
My Billionaire Kiss

Natalie Lewis is living her dream as a passionate and hardworking architect, until her mother remarries a Canadian billionaire. On the day of the wedding, Natalie flies to Canada from the US, only to discover that her mother’s groom is actually the father of her ex-boyfriend, Clyde. Adding to the shock, she also discovers that Clyde is engaged and has brought along his fiancée. Feeling overwhelmed jealousy and disappointed, Natalie seeks solace in alcohol and ends up having a one-night stand with a stranger. As she returns to the US to start her career, she is surprised to discover that the CEO of her company is none other than the man she slept with - Kenzo Anderson, Clyde's older brother and now her step-brother. Although Kenzo is initially cold and emotionless, Natalie discovers that there is more to his dark personality than meets the eye. They begin a love story that takes them on an emotional rollercoaster ride filled with music, healing, and love.

Blue_Heart_Novel · Urban
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26 Chs

She passed out

The days passed and the development of the new project progressed little by little.


Natalie arrived at the office at 7:30 in the morning, which was early. She was called by Kenzo to go to the parking lot with Jay.


"Why so early, in the parking lot? I don't want to go alone; maybe Jay is still in the office. I'll go check on him." She thought as she sat back in her chair.


Natalie went to Kenzo's office.


As she walked through the door, Jay said, "Oh, you're there, that's good." He was arranging some papers on the desk.


"The boss said we needed to go to the parking lot."


Natalie replied as she touched herself and tossed her hair back from her shoulders.


"Yes." She said simply, and checked to make sure the room was okay.


Jay looked in the mirror and said, "Natalie, come on. The boss should be waiting for us now."


They both went to the elevator and Natalie pressed the first floor.


"Okay, Natalie. You're going somewhere with the boss. Where will that be? Just don't do anything stupid," she thought.


Jay walked a little ahead of her, and she sighed in thought.


They saw a shiny black car and Jay motioned for Natalie to follow him.


Jay opened the door and sat in the front passenger seat and Natalie in the back.


Natalie was startled to see Kenzo there waiting for them.


"Morning, boss." She greeted Kenzo in her usual voice.


She slowly sat down and was aware that she was sitting next to Kenzo. She made sure there was space between them.


"The boss should be in the front seat. Why is he next to me? I'm not going to look in his direction. Can I ask him where we're going? No, Natalie. Don't you dare." She thought as the wheels turned.


She looked toward the window to divert her thoughts.


Meanwhile, Kenzo watched her as she looked out at the streets.


In thirty minutes, they arrived at the site where the new building was to be built. Her eyes widened when she saw where they were.


"Why did I wear this today, why? How embarrassing." She looked down at herself and bit her lip slightly.


Kenzo immediately got out of the car and Natalie frowned before getting out. He turned around and looked at her from almost ten feet away.


"Why are you wearing a dress today? You know we're coming here on the spot, and you didn't dress properly," Kenzo said coldly.


She looked down as she held her right hand to her thighs to keep the dress from flapping in the blowing wind. She was wearing an earth-colored dress. She didn't answer because she didn't want to be scolded by her boss.


"I wanted to tell him that I really didn't know where we were going until now. I should have asked in the car. But if I had asked, I wouldn't have been able to change my clothes. Jay should have told me," thought Natalie, as she tried to keep up with Kenzo.


She remembered something and patted her forehead. "Miss Lauren yesterday told me I had to be early because I'm coming with my boss. How come I forgot?"


They walked slowly upstairs to look at the structure of the building.


Kenzo looked at the unfolded site plan and looked at the development if the same with the layout.


Natalie just followed behind Kenzo and watched them.


"Well, I see that the progress right now is in sync with the site plan. That's good." Kenzo looked at the project manager.


"Yes boss, it is being followed accordingly," Jason replied.


"Jason, I want the highest quality materials for this project. We will be using the building for a long time and cheap materials will only cost us more." ordered Kenzo.


"Uhm, boss, we need to tighten the budget." Jason said as he put his left hand in his pocket.


"It doesn't matter if the price is high, what matters is the quality. No matter the budget, we have more than enough."


"Okay, boss." Jason nodded to Kenzo.


They continued to inspect and look the place over. They walked up and down the stairs. Kenzo would point out other things to Jason and Jason would respond to his appreciation of them.


As Jason explained to Kenzo and walked to a part of the building, Kenzo asked Natalie.


"Are you okay?"


However, there was no response from her. 


"Natalie is pale and doesn't seem to hear me. She's not paying attention." thought Kenzo as he looked at her.


She continued to follow them. Beads of sweat trickled down on her forehead. Her arms were sweating, and her back was also wet. The sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky.


After half an hour, Natalie thought, "It's so hot in here. My feet and legs are tired. I already sweat all over my body."

She didn't realize that her vision was starting to fade. Then, suddenly, she became unconscious.


She was saved by the bell when Kenzo picked her up in his arms. Kenzo catches her on the right time when she about to fall down.

 "Natalie!" Kenzo shout her name but there is no response.

"My attention was divided because I had to watch you from time to time. Tsk! Look at you, you passed out." thought Kenzo as he held her in his arms.

"Natalie, wake up." Kenzo said as he tap her shoulder.

"She passed out because of the heat." Jason said.

"We need to carry her to the clinic." Jay said.

"Okay. Let's go." Kenzo said and bring her to the clinic.


While walking, Kenzo looked at her closely and admired her; her eyebrows were light brown and thin. Her eyelashes were long, but her lips were pale.


Kenzo carried Natalie to the clinic. He slowly laid her down on the bed.

"What happen?" Doctor asked them.

"She passed out, Doc." Jason answered.

The doctor checked her over immediately.

"She's fine. In my opinion, she fainted because her stomach was empty, and it was too hot." The doctor told Kenzo.


"This woman doesn't take care of her body. That's why she is weak and fainted today," thought Kenzo as he watched her face while sitting beside her.

"Yes. She needs to take a rest for now." Doctor said.

When Natalie woke up, she saw a blurry white until she came to and looked to her right.

She saw her boss beside her, scrolling through his phone.

 "Why I'm here? What happened?" She asked Kenzo as she rubbed her eyes.

"You passed out. I brought you here," Kenzo said and stared at her, "Don't you eat breakfast in the morning before you go to work?" He scolded her.

 "No. I haven't." Natalie answered.

"You have to eat breakfast, and you have to eat more. You're so thin. The Doctor gives you some vitamins. Take it every day, okay?" Kenzo told her and walk away.

"Okay." Natalie said.

"Natalie are you okay? We'll leave now if you're feeling okay." Jay asked her.

"Yes, I'm okay now."

"Okay, let's go."

"Thank you, Doc." Natalie said.

"Take care of yourself." Doctor said to her.

The doctor smiled and then waved toward the door. 

In the car, Kenzo was in the front seat. Jay and Natalie were in the back. She was silent the whole time.


However, her thoughts were busy.


"I passed out and my boss was there. He was right next to me, but he still scolded me. Why am I frail today?"


"He said I was thin. The truth is, I don't like to eat breakfast in the morning. It's not my thing."


Her thoughts faded when they arrived at a famous restaurant. Jay led her in and headed for the counter.


"Miss, we have a reservation." He said and handed her a card.


"Very good, sir. You're all set." The receptionist smiled at Jay.


A waiter approached them and said, "This way please."


They followed him and sat down at a lavishly set table. Napkins were folded elegantly, utensils were neatly arranged, and the table was covered with a fine cotton tablecloth.


"Good afternoon, what would you like to order?" He looked at Jay, but waved his hand at his boss.


Kenzo's eyes glanced from left to right at the menu. He ordered plenty of food for them. The waiter repeated his order before leaving.


After a few minutes, the food was brought by different waiters. All the dishes Kenzo ordered were delicious, appetizing and heavenly.


At first, she seemed overwhelmed by the food, and started to eat little until she enjoyed eating other dishes. The other foods on the plates, she didn't know what they were called, but she found them delicious.


Kenzo told her, "You should eat more, so you don't get weak." He gave her pieces of rare beef.


"Thank you," Natalie replied to Kenzo.


"Boss Kenzo still cares, even though he resents everything. He always nags me, but I didn't know he would do this to me." Natalie thought as she cut up the meat she had been given.


"I've never been to this fancy restaurant and I think a lot of celebrities come here. Good thing my boss brought me here with Jay. It's true that the food here is fantastic. I thought it was a myth and that it was just overpriced simple dishes." She added and enjoyed the food.