
My Billionaire Kiss

Natalie Lewis is living her dream as a passionate and hardworking architect, until her mother remarries a Canadian billionaire. On the day of the wedding, Natalie flies to Canada from the US, only to discover that her mother’s groom is actually the father of her ex-boyfriend, Clyde. Adding to the shock, she also discovers that Clyde is engaged and has brought along his fiancée. Feeling overwhelmed jealousy and disappointed, Natalie seeks solace in alcohol and ends up having a one-night stand with a stranger. As she returns to the US to start her career, she is surprised to discover that the CEO of her company is none other than the man she slept with - Kenzo Anderson, Clyde's older brother and now her step-brother. Although Kenzo is initially cold and emotionless, Natalie discovers that there is more to his dark personality than meets the eye. They begin a love story that takes them on an emotional rollercoaster ride filled with music, healing, and love.

Blue_Heart_Novel · Urban
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26 Chs


Natalie stormed off the building and stepped outside into the open air. She was catching her breath, breathing heavily, and she couldn't understand why she was feeling this way.

"Hey, wait!" Kenzo called after her.

She fastened her face. She didn't want to talk to him. 

"Hey Natalie, you can't just walk out on me like that! You understand?" Kenzo kept on chasing her.

But Natalie walked on, step after step, almost running, until she got to the streets. She wanted to get a taxi, but she couldn't find any.

"Stop! Natalie, stop! What's going on with you?" Kenzo grabbed her arms and turned her around.

Cars wheezed past her, and she had to stop and wait for the green light. 

"Get back to the office. Now!" Kenzo demanded.

Natalie glared at him with sharp eyes, and she jerked her arms away from him.

"You maniac!" Natalie told him in rage, "Are you always doing this on purpose? Are you having fun, huh?"

"Doing what exactly? It was an accident. You tripped and fell on me. That was it. I didn't do anything."

It made Natalie even more furious. She turned back and started walking on the sidewalk, away from him. She didn't even have her bag. She left it at her office because she was feeling so embarrassed after what happened to both of them. Sure, he could call it an accident. 

But didn't he feel anything? Anything at all? Because the moment their lips met, Natalie swore she was electrified. There was something in that kiss that she couldn't explain, something that she wasn't supposed to feel. And she was mad at herself for having to feel it that way towards Kenzo. 

"Hey, Natalie! Natalie, stop it!" Kenzo shouted again. For some reason, he was still following her.

"I'm going home." Natalie said.

"I can fire you, you know that?" Kenzo warned her.

"I don't fucking care!" Natalie angrily said.

"Oh, so you're acting so brave now, huh? I said stop it!" Kenzo was still chasing her.

Natalie kept on walking. Her steps picked up and she did not stop. She was almost to the bus stop. If she got there on time, she could catch the next bus. But the next bus was coming any minute now, and she was not yet close enough. 

"I'll get my car. I'm taking you home!" Kenzo shouted. 

Natalie ignored him and kept walking. She was almost running now. But the bus stop still seemed so far away. Still, she jogged. But when she got there, she was already late. The bus had already left. She would have to wait for three hours before the next bus would come.

Just then, Kenzo's car arrived and stopped in front of her. She started walking again, away from it. 

"Why are you being so stubborn? What did I do?" Kenzo was shouting at her through the window.

Natalie kept walking away, but his car was following after her.

"At least get in the car. It's getting late. You can't find a taxi anymore."

He was probably right because Natalie had been walking, but she still couldn't find a taxi in this part of the city. She had to stop and take a deep breath, then pondered on her thoughts.

"Why was she running away from him again? Oh right, she was mad because he just kissed her. But it was an accident! Yes it was an accident. She tripped and fell, and the kiss happened. But why was she trying to avoid him? Why was she acting so damn affected? The kiss was nothing. He didn't even feel anything. But she did, right? Right?"

Kenzo's car pulled up at her side, "Just get in the car." Kenzo said, feeling exhausted. "There's no point running away. I'm still going to follow you."

Feeling defeated, Natalie finally gave in. Kenzo opened the door for her and she hopped, sitting next to him.

Kenzo noticed she was still sulking. 

"Let's just not make this situation any weirder. You're my step-sister. Let's just forget what happened. It's not a big deal. See? It was an accident. And don't forget, I'm still your boss and you still have a bunch of stuff to finish tomorrow. You think I'm going to let you go that easily? I can fire you anytime I want. But I'm going to let it go for now. Come, let's take you home."

Natalie sat in the car trying to calm down. She told him her apartment's address, not knowing that Kenzo already knew where it was. But he kept silent anyway and just followed what she just told him. 

A few moments later, Kenzo's car pulled onto the driveway in front of her apartment building. Natalie took a moment before she got out.

"Thank you….sir," She said in a low and guilty voice, "And I apologize for my misbehavior."

"I understand." Kenzo replied, "Just get inside now. You still have a big day tomorrow."

Natalie nodded and hopped out of his car. Kenzo waited until she got inside the building before he drove off.


Kenzo arrived at his villa, feeling so angry and tired. He forgot to stop by at a restaurant and buy some dinner, so he opted to just cook in his own kitchen. 

After cooking, he ate alone. He opened a bottle of wine and sat on the balcony of his apartment. He poured the wine into his glass and took a sip. His insomnia had attacked again and there was no way he could sleep unless he got himself drunk. 

Staring at the beautiful overlooking sight of the city from his balcony, he thought of Natalie. He thought of her living in a small apartment somewhere out there, with not enough space to be comfortable with. 

Maybe he could ask her to move into his apartment. Right? But it would be weird to ask her himself. He needed to call his mom. 

Picking up his phone, he dialed his stepmother's number. She answered immediately, even at that hour. 

"Kenzo, my dearest darling," Sofia greeted in a very excited tone.

"Hi mom," he said, still not used to the sound of his voice every time he called her 'mom'.

"How are you? Are you eating well?" she asked. The excitement in her voice never faded away.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Uhmm.. The thing is, I have something to tell you." Kenzo gathered his courage to say what he needed to say.

"What is it, son?"

"It's about Natalie."

"Is something wrong with her?" Sofia seemed to panic.

"No, no. She's very fine. I just want to say that she's free to move in with me, in my own villa. I actually noticed that she is living in a small apartment and probably paying for it herself. If she moves in with me, then she doesn't have to pay anymore. 

After all, we're siblings. And that's what siblings do, right? I mean, they help each other in times of need. She doesn't have to worry because my house is huge and has a lot of space and rooms. She can move at any time. Perhaps you can tell her?"

"Oh," Sofia paused for a while, "Is that so? Well, I can tell her. I'll call her tomorrow."

"Thanks, mom."

"Anytime, darling. Bye, take care."

"Take care too."

When his step-mom hung up, Kenzo was left to wonder how it would look if Natalie agreed to live with him. Imagine how much fun it could be! He could no longer wait. He drank another glass of wine and smiled at himself.


The next morning, Natalie woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. She squinted, still half-asleep as she picked it up from her nightstand. 

"Hello?" She asked, absentmindedly.

"Sweetie… it's me."


"Yes, yes. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just woke up. Why?"

"Kenzo told me you're living broke. But he wanted to help you."

"He what?" Natalie sounded surprised.

"He said you could move into his villa if you want. It's so kind of him."

"Mom, did you ask him?"

"No, I didn't. He called me and made the suggestion himself. Like your brother, he said he just wanted to help you because he's living alone and his house is so big. You won't have problems living with him. Just think about it."

Natalie rolled her eyes.

"But mom-"

"Think of all the loans you're still paying. All those bills you're still struggling to pay. The rent too! Think about it, sweetie. You can save if you move in with him. Don't be shy. It's him who suggested it."

"That's not it, mom. You can't just let me live with a stranger."

"Sweetie, he's your brother. I don't see any problem with that."

"But mom, I don't want to." 

"Well, it's up to you. The opportunity is just right there, all you need to do is grab it. Think carefully, sweetie. Bye!"

The words left so much confusion for Natalie. There was so much to think about. She was confused about what her feelings towards Kenzo? At the same time, what is the reason why Kenzo likes to be with her? She can't believe they will live on one roof together.