
Chapter 10 Absolutely Cannot Divorce_1

Translator: 549690339

How could Lu Xun dare be negligent?

He quickly responded, "Yes, President Cheng, I will check it out right away."


As for Shen Lan, she and Chen Yan had just finished eating and were about to take a taxi when Mother Shen called her.

When she answered, it wasn't her mother's voice.

"Hello, are you Zhang Lihua's daughter?"

A man's voice, carrying with it an air of casual coldness.

Shen Lan was instantly alarmed, "Yes, I am. Who are you? Why is my mother's mobile phone with you?"

Despite Shen Lan's questioning, the man did not get upset. Instead, he calmly responded, "I am an emergency doctor from People's Hospital. Your mother fainted on the street and was brought here by a passerby. We need you to handle the follow-up procedures and payments."


These words struck Shen Lan like a bolt from the blue.

She could barely keep her composure, "Okay, okay, I'll be right there!"

Her face was as pale as a sheet!

Soon enough, Chen Yan accompanied her to the hospital.

Only then did Shen Lan discover that her mother had heart disease and a tumor in her brain.

The tumor was benign and could be removed, and the heart disease could be handled with a bypass surgery. Fortunately, both these diseases were not malignant and could be treated.

However, one surgery alone would cost over a hundred thousand, adding up to over three hundred thousand for both surgeries. And they couldn't even be performed at the same time!

Shen Lan was stunned.

She finally understood why her mother had threatened suicide to compel her to marry.

"Lan Lan, I have ten thousand with me. I have transferred it to you," Chen Yan quickly transferred the money to Shen Lan.

The studio had not yet signed any contracts, and she had just renovated her house a while ago. This ten thousand was all the money she could spare.

If things got really bad...

Chen Yan hugged Shen Lan's shoulders, "Lan Lan, let's see if we can sign some contracts in the coming time. If we can't, I'll sell my house for you."

It had to be said, Chen Yan was truly a loyal friend. But Shen Lan felt she had to bear this burden on her own.

All in all, she could only come up with just over thirty thousand!

Compared to the over three hundred thousand, it was a drop in the bucket...

Shen Lan had no choice but to ask the doctor for the best time for surgery. However, the doctor told her, "The patient fainted mainly because the brain tumor was pressing on her nerves. Currently, the best option is to perform the tumor surgery first. The heart bypass surgery can be postponed as long as she avoids stress, heavy work, maintains an optimistic mood, she can still stabilize for a long time."

A good mood is the best medicine.

Shen Lan understood.

She paid the medical bill for the day, found a caretaker for her mother, and then focused on staying by her mother's side until Mother Shen woke up.

Mother Shen was surprised to see her when she woke up, "Lan Lan? Aren't you supposed to be at work? I ..."

Quickly, she smelled the strong scent of disinfectant, looked around at her surroundings, and her first reaction was to remove the IV, "Lan Lan, let's go home!"

Shen Lan held her hand, a serious look on her face, "Mom, I know everything now. What problem can we solve by going home? From now on, you need to listen to the doctor in the hospital and stop interfering with other things!"

How could Mother Shen not interfere? She had already got a clear idea of her condition from the doctor.

Where could Shen Lan get so much money for the three hundred thousand yuan treatment?

No matter what Shen Lan said, Mother Shen was not willing to stay, "What can we solve by staying here? Hospitals are made to scam people. It's normal for old people to get sick, I know my body condition well. Let's go!"

Shen Lan was exceptionally stubborn, "The doctor has told me about your condition. Only surgery can save your life! I only have one mother. Even if I have to sell my belongings, I will make sure you get treated!"

Upon saying this, Shen Lan's eyes began to well up with tears.

Chen Yan, watching from the side, also had a heavy heart.

She had previously heard Shen Lan tell her about Mother Shen's strong insistence on marriage, but now...

Indeed, the love of parents can never be measured.

Hearing this from Shen Lan, Mother Shen could no longer control her emotions and choked on her words, "Everyone dies when they get old. Why should I spend that much money on it? You haven't been married to Xiao Cheng for long. If you take on this debt, won't he divorce you?"

Anyone would feel the same in his position. Just married and already having to face an illness in the family, needing to pay for treatment, would make anyone feel uncomfortable!

As a mother, she did not want to ruin the newly begun marriage between Shen Lan and Cheng Yanqing.

But for Shen Lan, who saw her marriage as a transaction, even the reality of it couldn't outweigh her mother.

Shen Lan grabbed Mother Shen's hand, patting it to soothe her, "I will pay for your treatment myself, without using his money. What can he complain about? If he wants to divorce me over this, then let him."

Mother Shen was quick to deny, her resolve unshakeable, "No way! I finally have a chance to see you with someone. Divorce is not an option!"

Shen Lan felt both helpless and distraught, "Why don't you consider the fact that I only have one mother? What's the use of a marriage if I have to lose my mother to keep it?"