
My Body Is The Ultimate Weapon

Tolu. Creatures created from the fear of unknown creatures. Once their formed they reek havoc to anything and everything. To counter act this, a organization known as the Tolu Hunters was formed. People with special powers to counter act the Tolu are placed into this organization and respond to any Tolu and kill them. Cash Zald is a popular Highschool student in his senior year along with being a top baseball player at that same school. Nearing the end of his senior year he discovers he has the abilities to become a Tolu hunter but discovers his unique role in the organization. But due to a tragic event, he assumes a new, more destructive role.

BeLikeMunch · Action
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19 Chs

Chapter 12-Pain

The Tolu advanced throwing strike after strike at Liza. Staying quick on her feet, Liza was able to avoid said strikes but that wouldn't last long. The sword was cracked and on the verge of breaking, and Liza was refusing to use it.

" Liza! You have to fight back!"

I called to her. I didn't care if I lost an arm if it meant saving her life. If she keeps dodging without countering then she'll eventually get hit and this thing packs a lot of power from the looks of it.

Liza conjured up a wall of flowers blocking the Tolus' view of her, however, the Tolu couldn't care less as it charged threw knowing there was no threat of an attack from her. Slamming its fist into the ground as Liza nearly dodged the last strike. The Tolu raised its left leg and landed a strike on Lizas' right side.

Liza gasped at the impact and I watched as blood shot from her mouth and disappeared into the rain.

 "No. . .!" I can't do anything. My ribs are broken...I can't stand up, there is nothing I could do even if I could stand...I'm, helpless...!

The Tolu raised its right fist ready to kill Liza as she dropped to her knees after the strike to her ribs. I watched as the fist of death began to descend on her skull as I sat and watched from the sidelines.

" SHINK!!"

The Tolu's right hand was severed and fell to the floor as the Tolu roared out in rage and pain. I looked up and to my surprise, Mina was flying through the sky above the Tolu her sword covered in purple blood.

Mina came crashing to the floor, kicking up the mud as she did. I saw Liza mouth her name as Mina rose to one knee and spit blood from her mouth.

" How are you still-" I struggled to speak through the pain.

" Because we are tougher than you weak dogs." She was as harsh as ever and her tone was still as venomous, maybe slightly more.

Looking at her I could tell she wasn't in good shape, her one leg was shaking and she seemed to be missing an eye. There were cuts along her body and blood seeped through her black outfit.

The Tolu now focused on Mina as it pulsated a nasty red color as it marched towards us. Mina stood with all her might and in one step closed the distance pinning he sword on its arm.

" I'm not dying before becoming an A rank you hear."

In one swift movement of the arm, the Tolu threw Mina off and into a violent role. Mina dug her blade which was severely damaged into the ground...Reminding me, where is Kala?

The Tolu closed the distance grabbing Mina by the caller and throwing her into a concrete wall past me, I saw the said concrete wall collapse on top of her causing her to get stuck under the rubble.

The Tolu jumped into the air and that hole opened up on its face where its mouth should be. 

"It's gonna directly hit her with that sonic boom thing."

A massive amount of rose petals then masked the Tolu right as it went to scream. " RAAWW." It unleashed the attack without a clear line of site causing it to land just beyond its target.

Liza was back on her feet, but she wasn't in any shape to continue fighting. She hobbled back and forth as she attempted to walk over to me, blood ran from her mouth and dripped to the ground before being washed away by the rain.

" Watch out!"

The Tolu appeared behind Liza in a single flash, its fist was already prepared to strike and it did. " BOOM!" The ground shook as I looked on as a helpless, pathetic person as dust was picked up by the wind where Liza was standing.

" HUH!"

Then, I saw her. Liza rolled out of the dust as she seemingly dodged the attack. The blood-red pulsating skin of the Tolu began to emerge behind her as it threw another strike. Liza again even while on the ground dodged once more.

" Dame It!"

I attempted to stand as Liza crawled to her feet. The Tolu stood over her like it was playing with her watching her squirm. I looked at the sword which was practically falling apart, though I could barely feel the pain anymore.

" My other arm!!" I screamed out. " Use my other arm!" It was in better shape than that at least.

She looked at me like I was stupid with her soft eyes and kind smile. I gritted my teeth in anger as I tried to think of something...My Leg!

" Then my leg! Use my leg!" She never said it could only be my arms! My legs are perfectly fine. It's only my ribs that keep me from walking straight.

She dismissed my idea with a simple nod. The Tolu drew back its fist as Liza turned to face it The Tolu was only inches away from her leaving her no time to dodge this attack.


There was a bright flash of light before I heard the impact. It was close to me, dust was filtered into my nose and I began to cough uncontrollably. I felt my left arm throbbing with pain..."MY Left Arm Is Back!"

I looked to where Liza was but only saw the Tolu as it retracted its fist slowly looking slightly to my right.

" Huh!? What...!?"

Next to me lay a red-headed girl with a beautifully delicate face and a kind mind. The one I had spent many hours playing with during the summer. One who had saved my life. sacrificed her life

" C-Cash."

Her red eyes blinked, and her right hand extended out to me. I saw as more blood than should be leaving the body began to spill to the floor beneath her. I dragged my body over to her as the footsteps of the Tolu began to approach.

" Are You okay?"

I almost lost it as she asked the question I somehow new she was going to ask. I looked to my left arm witch she sacrificed her life for and grew angry, though I could not yell at her now.

" The pain in my arm. . .I can't even feel it, Liza."