
My Boss's Baby

Madelynn Fisher thought she had it all figured out. She had her own apartment, and was had her dream job all lined up. Which was a lot in Dark City, especially for a pixie. However, at least half of her reality when down hill when her boss called to tell her the promotion had gone to an outside hire. Devastated, she went to a bar to drown her sorrows and see if she could find anything to distract her. This distraction came in the form of Damien Sullivan, a tall, handsome elf who was even willing to leave with her! After a passionate weekend together, Madelynn feels ready to face the man who took her job. But to her complete horror, the outside hire is none-other-than Damien himself! From that moment on, it is a downhill power of dominance between the two. To top it off, Madelynn finds out she's pregnant a few weeks later - and only Damien can be the father! While she struggles with the implications of sleeping with her superior, even if she didn't know it, she meets Raymond Leaf-Trasher, a mountain troll detective working for the Fae Bureau of Magical Investigation. Raymond is hunting a serial killer who is only targeting Pixie women, so after a chance meeting, he keeps an eye on her. Now she has Damien and Raymond both vying for her heart, let alone just her attention. As well as the danger that lurks around every corner in the form of the unhinged serial killer roaming the streets. All while Pregnant with a capital P.

Melissa_Bukovinsky · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Job Thief

Damien stood in his new office, looking around with mild interest. The room was remarkably bare and white for an office in one of the most prestigious fashion companies. Though he knew it would make the colors of the designs pop when presented to him.

Walking to the desk, he ran a finger over the smooth, industrial style laminate top. He usually preferred wood, but it would do. Though really, all this white needed a splash of color. Even the computer was white, down to the mouse and keyboard. 

Moving back toward the door, he waited to hear his name. Galvin was a nice enough dwarf, though he had told Damien point-blank that he was not his choice for the job. Said it wasn't his fault, but that he was watching Damien closely to make sure it was not special treatment. 

His lips curved into a smile at the memory of that conversation. Then he heard his name, and he adjusted his tie and tucked on his sleeves before stepping out of the office.

"Thank you for that warm introduction." He smiled down at the dwarf, shaking his hand with both of his. Galvin merely grunted at him with a nod, but Damien would take it.

Turning to the gathered crowd, keeping the smile easily plastered on his face, he let his gaze linger on each person as he spoke.

"It is an honor to meet you all. I am aware that I was not who you were expecting," Already he could tell they'd be a hard crowd to win over, especially with the last name Sullivan, "But I hope with time you will come to accept me as one of your own."

A flash of pink in the back caught his eye, and he shifted his attention to it for a moment. He'd know those blue eyes anywhere, and he couldn't help feeling a bit surprised. Then he let it slide, finishing up his short speech.

"I look forward to working with you all." With that out of the way, he and Galvin headed into the office. As he went in, he was positive he could feel daggers digging into his back. 

"Well, they weren't exactly the friendliest bunch." Strolling past Galvin, he went to the desk and sat down.

"They all assumed Miss Fisher would get it, so no one else applied." Galvin sat in the only other chair in the rather barren office. 

"That is a shame. Everyone should have tried for it." Damien clicked the PC on, then focused back on Galvin as it whirred to life. It was painfully loud immediately.

"She was trained for it specifically, even before the last person who had it left." Galvin leaned back in his seat, seeming to take Damien in for a long moment. 

Damien narrowed his eyes, pondering this as he leaned back as well. His fingers tapped on the service of the desk, eyes sliding to one of the walls, realizing he could sort of see through the white plastic. 

"Then why me?" He didn't want to admit it, but perhaps Galvin was right he had received special treatment. He had suspected it, but he had been firm that he wanted to pass the interview process like anyone else.

"Well, if you're good as the boss says, then its because you earned it." Galvin rose to his feet, and turned to head toward the door. "Let us hope that is the case."

"Indeed…Ah, sir." Galvin paused at the door, casting a glance back at Damien as he sat up a bit more. "Which one is Miss Fisher?"

"The Pixie." 

This was bad. 

Damien felt as if the world was plotting against him. Surely this was some sick, twisted irony to his present situation. He paced behind the desk, occasionally glancing out of the window to the world far below. 

But no matter what perspective he tried to get on this, it was painfully clear that this was bad.

"Damn it!" He cursed under his breath, putting his hands on the desk and staring done at the painful whiteness. With a growl, he shoved the keyboard away from himself and spun back toward the window. It fell off the other side with a clatter that made him wince.

"Inhale…Exhale…" He murmured to himself, smoothing his hair back as he tried to calm down. His heart thudded wildly in his chest, but it slowed as he breathed. 

There came a sudden light tapping from his door, startling him. Hastily, he started to pull the keyboard back on the desk, hoping to restore some order to his office. The door opened, her pink-purple hair seemed to illuminate the whiteness around her, and the glow of her blue wings was dazzling. She flitted in, closing the door softly behind her, and arched a brow at him.

He had been struck dumb by her seeking him out first, and was thus awkwardly leaning over the desk, one hand grabbing for the keyboard and the other holding his weight. Then he suddenly straightened, much too fast, and gave a small cough.

"Madelynn! Do…come in. Have a seat?" Sweat beaded on his forehead as he realized she was not smiling. Not that he could blame her; after all, this was apparently her job. He'd just have to prove to her he meant no ill will.

"I would rather not." Madelynn snapped at him, putting her hands on her hips. "Am I some kind of joke to you?"

"Excuse me?" Frowning at her, he stepped around the desk to fetch the keyboard. 

"No, don't answer that." Her little hand waved it off, gaze averting for a second. Then she seemed to hyper focus again, rising off the ground to bring herself to his eye level. One dainty finger pressed right into his chest, her face so close to his that her warm breath wafted against him. "Keep what happened over the weekend between us."

Damien wrapped his hand around hers, his gaze going stony as he regarded her. The thudding of his heart stopped and he felt a chill creep through him.

"Do you honestly believe I would tell anyone?" He narrowed his eyes at hers, watching her own widened as she tried to pull her hand free. 

"I didn't know who you were before!" Madelynn gave one more yank and he released her, letting her float back from him. She checked her hand as if for damage.

"What? A Sullivan?" Folding his arms, he leaned back against the desk to watch her.

"A job thief!" Her head snapped around, and she flung the words at him with more venom than necessary.

"I didn't steal your job!" Damien moved around the desk again, righting the keyboard with one motion that made it even more crooked. He left it.

"The hell you didn't!" Madelynn raised her voice now, then dropped it to a hiss. "There were other candidates, but as soon as I get word from Galvin I am in, it all changes!" 

"And what? You think they made a mistake?! Is that it?!" Damien stalked around the desk again, flinging a hand in the air as he ranted. "That I don't deserve the job?!"

"I deserved the job!" Madelynn, her wings flapping wildly, glared at him, both of her hands curled into fists. "I was trained for it for nearly two years! I fought for three more before that!"

"Well someone clearly didn't think so!" Damien shot the words before he caught himself. But the damage was done. 

Madelynn straightened herself up, blinking at him. Then she scowled at him, shaking her head. Her eyes started to glisten, and she took a breath that racked through her whole body. With that, he felt his rage start to subside. Perhaps it was the weekend they shared, but seeing her eyes sparkle with unshed tears made him pause. 

She landed lightly, turning her head away to rub at those large eyes with the back of her hand. Damien reached out, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Madelynn. I don't know why they picked me, but they did." He tried to pull her closer to him, but she suddenly wrenched away from his grasp.

"Bullshit. You know exactly why they picked you." When she looked up at him, her eyes were filled with such anger and hurt that he wondered how they had ever been warm to him. "I just hope you're actually up to snuff."

With that, she left the office, slamming the door shut behind her. Through the one second of it being open he saw the whole team peering toward his office. Then their faces were once more blurry shapes that moved around occasionally. 

He stood for a moment, staring at that door, wondering if he should chase after her. Logically, he knew everyone had overheard their fight. It was unprofessional at best, and at worst, downright humiliating to have a screaming match in public. 

"Fuck!" His large hands, soft from lack of manual labor, rubbed over his face and he turned his gaze to the ceiling. He had royally fucked that up. Where did he even begin making amends?

Then he frowned to himself as a thought occurred to him. He wanted to make amends, but Madelynn had just burst into his office, and screamed at him. During work hours. It was not a good image, and he hadn't done anything to warrant it.

Moving to his chair, he sat down and pulled some paperwork out of his desk to go over. If he and Madelynn were going to make amends, she would have to apologize to him as well.