
My billion dollar jackpot of a husband.

Shanelle_Nova · Teen
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5 Chs

She left in a hurry...

The library was dead silent,you know the kind of silence you'd only find in the cemetery, that one.Its always silent but it felt kinda odd today and I couldn't tell why.Was it because I was mad?I couldn't tell but what I knew was that I hated the silence.I've always hated silence and loved noise instead, something I have never understood.I might love the noise but my hearing is very sharp.

Sitting alone in that corner ,I felt a migraine coming my way.Who was to blame,an unknown guy?Very annoying.I didn't even get the name, how foolish of me.

Thinking for a while,I said to myself,"stop this nonsense,you are behaving like he's your boyfriend and you caught him cheating making you this angry".Haha jokes in me. To kill the anger in me, I decided to write.This was the best remedy that had worked for me most and it seemed suitable at the moment.Taking out my haven, I thought for something like 20minutes then...there it was,an idea I could turn into a book.And of course he would be in it ,as the male.

Seriously,no matter how mad I was at this guy I couldn't deny that the guy was beautiful.He looked like he came straight out of the top fashion magazines in the world.The type of beauty you only see in gods and goddesses.I only stood close to him for about 20 to 30minutes but I could feel how strong his aura was.A guy with that type of aura was the most dangerous of them all.The cold aloof kind of men.A living mystery that is.

I was scribbling the synopsis of the story I had just thought of, when my phone rang.It rang so loud that it made people look at me with murderous looks ,and that's when I realized I had not put my phone on silent mode.Thanks to that fool I even forgot the library rules.sighs.

Looking at the call logs to see who called, I saw Liam's name and my anger doubled.Why would he call me on a weekend and so early in the morning too when he knew my weekend schedule?

Realizing his mistake,he texted,

"I'm truly sorry for that,I forgot you said never to call early on weekends...but the reason I called is important.You remember the assignment the professor had left behind last week?Well he wants it today evening.He said that research is needed for a patient that arrived this morning from abroad.He changed the appointment last minute...did you find that book?"

"Unfortunately I didn't,some big fool snatched it away from my hand claiming to have held it first... it's a long story.But what are we going to do?I don't know any other place that has the book and even if I was to start looking I wouldn't find any with the limited time there is.(sighs frustrated) Can't you use your connections this time Liam?"she asked him almost begging.

"I'm sorry Nov,but with the limited time, I don't think so.We're screwed then."he answered apologetically.

"I'm sorry...I let you guys down..."

As she typed this last text she stood up to return the books to the shelf.Unfortunately for her she returned the books together with her haven to the shelf and left in a hurry.God knew she couldn't be separated from her haven.This was going to be a very rough day for her.

At the other conner was Nathaniel.After spotting her ,he sat down to observe her more closely.He'd never actually taken his time to observe her and know her well since he saw her.He already had a detailed report on her background but seems like it wasn't enough.She was the type of problem you'd want to get yourself into with no inhibition.While she was busy reading and writing on her books ,he noticed something that he hadn't noticed before.The glasses on her were actually fake.Though fake ,they really looked good on her.They accentuated her beauty even more and he liked it.

He didn't know her reasons for putting on fake frames but he thought she must have a good reason for that.

"Looks like I landed her in trouble...with the way she looks around frustrated,it might be because of the book..."he thought while watching her and that's when he noticed what she did unknowingly.

"Such a forgetful little thing you are,"he mused as he saw her leaving in a hurry.

He took out his phone and made a call,

"Mark ,come to Xenia bookshop now...I have an errand for you and it has to be done immediately."

The person on the other end didn't even have the chance to reply when he heard his boss hung up.

"What's the rush,ugh..."mark complained after his boss hung up on him.

After some minutes,Mark arrived and was sent to go after Nova.

"Don't let her know who you are when you drop the book and don't let her know you're following her.Is that clear?"Nathaniel said in a cold domineering voice that made Mark break out in cold sweat yet it was winter.

One thing he never understood was why his boss had to be that scary even with people who were close to him.He had spent most of his youth serving his boss and his family and yet he'd never gotten used to his boss' coldness.He should have gotten used to it by now but the more he thought he was past his coldness the more colder he became.

"Understood."he said as he left .

Mark arrived earlier than Nova so when she arrived she didn't know who had just solved her problem.

"Hey...Ms Williams,a package has just been delivered for you."the security guy at the gate informed her.

She was shocked but she didn't let it show.

"Hi,Joe ...did you see who dropped it?"she asked putting on a friendly smile.

"Unfortunately I didn't miss,"he answered politely.

"That's fine,thank you."she thanked him as she left.

The package contained the book she'd just fought over with an unknown guy.She didn't think too much about it and went to the school library where the mostly had their discussions.On entering the room she noticed she was the only one missing from their group.The professor had not yet arrived so they still had time to discuss the case study they'd been given.

"Nova, did you find any other that we could use?"came Liam's question.

"Yeah,is all good I got the book."was her nonchalant answer.