
Philip's anger VS CEO Ruf

When she got home she went straight to her bedroom undressed and took a shower after which she sat on a chair and opened the desk top in front of her which layed on the desk, she submitted her documents to companies for interviews online and hoped to get hired when she was through she turned off the desk top, stood up from the chair and went straight to her bed and layed on it, sooner than later she slept off..............................

The next morning before taking a shower she quickly rushed to her desk top to see if she was sent an invitation for interview by any of the companies but wasn't after taking a shower she dressed up and rushed to the provision store where she worked, her boss had been waiting for her arrival though he felt sad to break the sad news to her he equally did not want to loose his only means of livelihood, he stood outside his provision store with a sad and pitiable expression on his face staring at Zeze who just arrived they exchanged pleasantries, without wasting much time he quickly told her to go and find a better job that suits her giving her her pay for the day though he like her he asked her not to ever come to his work place to avoid getting himself in trouble.

At the hospital Zeze sat on a chair close to her sick uncle keeping him company, she forced a smile on her face and pretended everything was alright throughout her stay with her sick uncle, she was completely sad and devastated, she wondered why she got sacked at the provision store a day after she lost her job at the hotel she needed an explanation and a shoulder to cry on she wanted to save her uncle no matter what but was helpless and felt incompetent, she thought back at everything that had happened since she resigned from the company and blamed herself wishing she never resigned because the pay was high, she would had been able to pay for her uncles hospital bills if she still had the job.


Immediately Philip heard of zeze's lose of job from both friends of his he was angered and confronted CEO Ruf, that afternoon Philip was off duty at the hospital and was chatting with his colleges when he received the text from both friends of his who had given Zeze a job, they explained that they were helpless and had to do what they did to protect their families and work, Philip stood up furiously, walked to the car lot, entered his car and quickly drove off to Ruf's work place.......................

At the company Philip wasn't allowed to see the CEO he was stopped by the guards who stood in front of his office to guard it, he was about to be thrown out of the company when Ruf made a phone call asking his guards to let him in after he had received a phone call that Philip was looking for him. Philip and Ruf had never met before, but Ruf was so popular for his wealth and bad reputation that Philip knew him, actually Ruf and Philip attended desame high school while Ruf remembered him so well Philip had no memory of Ruf in his high school, Ruf could never forget Philip because Philip always protected the only girl he had ever loved and won her attention in high school, Ruf got jealous and envious that he made sure to make her life miserable for choosing to hang with with Philip and pay more attention to him while neglecting him(Ruf)............................

Seeing Philip barge into his office after causing a seen at the company he smiled happily and stood up from his desk walked to it's front and leaned on it he felt happy to see Philip loosing, after all these years he could finally pay both Philip and Zeze back but his main focus was Zeze and not Philip. Without a greeting or an introduction Philip angrily asked Ruf to leave Zeze alone and stop meddling in her business and destroying her life simply because he had the power to do so, he promised Ruf he'll not let him get away with his actions if he dared to disturb Zeze again, all the while he talked Ruf kept staring at him with a devilish smile on his face when Philip was done talking before he could take a step out of the office Ruf asked him who Zeze was to him and if he had feelings for her Philip angrily told him that it was none of his business and walked out banging the door immediately Philip left, Ruf's smiley face turned to an angry face filled with rage.

Hello readers, hope you enjoyed the chapters please keep reading and commenting...............Thank you

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