

SYNOPSIS 'Damn!!' Sebastian exclamined in his mind. He growled silently while staring at the little girl who stood before him. His silent growl caused the men standing beside him to shiver. He tightly closed his eyes, trying to control his boiling anger. 'Selene, are you playing tricks on me?' He screamed in his mind. 'How can I mate a little girl?' "SELENE!!" he yelled out loudly causing the people in the hall to flinch. "In all the years of my existence, all you can give to me,"...... He trailed off as he stared at the girl. "Is a little scum as a mate," He yelled out furiously. "Who's a scum?" Her little voice echoes in the hall, as she place her little hand on her waist. He clenched his hand into a fist as he stood up majestically from his throne. A huge and muscular king of Werewolves, his gorgeous face, high sharp chin and dark captivating golden eyes makes him look more attractive and heart path-taking. A sight that curses every woman to lick his feet, His long black hair were parked in a high ponytail with a golden crown on it, making him look like a handsome demon god. He walked past her with his men heading towards the door of the castle and her little voice echoes behind him. "Are you leaving just like that without saying anything?" He slowly turn and stared maliciously into her obsidian black eyes. "And who the fuck do you think you are to question me?" His sonorous voice sounded malicious, sending chilly down her spine as she slowly swallow her saliva. "i-- I'm your mate," She stammered causing him to chuckle. "MATE? Wrong information," He said as he continue walking out of the hall. "It doesn't matter what you see or say, all you have to know is that, i'm your destined Mate and nothing can it," She voiced out firmly. "I reject you," He spat out causing everyone to gasps. "You can't do that," She yelled out. "I was chosen by the moon goddess to be your one and only mate." Her word caused him to stop and then materialized right in front of her within a blink of an eye, holding her tightly on neck causing her to choke. "If killing you will prove to that moon goddess that I don't need silly little girl as a mate, then I will do it." He growled viciously as his eyes fluctuate into bloody red, she coughed while struggling to free her self from his grip, but her little hands couldn't clamp his larg ones. He finally released his grip on her causing her to fall on her knees gasping for air. "Throw her out!!" He commanded, "And I dont wanna see her ever again," He added and with that he stomped out of the throne room.

Twinkle_Blue_2240 · History
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Sebastian cursed in his mind.

He growled silently, while viciously staring at the little girl, who stood before him, with her large black eyes. His silent growl sent chills down the spines of the men, who stood before him.

He tightly closed his eyes, trying to control his ranging anger.

'Selene, are you playing tricks on me?' He screamed in his mind.

'How can I mate this little girl?'

"SELENE!!" he yelled out loudly, causing the people in the hall to flinch.

"In all the years of my existence, all you can give to me,"... He trailed off as he turn towards the girl, standing ten feets away from him.

"Is a little scum as a mate," He yelled out furiously.

"Who's a scum?" Her little voice echoes in the hall, as she place her little hand on her waist.

He clenched his hand into a fist as he stood up majestically from his throne.

A huge and muscular king of Werewolves,

his gorgeous face, high sharp chin and dark captivating golden eyes makes him look more attractive and heart path-taking. A sight that curses every woman to lick his feet, His long black hair were parked in a high ponytail with a golden crown on it, making him look like a handsome demon-god.

He walked past her with his men heading towards the door of the castle, trying to pretend not to have see this, but her little voice stopped him.

"Are you leaving just like that,without saying anything?"

He slowly turn and stared maliciously into her obsidian black eyes.

"And who the fuck do you think you are to question me?" His sonorous voice sounded malicious, sending chilly down her spine as she slowly swallow her saliva.

"i-- I'm your mate," She stammered causing him to chuckle.

"MATE? Wrong word," he said icily,his word devouring of no emotions, then,he continue walking out of the hall.

"It doesn't matter what you see or say, all you have to know is that, i'm your destined Mate and nothing can change it," She spouted out firmly.

"I reject you." He spat out causing everyone to gasps.

"You can't do that," She yelled out frustratedly.

"I was chosen by the moon goddess to be your one and only mate."

Her word caused him to stop and then materialized right in front of her within a blink of an eye, holding her tightly on neck causing her to choke.

"If killing you will prove to that moon goddess, that I don't need silly little girl as a mate, then I will do it."

He growled viciously as his eyes fluctuate into bloody red, she coughed while struggling to free her self from his grip, but her little hands couldn't clamp his large ones.

He finally released his grip on her, throwing her across the hall, causing her to fall on her knees, gasping for air.

"Throw her out!!" He commanded,

"And I dont wanna see her ever again," He added and with that he stomped out of the throne room.


Hello guys!! Is your Author; Twinkle blue💙💙🥰I'm so Happy to meet my old and new readers 🤭😍in Serefina and Sebastian's world of fantasy!! So I wanna say, WELCOME 🥰 to you all❤️❤️

This book is a slow burn novel, and, I hope you'll enjoy every bit of it! I will try my best to reach your expectations.

Please don't forget to support this book, this Author is looking forward, for your support and care!🥰🥰🥰☺️