
My Billionaire Kiss

Natalie Lewis is living her dream as a passionate and hardworking architect, until her mother remarries a Canadian billionaire. On the day of the wedding, Natalie flies to Canada from the US, only to discover that her mother’s groom is actually the father of her ex-boyfriend, Clyde. Adding to the shock, she also discovers that Clyde is engaged and has brought along his fiancée. Feeling overwhelmed jealousy and disappointed, Natalie seeks solace in alcohol and ends up having a one-night stand with a stranger. As she returns to the US to start her career, she is surprised to discover that the CEO of her company is none other than the man she slept with - Kenzo Anderson, Clyde's older brother and now her step-brother. Although Kenzo is initially cold and emotionless, Natalie discovers that there is more to his dark personality than meets the eye. They begin a love story that takes them on an emotional rollercoaster ride filled with music, healing, and love.

Blue_Heart_Novel · Urban
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26 Chs

Uncomfortable Situation

Kenzo made Natalie go to the back seat of the car and he made her lay there.


Natalie's eyes were looking at her asking for more, he felt his down there getting hard as he looked at her body.


He started kissing her again, to her ears, neck, collar bone to her chest then back to her lips again. Kenzo put his hands on her chest and his other hands reached out for her pearl and made his fingers touch it.


"Hmmm." Natalie uttered and breathed heavily, it sent shivers to her spine and she can't name the sensation this sent on her body, she put her hands on his nape.


Kenzo lowered the kiss to her chest to her stomach then to her legs. She was tilting her head side by side, and didn't know what to do with the sensation she was feeling because of what Kenzo was doing to her body.


Kenzo kissed her lips again and reached her pear and made his fingers move there in circular motion. It made her gasp and she breathed heavily. Her chest moved up and down, Kenzo felt her nipple on his chest and sucked it while moving his finger on her pearl. He positioned himself on her and went inside her without hesitation. "Fuck." He uttered and put her hands on her waist and started moving.


The car was filled with their moans, it felt like they just claimed each other for the first time. The car was moving like an earthquake was happening.


Natalie's mouth opened, and he felt his liquid inside her. They were both panting when they stopped. Kenzo took his off and made her sit properly. He reached for her clothes, and they got dressed quickly. He made her go back to her seat, and he went to the driver's seat, then looked at his watch.


"2:00 am." He uttered and started the engine and drove.


"We are here." He said when he was on the way to her apartment and took a glance at her and when he saw her sleeping soundly, he sighed, then decided to go directly to his house.


He parked his car, he went out and opened the door where Natalie was and carried her bridal style. He opened the door of his house and went directly to his room and put her there slowly. He sighed and fixed her blanket and went to his bathroom.


He opened the shower and let the water pour on him. He closed his eyes and he couldn't help but remember how steamy their night was. He felt his down there getting hard again, he shook his head and finished his shower.


Natalie woke up because of the sunlight hitting her face. She opened one of her eyes and sat on the bed, then leaned against the headboard. She massaged the side of her head because her head was aching. She looked around.


"Where am I?" She asked herself and was starting to panic when she saw Kenzo walking with a towel covering only the lower part of his body. Natalie's eyes widened and covered her eyes.


"Why are you walking with just that?" She exclaimed.


Kenzo raised his eyebrows when he saw her covering her eyes. "I guess you don't remember what happened last night." He said and looked for what to wear to go to the office.


"What?" Natalie said and looked around, then what happened to them slowly sinked in her mind. "Shit." She said and put her hands on her face.


"Why are you so dumb?" She said to herself, almost crying. Then how she almost begged for him flashed on her mind, she couldn't help but slap herself. "Aww." She uttered.


Kenzo looked at her. "What are you doing?" He asked her.


Natalie covered herself with the blanket. "I'm sorry." She said, almost whispering but still enough for Kenzo to hear her.


Kenzo ignored what she said. "I'll give you 15 minutes to get ready. If you're not done, after that I'll leave you here and find your own way to get out of this villa." He said to her.


Natalie slides herself to get down from the bed and goes straight to the bathroom.


Kenzo saw what she did and shook his head.


She was done showering when she remembered that she didn't have any more clothes than she was wearing, so she put on the towel and popped her head at the door of the bathroom.


"Uhhmm, I realized that I didn't have any clothes with me. Could we drop by my apartment for a moment? So, can I get new clothes?" She said and smiled awkwardly.


Kenzo tied his shoelaces and looked at her, he stood up and took a paper bag from his desk and gave it to her.


Natalie smiled, "Thank you." She said and went inside the bathroom.


Kenzo fixed his tie and left his room.


She smiled when she saw the dress. It was black fitted off the shoulder, but it wasn't that revealing, 2 inches above her knees, not too short and too long. She put it on and went outside the bathroom and sprayed her cologne. She looked around and realized that Kenzo was not there already.


The car horn in front of Kenzo's house.


She rolled her eyes and took her things without even combing her hair and ran downstairs. "Does he have to wake me up late? I don't even have the time to see myself in the mirror." She said, then ran to his car.


Kenzo put down the window on the other side of his car, he looked at the door, and it looked like the world was in slow motion when Natalie walked towards his car. "It suits her." He whispered to himself and looked away when she opened the door and got in.


Kenzo drove and Natalie tried to put on her earrings. He couldn't concentrate because he was smelling her cologne, he felt sleepy because of it.


"Did you put cologne on?" He asked her.


Natalie looked at him, "Yeah." She answered and tried on the other earring.


"Don't use that cologne again, I don't like the smell." He said, and she frowned, then her hands slipped and made her earrings fall on the car's floor.


She closed her eyes and tried to look for it. She bent down and looked for it.


"Where is it?" She said and then turned to the other side, bending her body.


Kenzo felt her moving and took a glance at her and saw her turning her body side to side. "Is she seducing me?" He said to himself and raised his eyebrows.


"What are you doing?" He asked her while driving.


Natalie flipped her hair and sighed, "I dropped my earrings." She said and combed her hair, then bent down again.


"Find it later when the car stops, you're distracting me." Kenzo said to her.


Natalie frowned and just followed what he said and sat properly. 


They arrive at the parking lot and Natalie starts to look for her earrings again. Kenzo reached out his things on the back seat while she was busy looking for her earrings.


"I can't find it." She said and turned to the other side.


Kenzo didn't answer, he got out of the car and closed it aggressively and walked towards the elevator.


Natalie looked at his back with unbelief in her eyes.


"I can't stand him." She said to herself and pouted.


She ran behind him and got in the elevator with him. "Oh, if you don't want the smell of my cologne," she said in her mind. She looked at him and stepped on the side a little.


Kenzo frowned when he saw on the side of his eyes what he did. "Is she avoiding me now?" He tilted his head.


"If you don't want to be the center of gossip, I suggest you cover your kiss marks." He said, then the elevator opened, and he went out of the elevator without looking back.


Natalie stood up there when she heard what he said.


"Damn." She uttered when she realized that she didn't even look in a mirror and ran to the bathroom with her hands on her neck.


She aggressively opened the door and the people looked at her because of it, so she smiled. "I'm about to pee." She said and got inside the cubicles and waited for them to come out. She looked around to make sure that no one was there before she went to the mirror and looked at herself.


"He's gotta be kidding me." She said when she saw the kiss mark on her neck and shoulders. "I'll kill him." She said and ran her fingers to her hair.


"Why? I mean, why does he have to put kiss marks on me? And he bought me this off-shoulder dress?" She stomped her feet on the ground.


"Is he playing with me?" She said and grabbed her hair while looking in the mirror. She puts on some concealer to cover the kiss marks.



After she fixed herself, she went out and went to the office.