
My Blue Lock System

Leonardo Marcia, a 30-year-old footballer from Verona, Italy, experienced a devastating injury 15 years ago, causing him to be released from La Masia, FC Barcelona's youth program. Despite multiple trials, he was rejected by most teams, leaving him no longer a promising prospect. In spite of being fat overtime, Marcia still adores playing football with children in the park and died whiles playing with them. He regrets squandering his talent and never reaching his full potential as a professional athlete. In a new world after he transmigrated, he received a Blue Lock invitation. The real story begins on from there.

Luciffero · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs


"The match between U-20 Japan and Blue Lock Eleven has been nothing short of exciting. Blue Lock is unexpectedly leading 3-1 at the end of the first half, defying all expectations," the commentator shouts with excitement.

"Although the U-20's made a last-minute attack, they were unable to score before halftime. Instead, team Blue Lock quickly launched a counterattack and held their ground," he added.

"Natsuki, what are your thoughts on Blue Lock's performance?" The commentator turned to his co-commentator.

"Blue Lock's Amazing! They're a type of team never seen in Japanese football." Natsuki practically screams back.

"I couldn't agree more. And now we have the second half ahead of us, I can barely contain myself!"

"Alright! We're going to take a 15-minute break before we continue with the match," the commentator announced, pausing for a short intermission.


While the players were heading to the locker room...

Murano and Hiori stopped to grab some water.

Murano, his heart still pounding from the first half's action, reached for a water bottle, but then he heard a familiar voice calling his name from the stands.

"Hayashi! Hey, Hayaashiii!" Someone was calling for him.

"Look over here, Hayashii!" He soon glanced in that direction, and there, in the crowds, stood his entire family—Mom, Dad, even his little brother and older sister. The sheer volume of their cheers had even drawn Hiori's attention.

"Ah, he saw us, mom!" his brother screamed with pure excitement.

His sister, camera in hand, waved. "Look here, Hayashi."

"You got this, Hayashi!!" Both his parents yelled proudly. Murano felt a little shy and embarrassed, as all eyes were on him and his supportive family. This kind of support was new to him.

"Whoa! That's your family?" Hiori asked.

"Yeah," Murano replied.

After that, Murano quietly headed to the locker room.

Meanwhile, in the stands...

Across the stands, a petite woman with light blue hair leaned towards Murano's parents, her husband by her side. "Is that your son?" she inquired, gesturing towards the field.

That was Hiori's parents.

"Ah yes, that's our son!" Murano's dad answered proudly.

"Oh, ours too! He's Blue Lock's number 6, the one walking next to your son!"

"Incredible! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Murano's mom said politely while bowing her head.

"Likewise!" Hiori's mom said, returning the gesture.

The conversation flowed with excitement and pride as they talked about their sons.

Hiori's dad even asked about Murano's upbringing. "How did you raise such a phenomenal player? We're trying everything to make ours the best striker in the world."

By pushing their expectations and dreams onto their son Hiori, they were practically living through him and wanting him to become the best striker.

So it was only natural that they were curious about the training that led to Murano becoming such a skilled player.

Unbeknownst to them, they were about to receive a reality check from Murano's parents that would leave them speechless.

Murano's dad chuckled. "Actually, this is the first time I've seen him play."

Murano's mom added, "And to be honest, he wasn't that good before. He only started playing football in his second year of high school..."

Hiori's parents were left speechless. Hiori's parents, expecting some secret training plan, were left utterly dumbfounded.