
I cared about you now.............

Zeze stood frozen, she could hardly swallow her saliva, she was filled with anger and rage, within the past two weeks after she lost her job she grew with hatred for Ruf and hoped never to cross paths with him again now he suddenly appeared at her new place of work, she decided to pretend not to see him and focus on work to avoid loosing her job again..............

CEO Ruf knew she got a new job at the boutique his presence was no cocidence, it was his plan all along to make sure that she loses all hopes of jobs else where other than his company, he sent a professional spy to watch over her and her every moves and report every detail pictures and clips of her every activity was sent to him by his agent on a daily basis when he was told of her new job he was a bit surprised he thought he already made it clear to every companies, stores and boutique even night clubs not to give her a job, he decided to pay her a surprise visit the next day.


At the boutique after he was warmly welcomed by Zeze who avoided eye contact with him, he walked straight to the managers office using the elevator he asked his bodyguards to wait outside the luxurious boutique.

in the office he met manager Grit after patiently inquiring from her why she disobeyed his orders on not hiring Zeze he was to that she was not informed Ruf picked up his phone and made a phone call ordering the dismiss of the person in charge of spreading the information and orders manager Grit to throw every single person in the boutique out till he left except Zeze before he left the office she quickly made a phone call asking the security to ask everyone to leave the boutique immediately..............

Standing at the door post Zeze noticed everyone in the boutique hastily making their way out including the security she tried finding out what was going on by asking few security men but wasn't given an answer she thought there was probably a fire outbreak or an emergency, she decided to follow the crowd and make a run for what ever it was, one of Ruf's guard who was ordered to stand quite close to Zeze and keep a watchful eye so as to prevent her from leaving the boutique quickly stopped her, he dragged her by the arm and asked her not to leave, she didn't notice he was there all along untill now looking at him confused she recognized him he was one of Ruf's guard she asked him why she was to stay when there was an emergency, he simply told her that his boss ordered him to do so after hearing this she started trembling she wanted to quickly leave this place before he comes for her, she wondered what he wanted from her this time, she asked the guard why everyone was leaving the boutique in a hast she was told that it was an order by his boss then she realised he probably sent everyone out because of her wondering what was going to happen next. She wanted to quickly run away but his guard held her arms and even if she tried running he was going to catch her anyways and decided to face her fate.


Ruf walked out of the elevator there was nobody in sight he smiled and was quite impressed by manager Grit, he equally asked her to shot down all surveillance camera and remain in her office which she fearfully obeyed, she became quite interested in Zeze and wondered what kind of a person she was to catch Ruf's attention but whatever it was that was going on between them she did not want to get involved to avoid trouble, Ruf walked straight to the entrance of the boutique where he saw his guard holding her arms he approached them while he approached his guard quickly left zeze's arm and bent his head as a sign of respect, he took her hands and walked her to the male clothes on displace asking her to recommend the best for him he sat down and watched her she told him she was only new at the boutique and recommending clothes wasn't her job he ignored her and kept staring at her emotionless while she stood still filled with rage and fear inside of her she decided not to let her anger get the better part of her or she will regret her actions, she restrained herself from raining abuses on him and beating him up minutes later he spoke up asking her about her uncles health telling her that he was going to make sure she loses her job Zeze tried her possible best to sound less rude and asked him what exactly it was that she did to him and why he was bent in making her life miserable she asked him why he was such a powerful person that derived joy from ruining others, he smiled, stood up, walked to her, looked at her in the face and told her that she was going to pay him back for all she made him go through and everything she made him loose accusing her of being worse than him, Zeze was still confused and asked him what it was that she did to him he told her that she was still welcomed to work at his company, he wanted to keep his enemy closer...............................

Ruf was still seven then when he saw the three years old Zeze for the first time he liked her at first sight, his late mother who was a kindergarten school teacher brought her home to spend the night at her place because her parents did not pick her from school that day, at night Ruf heard zeze cry all alone instead of sleeping, Ruf some how managed to sneak out of his brothers bedroom where he shared a bed with him because Zeze an unexpected visitor took his room for the night, he quietly opened the door and walked up to the cry baby whom he comforted and played with till they both fell asleep it was a sweet memory Ruf had not untill it turned sore....

Hope you enjoyed the chapters so far please keep reading and commenting thank you

Scarletbloomcreators' thoughts