titan explained nonchalantly.

She found it difficult to respond to him politely since she was baffled and puzzled. She sighed in frustration as her cheeks went red. She felt sorry for herself because she felt betrayed. She felt that she should have paid more attention to what her gut was telling her.

She wanted to remind herself that the man she was dealing with wasn't just the boy next door so she wouldn't get carried away with his dualism. He was, indeed, an obnoxious, conning, angry-looking cat.

Taking the folder, he turned the pages until he reached the last one. He took out a pen and signed the pages after that. "Sorry, Stephanie, though I'm a concerned boss, you're dealing with a businessman," he said while signing.

"Concerned boss. Uh-uh." She nodded, dumbfounded. "Yeah, I thought so, too. What else do I expect from you?" She scoffed and flicked her head in the opposite direction, feeling frustrated.

She couldn't believe she was simultaneously trapped. What more was left for her to do? She realized that while this idiot needed her assistance, she was also in a comparable situation.

There was nothing else she could have done. She will also have a better chance of keeping the job and completing her internship program if she signs the new contract despite her hesitations.

Stephanie required Titan's assistance to accomplish that. In the absence of a place to live and a source of money, she will eventually find herself on the streets. If her life took that turn, she believed her parents would follow her wherever, haunting her maybe.

No. She didn't want that, though.

Titan was shoving the signed papers in her direction as she sighed.

She gazed at him with determination as she reached for the paper before grabbing it.

He invited her to do as he asked by indicating with his hand.

Then, to Titan's amazement, she began to withdraw. She swiveled in her seat and snatched up her bag. She began looking inside it for something.

"What are you doing?" He checked his wristwatch. "You know I still have other matters to attend to."

"Wait. I'm searching for something," she replied while she continued the search. Her face widened when she found it.

She pulled the cat collar, which was made of teal-colored polyester cloth with a golden bell hanging on it. It has the name "Titan" in all capital letters engraved on the tag.

It has a gold print with a vintage concept that brought out the beauty in the cat collar. Additionally, it features a belt function at the end with sufficient holes to allow the wearer to modify it to fit their neck size.

When Titan saw what Stephanie was holding, his eyes grew larger. It didn't take him very long to figure it out.

Leaning against the couch, he drew himself away, his face hot. "What do you think you're doing, Stephanie?" He glowered. His eyebrows knitted in fear while she smirked as she leaned forward in his direction.

"I will not sign it unless my new supervisor would agree to my compromises."

"And what do you think your compromises are?" he asked in frustration, sighing and scowling.

"Two things. First, if you agree to wear my old Titan's favorite collar at all times, and second, if you permit me to remodel your house as I see fit. If you do, I'll be delighted to sign this new contract and do as you ask, Sir Titan."

"And why do you think I'd sign that?" He raised an eyebrow, feeling insulted and embarrassed at the same time.

"Because I know you will." Her eyes widened as she continued staring at him.

"How sure are you —"

He froze when she interrupted, "Because you're my cat."

As he observed her writing her demands on the paper, his cheeks grew red from embarrassment. His chest felt tight when he heard those words.

She was writing the words she had mentioned previously on the same sheets while mumbling them. She then put the documents in the folder and the pen on top before signing it.

Titan, who was feeling defeated, was on the verge of grabbing the collar that had been set down on the table, but she was quick enough to keep it in her hand.

She got up. She uttered in a firm voice, "No, I'll do it. I'm the cat owner."

He refused to answer, still surprised by what she said.

Stephanie stood up and made a few steps in his direction. "Sir Titan, I believe my old Titan would be pleased to have this with you." She sat beside him.

He didn't anticipate Stephanie's body leaning forward as she reached out to touch him. Titan flicked his head and noticed that his face was almost pressing her skin, just as it had been the night before when he had been covering her with blankets.

More than in their first encounters, he could feel her safety and warmth radiating from her. He couldn't help but close his eyes and inhale her fruity perfume in the same manner as before because they were so near together.

Was that the rationale behind his acceptance of her demands, no matter how absurd they seemed to him?

Titan tried to take in the reassuring energy she was giving out, despite the fact that he couldn't explain what he was experiencing.

His chest tightened after it was finished, and he tried to turn away as the collar was fastened around his neck. Despite being a little thick, the cloth was cozy on his skin.

"From now on, you'll be my cat, and I'm your human." She drew herself away and adjusted the cat collar, as well as his shirt collar and ties tucked in his dark vest, while he pressed it with his palm and concentrated his piercing look on her.

Titan's gaze was piercing, but Stephanie didn't seem to mind and instead giggled as if she found what she was seeing amusing with her glistening, enlarging eyes.

Then, she pressed her hands on his face and pulled herself closer to him, gazing at him. "Wow, you look cute, Sir Titan!" she squealed, overjoyed.

To check himself out in front of the mirrors lining his office, he almost leaped out of his chair. The first time he looked at himself in such a way, he felt awkward.

However, a little while later, as she stood and watched him, he caught a strange feeling of acceptance for Stephanie's ludicrous idea.

No matter how much he tried to conceal himself, the collar still stuck out, so he grimaced and turned to face Stephanie.

She waved the folder with the recently signed contract with her without saying anything at that very moment. "Sir, I appreciate the new internship contract." She pursed her lips while grinning.

Titan scoffed and averted his look, looking at himself once more as he rubbed his bewildered face. Then, the door opened.

When Simon and a woman walked into his office, he turned and his eyes widened.

Stephanie turned her head, her eyebrows lifted in astonishment, to see Simon come with a mature, elegant woman of tall stature, walking in Titan's direction.

But the more she studied the woman, the more Titan's characteristics she resembled, assuming that she was Titan's sister or a distant relative.

She didn't wear that much makeup. Her face was as fair as Titan's skin, glowing, despite her age. Her body remained slim and fit as if she has gone to the gym her whole life.

Stephanie's attention turn to her boss when the woman was standing close to him. Simon was standing in front, beside the woman, as he tucked his hands in his pockets.

She smiled while pressing her sunglasses firmly on her head. She raised her eyebrows when she turned to look at Stephanie since she was unsure of who Stephanie was. She turned to face Titan and noticed the cat collar around his neck.

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