
My Bloodthirty Husband Is So Gentle

Shengsheng, Shengsheng… He always addressed her so gently and lovingly. People described him as a bright and graceful young man who was as noble as a piece of jade, heh, but they had never seen how he looked cutting open corpses with a scalpel. Oh, how his eyes glowed red. He had a name that sounded gentle: Shi Jin. Jiang Jiusheng first saw Shi Jin in the elevator of her apartment. “Your hands are really pretty,” she exclaimed in genuine admiration and was unable to shift her gaze away. “Can I… touch them?” He was surprised. She explained, “I’m sorry, I have a slight hand fetish.” He hesitated for a rather long time. “I’m sorry, I’m a bit of a clean freak.” After a pause, she asked in a serious tone, “Is it okay for me to just touch them briefly?” The rock star, Jiang Jiusheng, had a hand fetish. Her new neighbor was a doctor and coincidentally had a pair of hands that she wished she could keep for herself. Some time in the future, he stood in the bathroom of their new apartment, holding a scalpel with his bloody hands. His back was to her. There was blood all over the floor, and a broken limb. From the pile of bloody bones, she could tell that they belonged to the stray dog she had brought home. She asked, “What are you doing?” He answered, “Dissecting a corpse.” She took a step back, but he pressed her down to the cold floor of the bathroom and ripped off her clothes. The blood on the floor stained her snow-white skin. He said, “Shengsheng, if I can choose how I die, I hope I die on top of you.” He said, “Shengsheng, I’m a doctor who can’t cure himself. I’m sick, blood makes me excited and compels me to slaughter, and you make me feel thirsty for blood. You’re the reason why I’m driven to murder.” He said, “Shengsheng, save me. If you don’t hold my hand, I’ll kill myself after I kill everybody who tries to take you away from me.” She took his hand, and said, “Shi Jin, the blood on the floor will dirty my shoes. I want you to carry me out of here.” She had never loved someone so much that she was willing to descend into hell with him. He had never loved someone so much that he was willing to set aside his butcher knife for her.

Gu Nanxi · Urban
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

Hands Off My Lover (Thief Alert)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Sorry, my love. The phone slipped. Got cut off."

Laughing, Zhan Fanglin kissed her.

Through it all, Jiang Jiusheng hadn't uttered a word. By one o'clock, there were more than 200,000 comments on Liu Xu's post, all trending toward the theme of "Get out, Liu Xu," making it the most searched topic. 

Liu Xu's post was packed with angry opinions interspersed with proclamations by diehard fans continuously echoing ShengYe's_SecretLover comment.

ShengYe's_SecretLover: This is Sheng's lover. Like me! Like me and be surprised. Lippy for 666! LOL. Skin for 888!

Immediately, the frenzy of hits reached a fever pitch. The one watching the response was over the moon when suddenly a response appeared. 

Sheng_4ever: No, you're not. @Shengye's_SecretLover

Annoyed, the original commenter flexed their fingers, preparing to rebut. 

Shengye's_SecretLover: If not me, then who…? You? @Sheng_4ever

Sheng_4ever: Yep, it's me all right. @Shengye's_SecretLover

Shengye's_SecretLover: Stop trying to steal my lover, you conniving thief! @Sheng_4ever

Sheng_4ever: She's mine, not yours! @Shengye's_SecretLover

Shengye's_SecretLover: I'm the one! Get lost, you trash! @Sheng_4ever

At the last upload, a message appeared on the Weibo screen: Sorry, we have detected abnormal activity and have deactivated your account pending further investigation.

Shengye's_SecretLover was speechless.

What? My account's been blocked?

Pulling her hair in frustration, Tan Mobao ranted, "Humph! Don't you dare get in my face again, or I'll kill you a hundred times over and call you Daddy!"

Having vented her anger, she immediately registered a new account using the tag name ShengYe's_SecretLover001, searched for Sheng_4ever, and left a message.

ShengYe's_SecretLover001: I'm the one! Get lost, you trash! @Sheng_4ever

No response from the other side.

ShengYe's_SecretLover001: Get the drift?! Stay away from my lover! @Sheng_4ever

Once the message was sent, a notification appeared on the Weibo screen: Sorry, we have detected abnormal activity and have deactivated your account pending further investigation.

Again, Tan Mobao was speechless.

Dammit! What the hell's going on here?

Tan Mobao immediately activated the hundred generic IDs that she had acquired earlier and renamed the group ID to ShengYe's_SecretLover002. She was outraged and cursing nonstop internally. She badly needed to be comforted by her lover. 

ShengYe's_SecretLover002: Sheng, my beloved, a nutcase tried to snatch you from me today and even closed my account, but I wanted to tell you that you will always be the one for me, till the end of time @Jiang Jiusheng V

Having posted the message, Tan Mobao thought of her beloved Sheng and felt ridiculously happy. In front of her, the computer screen was continuously being plastered with display windows.

I want the Shaolin Eighteen… Play with your phone again, and I will report you… Come back to us, WebMaster… DY, the webmaster with no professional ethics… Look this way, Miss WebMaster… Lost 30 minutes of real time with the phone, LaoTie6666…

Webmaster Tan Mobao had a chat room called The Addictive Bao with a few million followers. Although widely known as the DY live chat webmaster who was notoriously bad at singing and even worse at gaming, she was extremely popular because of her unique characteristics: stupid but cute, very foul-mouthed when gaming, and always punishing her followers with her excruciatingly bad singing. She ranked high on the DY popularity chart, leaving her competitors trailing far behind her. Any observer of Tan Mobao's chat room would have agreed that she was an obsessive, diehard Sheng fan with an idolization factor that was off the charts.

Finally, Tan Mobao turned her attention away from her mobile and looked at the clock on her desktop, her pretty face looking vivacious and fresh despite being devoid of makeup. "Ten more minutes before we go offline. One last freebie."

The chat room was suddenly inundated with millions of hits, wallpapering the screen many times over!

Taking advantage of the frenzy, Tan Mobao rattled off her statement: "Send a total of 66 or more 'Trashy Actor' messages pointing to Liu Xu's Weibo @LiuXu V; submit the screen dump directly to the chat room and win a chance for a song request and a dozen packs of tissue imprinted with my kiss. Send more than 88 messages and be in for a surprise!"

This freebie… What a creative ploy!

New messages popped up in the chat room, asking if Tan Mobao was an anti-fan of Liu Xu. Chuckling, Webmaster Mobao said, "Me? Liu Xu's anti-fan?" Leaning back in her chair, she stretched one leg on the table and, clutching the mic, asked, "Are you guys new to this chat room?"

"Yes," they replied. First-timers.

Webmaster Mobao stated condescendingly, "I'm Sheng Ye's beloved. All you wannabee suitors can get lost!"

The chat room started filling up rapidly again.

Webmaster 666… The horny ones… Maniac Suitors… HaHaHa… Take it down, all the suitors…

Shutting her eyes to the chats on the screen, Tan Mobao began singing—with passion—one of her beloved Jiang Jiusheng's songs. She stood on her feet to try to reach the high notes but failed miserably, ending up looking the part but delivering off-tune. 

Audience in the chat room: I might have followed a fake webmaster.

The fans in Tan Mobao's chat room were so active that, by three in the afternoon, the topic "Trashy Actor" had topped the most searched list. Working with the Sheng fans, they had ganged up in the retaliation against Liu Xu. Realizing that the DY webmaster was a diehard Sheng fan, the "suitors" that had been observing on the side also added to the notifications.

Within the hour, Tan Mobao's notifications had increased to nearly a million. Shocked, she thought, Oh my God! She's going to hit the roof!