
My Billionaire Kiss

Natalie Lewis is living her dream as a passionate and hardworking architect, until her mother remarries a Canadian billionaire. On the day of the wedding, Natalie flies to Canada from the US, only to discover that her mother’s groom is actually the father of her ex-boyfriend, Clyde. Adding to the shock, she also discovers that Clyde is engaged and has brought along his fiancée. Feeling overwhelmed jealousy and disappointed, Natalie seeks solace in alcohol and ends up having a one-night stand with a stranger. As she returns to the US to start her career, she is surprised to discover that the CEO of her company is none other than the man she slept with - Kenzo Anderson, Clyde's older brother and now her step-brother. Although Kenzo is initially cold and emotionless, Natalie discovers that there is more to his dark personality than meets the eye. They begin a love story that takes them on an emotional rollercoaster ride filled with music, healing, and love.

Blue_Heart_Novel · Urban
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26 Chs

The Night of Desire

As the night descended, the string quartet struck a melodious tune, and the wedding party began in earnest. As laughter and conversation filled the air, Natalie found herself seated at the bar counter alone, her green eyes fixated on the dance floor. There, she caught sight of Clyde, her charming ex-boyfriend, dancing gracefully with his elegant fiancée, Eleanor. Their bodies swayed to the sweet music, seemingly lost in each other's gaze.

Natalie's heart clenched as memories of her past relationship with Clyde came flooding back – their stolen kisses, whispered promises, and shared dreams. She couldn't quite make sense of the emotions that stirred within her, a mixture of jealousy, disappointment, and confusion. Why had he disappeared so suddenly when she refused to take their relationship to the next level? And why did it still hurt to see him with someone else?

"Another glass of wine, please," Natalie said to the bartender, seeking solace in alcohol to calm her racing thoughts. She felt the warmth spread through her body as she took a generous sip, hoping to dull the sharp edges of her emotions.

"Care for a dance?" A stranger's voice interrupted her reverie. He extended his hand, a friendly smile playing on his lips. With a slight shrug, Natalie acquiesced, allowing herself to be led to the dance floor.

As they danced, Natalie tried to lose herself in the rhythm, attempting to forget the image of Clyde and Eleanor twirling elegantly just a few feet away. But the more she drank, the more her feelings threatened to overwhelm her.

"Having fun?" Kenzo's voice resonated beside her ear, his piercing blue eyes observing her keenly. Startled, Natalie realized that he must have been watching her dance with the stranger. Before she could respond, Kenzo firmly grasped her arm, guiding her back to her seat at the bar counter. She felt a flush of anger at his intrusion, but her head was spinning too much to protest.

"Sit," Kenzo commanded, his voice authoritative yet tinged with concern. Natalie reluctantly obeyed, her mind racing with questions about his sudden appearance and unexpected behavior. What was it that made him act so protective? And why did she find herself both drawn to and irritated by his brooding presence?

"Kenzo," she started, unsure of what to say but wanting to address the situation. He looked at her intently, eyes searching for an answer in her face. As the music continued to play, and the wedding guests laughed and danced around them, Natalie knew that their shared moment held the potential to change the course of their lives forever.

Natalie's hand reached for another glass of wine, her green eyes glinting with defiance. She was determined to drink the night away, drown out the chaos that had recently engulfed her life. But before she could take a sip, Kenzo's strong hand wrapped around her wrist, stopping her.

"Enough, Natalie," he warned, his blue eyes darkening with concern.

"Let go of me!" she demanded, her voice slurring slightly from the alcohol. Her brown hair fell into her face, framing her flushed cheeks. "I can handle my own life, Kenzo."

"Not like this," he insisted, his brows furrowed. He couldn't stand by and watch her self-destruct. It wasn't in his nature to be passive when someone he cared about was hurting.

"Who do you think you are?" she spat, trying to yank her arm free. "You're not my keeper!"

"Maybe not," he admitted, "but I'm your step-brother and I will not allow you to drink some more."

"Fine," she huffed, realizing she wouldn't win this battle. Still, anger smoldered within her, and she didn't want to show weakness in front of him—especially not him.

Without another word, Kenzo lifted her up into his arms, ignoring her protests as he carried her toward her bedroom. She struggled against him, but her drunken state left her weak and disoriented.

"Put me down!" she cried, pounding her fists against his chest. His heartbeat vibrated against her hand, and she felt a strange pang of longing deep inside her.

"Stop fighting me, Natalie," he growled, finally depositing her on her bed. The room spun around her, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.

"Let me go back," she pleaded, her voice wavering. "I just want to forget everything."

"Drinking won't solve your problems," Kenzo said, his voice softer now. He locked the door, trapping them both inside.

"Leave me alone!" Natalie shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks. She wished she could erase the vulnerability that was seeping through her carefully constructed façade.

"Fine," Kenzo snapped, his own frustration bubbling over. But instead of retreating, he leaned in, pressing his lips against hers in a desperate attempt to show her how much she truly meant to him.

"Kenzo, no!" she tried to push him away, but he held her wrists, his grip firm and unyielding. His strength, coupled with her intoxication, left her powerless to resist as they succumbed to their raw desire for one another.

But Kenzo's resolve seemed unbreakable, and as the heat between them grew, her own resistance began to melt away. Their bodies tangled together on the bed, passion and pain colliding in a swirling storm of emotion.

The taste of his mouth was intoxicating, his scent filling her senses. He pulled back slightly to look at her, his eyes searching hers, his face flushed with emotion. "Tell me you don't want this," he challenged her.

But she couldn't speak, couldn't form the words. All she could do was nod, helplessly drawn to him despite the haze of alcohol clouding her judgment. He slid his hands under her dress, caressing her skin as he took another step forward, their bodies pressing together.

"Then show me," he breathed against her mouth. And with that, he lifted her in his arms, carrying her towards the bed like a prince carrying his princess. She gasped softly as they settled onto the soft mattress, their hearts pounding in unison like a drumbeat in the night.

His fingers trailed along her spine, unfastening the zipper of her dress as he pushed her gently against the bed. She gasped as their hips met, feeling his hardness pressed against her through their clothing.

"Kenzo," she moaned, her eyes fluttering closed.

"Shhii," he whispered, trailing hot kisses down the side of her neck. His hands moved to her waist, pushing her skirt up and over her hips, and she felt his warm breath brush against her skin as he kissed a trail up towards her ear.

She gripped his hair tighter, arching into him as he nipped at her earlobe, sending shivers down her entire body. They fell onto the bed panting, his lips never leaving hers as he undid her bra and tossed it aside. His hands roamed over her curves, exploring every inch of her body, his touch electrifying.

She whimpered softly as he pulled away to remove his own clothing, revealing his toned torso and thickening length. His mouth found hers again as he slid inside her, stretching her with each thrust. She met him stroke for stroke, their bodies moving in rhythm like they'd been together forever. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, punctuated by soft gasps and moans of pleasure. Each kiss deepened the connection between them, each touch igniting a fire within her she didn't know existed.

His teeth nipped at her collarbone, sending waves of shivers down her body, and she tangled her fingers in his hair, urging him on. Their breathing became ragged, their hearts pounding in sync. Suddenly, he pulled back, looking down at her with eyes full of desire and something else - something she couldn't quite place.

"Natalie," he murmured, his voice rough with emotion. "Trust me," he whispered, his lips brushing across hers. Tears spilled over as she gave in, allowing him to take control once more. Her heart pounded against her chest as he kissed her deeply, his tongue dancing with hers.

In that moment, fueled by alcohol and heartache, Natalie surrendered to the forbidden desires that had been simmering beneath the surface. As they made love, she couldn't help but wonder if this was the beginning of something new or the end of everything she held dear.

The moonlight streamed through the half-open curtains, casting a soft glow on their entwined bodies. Kenzo's breathing slowly returned to normal as he held Natalie close, her head resting over his heart. He could feel her rhythmic breaths against his chest, but his mind raced with thoughts he couldn't escape.

"Kenzo?" Natalie whispered, her voice barely audible. "Why did you...why us?"

He hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to reveal the truth that had been locked away for so long. Finally, Kenzo found his voice, the words spilling out of him like an unsteady river. "Sorry Natalie, I couldn't keep it inside any longer."

"Wh-what?" she stammered, her green eyes widening in shock. "But we're step-siblings now. This can't happen."

The weight of reality pressed down on Kenzo, threatening to crush him. How could he have let his desire for Natalie overpower his judgment? "You're right," he admitted, his voice thick with emotion. "This was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened."

Natalie pulled away from him, wrapping the sheet around her body as she sat up. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, but she blinked them back, unwilling to let him see her vulnerability again. "So what do we do now?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Kenzo stared at the ceiling, his blue eyes clouded with uncertainty. He wished he could turn back time and stop himself from giving in to his desires. But there was no going back. All they could do now was forge ahead and face the consequences. "We'll figure it out, Natalie," he said softly, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "Together."

"Are you sure this is what you want, Kenzo?" Natalie questioned, searching his eyes for any hint of doubt.

"More than anything," he confirmed, the sincerity in his voice unmistakable. "I won't let this tear us apart, Natalie. I promise you that."

As they lay there, side by side, Kenzo couldn't help but feel a twinge of hope – perhaps, despite the challenges they were about to face, there was still a chance for them to be together. But as sleep finally claimed him, the weight of their forbidden love affair settled heavily on his chest, a constant reminder of the impossibility of their situation.