


Her smile is Delicate

Her laugh is Delicate

Her presence is Delicate

She is Delicate



When I dream it's something sweet

And I'm vegan so it's not meat

It's a little bit of my own Fantasy

With everything I like can't you see?

Like with the stars so bright

And the night so cool

and we didn't live in a world where everyones cruel

Oh and the FOOD is UNLIMITED

When I dream it's something sweet



I want to see the stars

So bright in the night sky

To watch them glow as time passes by

Seeing them twinkle as little christmas lights

Brings love to my eyes

I want to be looked at the same way I look at stars

Someone to smile as I fall asleep in the car

Someone to hold me and keep me warm

This is sad. What are you waiting for?

I want to see the stars


In poem three I got a little carried away ?

_Sauske_creators' thoughts