
I hate you

I hate you.

You're always there when I need you the most.

I hate you.

I always want you by my side.

I hate you.

You're the one I'm comfortable with.

I hate you..

Who told you to be my favourite person?

I hate you…

Everything seems clearer when you're around.

I hate you!!

I absolutely hate you.

I hate… that you look so much happier with them.

I hate that you fee more comfortable in their presence.

I hate that its always them.

I hate that you just see me as a friend.

What are they to you?

Why, no, How?

How are you so enlightened by them?

I've always been by your side.

I've seen you at your lowest and highest.

It was me who helped you overcome your biggest fear.

Yet, THEY are the one you respect more?

What… what have they done for you?

I don't get it.

I hate that you love them.

I hate that I love you.

I hate you.

Don't you hate me too?


Seraphine_Stupidcreators' thoughts