
My Bloodthirty Husband Is So Gentle

Shengsheng, Shengsheng… He always addressed her so gently and lovingly. People described him as a bright and graceful young man who was as noble as a piece of jade, heh, but they had never seen how he looked cutting open corpses with a scalpel. Oh, how his eyes glowed red. He had a name that sounded gentle: Shi Jin. Jiang Jiusheng first saw Shi Jin in the elevator of her apartment. “Your hands are really pretty,” she exclaimed in genuine admiration and was unable to shift her gaze away. “Can I… touch them?” He was surprised. She explained, “I’m sorry, I have a slight hand fetish.” He hesitated for a rather long time. “I’m sorry, I’m a bit of a clean freak.” After a pause, she asked in a serious tone, “Is it okay for me to just touch them briefly?” The rock star, Jiang Jiusheng, had a hand fetish. Her new neighbor was a doctor and coincidentally had a pair of hands that she wished she could keep for herself. Some time in the future, he stood in the bathroom of their new apartment, holding a scalpel with his bloody hands. His back was to her. There was blood all over the floor, and a broken limb. From the pile of bloody bones, she could tell that they belonged to the stray dog she had brought home. She asked, “What are you doing?” He answered, “Dissecting a corpse.” She took a step back, but he pressed her down to the cold floor of the bathroom and ripped off her clothes. The blood on the floor stained her snow-white skin. He said, “Shengsheng, if I can choose how I die, I hope I die on top of you.” He said, “Shengsheng, I’m a doctor who can’t cure himself. I’m sick, blood makes me excited and compels me to slaughter, and you make me feel thirsty for blood. You’re the reason why I’m driven to murder.” He said, “Shengsheng, save me. If you don’t hold my hand, I’ll kill myself after I kill everybody who tries to take you away from me.” She took his hand, and said, “Shi Jin, the blood on the floor will dirty my shoes. I want you to carry me out of here.” She had never loved someone so much that she was willing to descend into hell with him. He had never loved someone so much that he was willing to set aside his butcher knife for her.

Gu Nanxi · Urban
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

Drinking Yogurt Together

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Shengsheng, sit here."

He rose and pushed his chair towards Jiang Jiusheng. He then sprayed the other chair used by his patients with disinfectant and pushed it far away.

Oh, Shi Jin is a clean freak. Jiang Jiusheng hesitated about whether she should sit down.

Shi Jin sensed her hesitation and smiled. "It's okay. Sit down. I don't mind."

With that, Jiang Jiusheng dropped her bashful behavior.

Shi Jin was leaning against the table. His eyes narrowed slightly as he asked Jiang Jiusheng casually, "It's dinnertime. Do you want to eat together?"

She shook her head. "It's okay. I'm getting discharged today."

This came, she came to 'resign'.

Shi Jin's smile faded slightly. "Is there something urgent you have to attend to?"

"Work." Jiang Jiusheng spoke concisely and comprehensively. The entertainment industry was showy and pretentious and unsuitable for Shi Jin, so there was no need to explain any further.

Shi Jin raised his brows. "Is it about your world tour?" he asked.

He really is my fanboy.

Jiang Jiusheng nodded her head and blurted out before she could think, "It's on November 11. Are you free?"

The third concert of TheNine's world tour was on November 11, and Jiang Jiusheng's question could have been considered an invitation.

Shi Jin's lips curled. "I'll clear my schedule for that day."

"You don't have to buy a ticket. I'll send it to you," said Jiang Jiusheng.

His smile was honest, and it made him look warm and kind. "Is this a fan privilege?" he asked.

Jiang Jiusheng shook her head with a laugh. "It's a gift of gratitude for having troubled you the past few days." She took a sip of warm water. "You can come with a friend."

"You're my only friend."

His tone was serious, and his expression remained unchanged.

Jiang Jiusheng was amicable and polite to other people, but she had never really gotten close to anyone. Yet, even though they hadn't known each other very long, she could tell that Shi Jin was lonely and alienated. He was like a painting placed behind a display window—beautiful but not real. This was the feeling that Shi Jin gave Jiang Jiusheng.

She tried her best to speak casually as she said, "I heard that you and Dr. Xu were classmates."

Shi Jin thought about it before clarifying their relationship. "Our relationship is superficial."

Xu Qingbo, who had just arrived at the door, shouted angrily, "Neurosurgery department consultation! You decide if you want to go or not!"

He must have slept on a fake bunk bed in the past.

Jiang Jiusheng was discharged from the hospital that day. Mo Bing sent her back to her apartment.

"I've rescheduled all your events, but there's an award ceremony that you have to attend in half a month," said Mo Bing. "You've been nominated as the best female singer and the best composer." 

Jiang Jiusheng hummed in response. The cast on her arm wasn't very comfortable, so she went to relax on the couch.

Mo Bing went over a few more things before she left Jiang Jiusheng's apartment. When the elevator doors opened, she bumped into Shi Jin, who had just returned from the hospital.

"Dr. Shi," Mo Bing greeted him.

Shi Jin nodded and replied, "Miss Mo."

It was very polite but also quite cold and distant. Mo Bing didn't know why, but every time she saw Shi Jin's attractive face, it filled her with a perilous feeling. He was indisputably an amiable and approachable gentleman, yet he frightened her.

"Shengsheng's arm is causing her inconvenience, so I'll have to trouble you, Dr. Shi, if she needs help with anything," said Mo Bing.

After all, Shi Jin was her neighbor and a doctor.

"Of course," said Shi Jin. 

Even though Mo Bing felt strange about it, she didn't say anything. She merely bid Shi Jin goodbye and entered the elevator.

In the following two weeks, Jiang Jiusheng devoted herself to preparing for her concert and new album. Her company's offices and her apartment were the only two places she went. Besides Xiao Qiao, who would come over to cook for her, she was practically cut off from the rest of the world. Jiang Jiusheng could not cook—the only two dishes she could make were fried rice with eggs and instant noodles.

The award ceremony that Mo Bing had mentioned was scheduled to happen at 8:00 p.m. that night. It was located at an international exhibition hall beside the SARFT, and Mo Bing gave Jiang Jiusheng a call at 3:00 p.m. that afternoon.

"I've already sent Xiao Qiao to deliver your outfit to your apartment, and the stylist should be on the way, too. You guys head over first. There's a bit of a situation with Ming Yao, so I'll be arriving later."

Ming Yao was a new artist under Mo Bing. He had a wild temper and was still in a period of adjustment.

Jiang Jiusheng hummed in response before hanging up. She rose, grabbed her clothes, and headed to the shower. On her way there, she opened the door and latched it, as she assumed that Xiao Qiao would be arriving soon. The security at the apartment was very tight, the electronic lock in the bathroom was very secure, and, since she was skilled in mixed martial arts as well, anybody who dared to trespass would be seeking death.

Xiao Qiao arrived while she was in the shower.

Jiang Jiusheng heard a knock on the door and replied, "Give me a moment. I'll be out soon."

She turned off the tap and wrapped a towel around her. Then she started drying her hair while walking into the living room. "I can't lift my arm. Please dry my hair for me—" 

Her words halted abruptly.

Jiang Jiusheng remained rooted to the ground in shock. Shi Jin was standing by the door, his back extremely erect. 

"Do you want me to go back?" he asked.

The towel was wrapped around her chest. It was autumn, and the temperature was low—perhaps she had used too much hot water, but Jiang Jiusheng felt like she was burning up everywhere. The towel she was using to dry her hair was damp, as were her palms.

There was a heavy silence for a long time. When Jiang Jiusheng finally spoke, she tried her best to sound as normal as possible. 

"I'll go back to my room to change first," she said. "You can sit here and wait for me if you don't mind."

Shi Jin averted his gaze slightly and nodded.

Jiang Jiusheng immediately headed to the bedroom, and her footsteps sounded flustered.

Ten minutes later, she emerged with damp hair and no makeup on her face, clad in the sportswear that she wore at home. She sat down opposite Shi Jin.

"What do you want to drink?" she asked.

Shi Jin replied, "Yogurt."

I like yogurt, too. Shi Jin is handsome, and his hands are so pretty. I bet he looks really attractive when he's drinking yogurt. 

There was no telling why Jiang Jiusheng suddenly had these thoughts.

She rose to get the yogurt drink, and when she opened the refrigerator, she realized that there was nothing other than peach-flavored yogurt, eggs, and water inside.

She turned her head and asked Shi Jin, "Is peach-flavored yogurt fine?"

Shi Jin smiled lightly. "Sure."

She grabbed one peach-flavored yogurt and handed it to him. He took it from her, unwrapped the straw, and opened his mouth to suck on it. His pale lips closed as he sipped it, his Adam's apple bobbed, and his slender fingers clutched the packet. He then took another sip before releasing the straw and licking his lips. His pale lips were now slightly rosy.

Jiang Jiusheng stared at the straw in the yogurt packet. 

Oh, Shi Jin likes to bite the straw, as well. How attractive. His hands and his lips are so attractive… Nobody else besides Shi Jin can look so ridiculously good while drinking yogurt.

She averted her gaze and took to biting the plastic wrapping of the straw, as she couldn't exert enough strength with her arm in the cast.

"Let me help you." Shi Jin reached out for the straw in her mouth and tore open the wrapping. He stuck it into the packet before handing the yogurt back to her. His movements were neat and well-paced.

Gentle elegance, unparalleled in the world—this was a description that truly suited him. Jiang Jiusheng couldn't help but wonder how something as simple as two adults drinking yogurt could cause her to go into a daze.

"Thank you," she said as she accepted it. The taste on the tip of her tongue was both sweet and sour; it was a taste that she couldn't quite describe. She started biting the straw unconsciously as she asked, "Is there a reason why you're here?"