
Designing a Mobile Phone System!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Ralph, how do we develop it?" Alice asked curiously.

"In terms of system, what do you think America lacks the most?" Ralph asked this question.

"What system does America lack the most?" Alice thought for a few seconds and said, "It should be a mobile phone system. Currently, America's mobile phone systems are all foreign or monopolized, such as Android and ios."

"That's right!"

Ralph nodded. "Although the mobile system is free like anti-virus software, the mobile system is much more advanced than anti-virus software. There are too many types of anti-virus software that can be replaced, and there isn't much potential for development. Relying on anti-virus software to make money is too slow. However, the mobile system is different. The mobile system can also earn advertising fees, download volumes, app stores, and other places that can make money. If a mobile phone system was developed that was more useful than Android and ios, wouldn't that be equivalent to controlling the lifeline of America's mobile phone economy?"

"That being said, it is not easy to develop a system that is comparable to Android and ios. Otherwise, the top software companies would have developed their own long ago. America not only lacks some core technologies but also lacks relevant talents. Our company also does not have the money to develop a mobile phone system!" Alice voiced out her concerns.

"Alice, leave this matter to me. You just need to be prepared. Once the mobile phone system is developed, you'll immediately apply for a patent and look for a partner mobile phone manufacturing company to try it out. Our Central Company has developed a central antivirus software and solved the global extortion virus incident. Our reputation isn't small either. There must be a mobile phone company and carrier working with us!" Ralph said.

"Ralph, are you going to develop it?" Alice was shocked.

But when she thought that Ralph could develop a central anti-virus software, perhaps he could really develop a mobile phone system, even if it failed, it would just be a waste of time.

After Alice left, Ralph began to write programs and build a mobile phone system.

A mobile phone system and was a new system that was comparable to Android phones and ios systems, so it was definitely very difficult.

Moreover, Android was not easy to use when it first came out. It was developed step by step, which was also a step for the mobile phone system.

But what Ralph wanted to develop was a new system that was comparable to Android and ios, or even better than the two major systems. It must be even more difficult.

"My body data has been enhanced many times, and my computing power is far better than before. It's enough to design a new system, but it will take a little time!" Ralph thought.

Before designing, he had personally entered Android and iPhone to collect the system data. After all, combining the advantages of the two systems with his own calculations, he could create a more excellent system in a short time.

Of course, he also referenced some mobile phone systems such as Windows phones, combined with many mobile phone systems, and absorbed their essence.

Otherwise, without comparing the data, it would be extremely difficult for him to create a mobile phone system out of thin air.

In just three days, Ralph had completely mastered the core technology of the two mobile phone software and began to program and design new mobile phone programs.

For half a month, Ralph had been programming. Every day, he was doing extreme data operations. His computational skills were so big that even the super-tech intelligence system in sci-fi movies was nothing more than that.

Finally, on the 20th day, a brand-new system was born.

"Let's call it RA system!"

This was the uppercase of the first letter of Ralph and Alice's names.

RA system's operating speed was 1.5 times faster than Android, and it was also an open system. Moreover, it had an additional credit that other mobile phone systems did not have, which was virtual projection technology!

He could display the video in three-dimensional form through virtual projection, which was a technology that the current mobile phone system did not have.

This was also a program that Ralph had designed based on his inspiration of being able to enter the digital world. The process was very complicated, and just this technology alone took two-thirds of the entire design process.

He believed that once this technology was displayed, RA's mobile phone system would be able to crush other mobile phone systems and occupy the American mobile phone system market.

"Kant, I have designed a mobile phone program. I want to apply for a patent. I wonder if you can help me introduce people from the relevant departments. This way, I can also skip some formalities!"

Ralph called Kant, who was asking about his computer program course.

A mobile phone system software involved a lot of patents. If one did not apply, other companies would use it privately once they cracked the program. However, if one applied for a patent, other companies would misappropriate the technology without permission, which would be a violation of copyright.

"Ralph, you have designed a mobile phone system software? I can help you contact it, but everything will still follow the normal procedures. If your mobile phone system does not have a brand new technology, there is no way to apply for a patent. No matter how deep your relationship is, there is no backdoor!" Kant reminded Ralph.

"Kant, I understand!" Ralph replied.

With the help of Kant and the school, Ralph quickly entered the patent application process.

Half a month later.

Central Company obtained 18 patents on the mobile phone system, and announced on the official website that they had designed a brand new mobile phone system - RA system!