
My Body Is The Ultimate Weapon

Tolu. Creatures created from the fear of unknown creatures. Once their formed they reek havoc to anything and everything. To counter act this, a organization known as the Tolu Hunters was formed. People with special powers to counter act the Tolu are placed into this organization and respond to any Tolu and kill them. Cash Zald is a popular Highschool student in his senior year along with being a top baseball player at that same school. Nearing the end of his senior year he discovers he has the abilities to become a Tolu hunter but discovers his unique role in the organization. But due to a tragic event, he assumes a new, more destructive role.

BeLikeMunch · Action
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19 Chs

Chapter 2- My Body Is Her Weapon

I stood in shock and aw at the sight of Liza, as the sunlight beamed on her covering her in a gold light. If goddesses truly existed. . .Then I believe I'm looking at one right now.

Tolu Hunters. People with special powers designated to fight Tolu. They are simply superhuman, their strength and speed are said to be out of this world. I can now confirm that. . . People rarely see them in action as they only appear when Tolu show up. . They say they emerge from the thin air and disappear once their done. . . Apparently. My childhood friend is one of them.

" Cash." She turned and quickly jogged over to me. She stood, examining me for some reason. Even though I wasn't involved. . .Well directly, she is still checking me for injuries.

She looked to my now missing arm and had little reaction. Which I would of found strange if I also had little reaction. I reached over to my sleeve and felt were my arm should have been connected to my shoulder. . .No blood, no pain. I should of been screaming due to the pain of a missing arm but I had no inclination to.

" Weird huh." Liza spoke. Her soft voice distracted me from my missing arm. Her blue eyes were full of kindness " I've got a lot of explaining to do huh."

" Uh. Yea, I'd say."

Liza explained that she became a Tolu hunter when we were kids and that she had been training every summer since then. That's why I rarely saw her during the summer. Today was her first actual combat against a Tolu which I refused to believe after seeing her disperse it so easily.

" The one today wasn't that strong so it was easy to kill."

" Still. It takes bravery to face something as scary as that. If I were you I would of turn and run."

" Hm. . . Thanks. I have trained for it a long time. Feels good to get actually use it. "

The sunlight was shining on us as we sat out side the building on a bench surrounded by lush bushes and flowers. Lizas red hair shined bright and her skin was a light yellow. Her eyes were angled down to the floor, I noticed that she didn't have a spec of blood or anything on her, even though she had cut that thing right down the middle. . . Impressive.

Remembering my arm I grabbed my sleeve and held it up.

" Uh. . . Care to explain this."

Liza eyes met mine. then my sleeve without a arm. Her eyes then darted between her sword and my arm.

" Oh. Right." . . . How could you forget. " Here. Have it back."

 A flash of light the same as before. Once it was gone I felt my arm back in it's usual place. No pain, no discomfort.

" The hell." I stretched out my arm and everything felt fine. Nothing was out of place. That's good because I am a pitcher. I need my arm.

" Basically." Liza faced forward again as she began to explain what was going on with me. " Your like. . . My weapon."

". . . Huh?" Please explain.

" I'll make it quick." Liza stood up and stretched out her arms before turning to face me. She was still in the armor that her clothes seemed to turn into. " Tolu hunters have special abilities as you know." 

" I mean I know now for sure." I just saw her launch threw the roof of the school.

" Right. So these abilities are used to kill Tolu, but there's one problem." She reached out her hand and a flash of light blinded me. Once my vision returned. . . My left arms gone. " We need these to use our powers."

" You need my arm. to use as a sword?" Wasn't making much sense but at this point nothing did.

" Let me shorten it up. I have the abilities to fight the Tolu, and you possesses the power to fight the Tolu." Still doesn't make sense

" Okay. So how are you forming weapons out of my arms."

She lifted the blade in front of her face and looked at herself threw the reflection of. . . Metal I think. But it did come from my body so how would their be metal.

" Every Tolu hunter. Like me can do it, but there is only one designated person we can do it on." so does that mean. " Luckily for me, that person is you." So I'm practically her weapon to fight the Tolu.. . A tool.

I've been friends with her for as long as I could remember. Since we were kids. . . When my grandma died and I was left all alone, she was the one who comforted me, her parents took me in until I could live on my own. . . This entire time, was it because I was her weapon, because she needed me to fight Tolu. . . Am I only a tool?

" No." 

" Huh." Lizas face was now directly in front of my mine. I felt my face turn red for a moment as I turned away. " The hell, can you read minds or something."

She stood back upright and tilted her head, her eyes while beautiful, terrified me when they looked at me like this. They seemed to be starring straight into my sole. The same terrifying eyes I received shortly after my grandma died.

" Don't think like that." . . . Can she actually read minds.

" Huh. Like what?"

" . . . I've known you long enough that I can tell what your thinking just buy looking at you." That's kind of scary but at the same time makes me happy. " Were friends because I like you and your a good person. No other reason."

I felt my face get even more red as I turned away even more completely avoiding eye contact. . . I know she didn't mean it that way but still. . . A flash of light and my left arm returned. I pushed my embarrassment aside and stood facing her. We began to head back into the building to make sure everyone was okay.

Suddenly. Liza stopped and turned looking at me. No past me. 

" Sorry." 

" Huh."

A flash of light as Liza went past me causing me to shield my face from the light and the wind. . . My right arm was gone again.

" Can you warn me before you do that."

" I said sorry." That isn't a warning.

Liza was now stood in the middle of the opening outside the U shaped school. I see it. A Tolu, but a small one. It looked more human almost. If it wasn't staggering with each step and it's hands twitching, I would consider it a human. Actually. . . I just saw it's face.

Its mouth was wide open revealing it's rather sharp teeth. It's eyes were different sizes. One big and wide open. The other slanted and small.

" Uh. . . Can I like get out of here." I figured that Liza could handle this. She doesn't need me. . .

" No!" . . .Great. " If you get out of range my sword will vanish and you'll actually be missing an arm." This keeps getting better and better.

" Really. So am I just supposed to sit here. What if that thing comes for me." 

" It won't." The creature snapped it's neck and looked at us. No, it's eyes were set solely on Liza. " It will prioritize the most dangerous target. It operate only with instinct.. . It won't recognize you as a thing of importance." . . . I kind of felt insulted but also happy that I wouldn't be torn to shreds.

" Well this ones a small one. It should be easy right."

" No."

" Huh." 

I just noticed, since this things appeared. Liza has had a slight tremble in her voice.

" The more human they look the stronger they are. . . It must of formed during the first attack when the whole schools fear of Tolu reached a peak."

Liza positioned her self between me and the Tolu. Her hair was bobbing up and down in the slight wind. Looking at her arms, they were trembling ever so slightly.

A patch of grass tore into the sky as the Tolu raced forward at Liza. In response Liza brought her sword in front of her face. The Tolu crashed into it with it's fist shaking the ground with it's impact.

The Tolu reared back it's other hand and threw a punch. Liza ducked it and slashed off said hand in the process.

The creature roared in pain as blue blood shot from the wound. Liza then went for another slash but this time the Tolu blocked it with it's free hand. In response Liza kicked the Tolu sending it flying back to the other side.

My eyes strained just trying to track that short span of movements. The speed in which the Tolu and Liza were moving was indeed, superhuman. The Tolu came sliding to a stop, Liza in one step dashed meeting it.

The Tolu was still missing a arm and Liza took note and went for an attack on it's un guarded side.

In an instant. The Tolu regrew it's arm blocking the blade. Twisting it's arm unnaturally, it grabbed the blade with the same hand and threw Liza off the side. 

Bouncing of the ground once she regained her footing sliding to a stop. Looking up, the Tolu had closed the distance and had a fist already heading her direction. Liza dodged the fist, barely missing her face. her right arm was in a awkward position on the other side of the Tolu leaving her unable to swing her sword.

Another flash of light. . . My arms back. Another flash. . . Ah! Again. . . My left arms gone!

I heard the Tolu screech in pain. Looking back at Liza, her blade was now in her left hand. . . She had returned my right arm and summoned my left in her left hand allowing her to stab the Tolu,

Bright Blue blood fell to the ground as the Tolu jumped back in pain. Holding it's right side it let out continuous screeches of pain as the wound slowly healed. . . Why isn't Liza pushing the offensive.

" Liza-"

A gust of wind passed my right side causing me to lose balance. The wind stopped with a poof behind the Tolu. Regaining my balance I looked to see a blade cutting straight threw the air for the Tolu's neck.

" Look who's here."