
Lucas's Abduction

"The school festival !a festival !Welcome School festival "

waaah School Festival is almost near .I'm so hyper now because of Excitement .I will gonna enjoy this Moment.

"Summer? who are you shouting out to?"

"Nothing.i'm just too excited.Logan what are we going to do ? the other year level and section are doing Some Horror house and Some are making a wedding booth. How about us?"

"we're doing the Tea club .That's what Ms. Anna decided."

Tea club ? But that is kind of boring.

"the boys are assign for the tea making while the Girls will serve the costumer .The costumer will choose who will serve for them and of course the waitress who will gain many costumer will be awarded."

That sounds cool!I'm sure I can gain costumer easily like eating peanut.

"By the way Summer , Naomi mentioned that someone kissed you earlier.Who is it?"

I didn't answer and just froze.

I still haven't figure out who the hell kissed me .But honestly I can still feel that Kiss that I'm holding my lips right now.

"I think they are starting to build the tent .Come on Summer let's help!"

I came back from my sense and nod at him. Thank God he changed the topic .

Logan and I walk around for a while first before went to our group .Every students are really busy .

I'm so Excited! Logan help The ugly panda to paint the poster right after we reach our class's tent. While I went to help the others to prepare for the Costume for our teaclub.The Costume are so cute , it look likes anime style.

"hello !Can you deliver this to the Section four?"

Mia, one of my classmate gave me the hammer that she borrowed . I just smiled at her and accepted it. She's a nice person so it's not a problem to me if she will ask a favor .

As I reach the class 4 and knock the door, the girls inside gave me a death glare like they want to kill me already. Now what did I do?

"i'm returning the hammer "

I placed the hammer on the table then smile at them before I runaway . Why are they looking at me like that? It really creeps me out every time I imagine their glares.


I am now here walking on the way to the Dorm .I need to go there because I forgot my Phone .

While i was walking I saw Someone lying under the tree .I went to Check that guy .But my eyes were widen when I saw who was that lying under the tree.

"Hey open your eyes !What happened to you ?" I Asked in panic. When I tap his forehead it was really damn hot .He has a fever. I know I hate him but i'm not that kind of person to leave him like this . I carried him to the school infirmary even though he's little bit heavy.

"Hang in there!"

It took us 10 minutes before we arrive inside the school Infirmary. I catched a very deep breathe .

He's Kind of heavy you know!

They brought him inside the room to treat him . Since he's still inside I decided to buy some food to give it to him when he wakes up. But the news spread out right away to the whole School . His Fan girls are already outside the School Infirmary and they are very crowded .The fan girls want to visit him but the staff didn't let them .

Who ever try to step inside the infirmary will receive detention for 1 whole day as a punishment .They can't escape from the guards and CCTVs. But they allow me to visit him because i'm his partner and i'm the one who help him and brought him here .


"Summer ,How is Lucas Doing?" Lucas asked worriedly after I went back to the classroom.

"He's okay now .Don't worry"

I don't know if he's okay because he's still unconscious. I just said that to not make him worry.

"Summer ,Take care of him .I want to go but I can't .You're the only one who can go inside the infirmary."

"why are you so worried about him?"

I can't find any reason why he is so worried. He's so weird sometimes.

"Because Logan is my best friend .He just don't want to stick with me because i'm weird "

My eyes widen after he said that.

Logan and Lucas are best friend too? So they are trio? I can't believe it .But why ? Just because he's a nerd he don't want to stick with him already?what kind of friend is he?

"I see" that's the only words came out from my mouth .I'm so totally surprised

" Logan I gotta go .I need to go back to Lucas because miss Anna told me to watch him closely ."

I left after that.

When i'm already at the back of School yard on the way to the School clinic , I saw a group of gang covering their face with a mask . They look suspicious but I just Ignored them and continue to walk

"How was he ?"

"he's still unconscious . I'ts our time to get him."

"Psssh Stupid. How can we get that Bastard Lucas if there are too many security?"

Did they just said Lucas ? It's not my intention to listen but they mention that ugly presidents name. I walk closer to them and hide in a big tree

"I have a planned .Lets get him at night."

"Yeah . That's a good Idea .I'm sure Black dragon will like our present to him."

Black dragon? what kind of conversation is this ? are they planning to kidnap Lucas?

"But lets beat him up first before we gave him to Black dragon. And wait ,Our Lady said we need to get that girl too. "

I accidentally step in a wood so it made a noise that catches their attention. I Quickly hide at the back of the trash can. They almost got me but I runaway fast .I need to tell it to Zach. They are planning to kidnap Lucas.


"Summer what happen to you?"

"Zach! There's a group of gang who are planning to kidnap Lucas tonight!"

I said right away to Zachary after I found him walking in the hallway.

"What? how did you know? "

"I overheard them .They said that they will give him ..To.....To"

Damn! I forgot the name they mention

"Bla- ....Bro....I forgot the name !"

"Black dragon?"

"yeah !That's it."

Zach's eyes widen suddenly. He pat his both hand on my Shoulder and look seriously at me . I know it's not the time to flirt but i'm blushing .He's really handsome waaah!!!

"Listen Summer,You have to go to the infirmary and watch him closely. I will just call my allies to get some help .If somethings happen report it to the teachers and security right away."


I want to ask who is black dragon but because we're both in panic,I didn't ask anymore .

We heard an explosion coming from the infirmary suddenly after we are about to move. .


Zachary Runaway so I followed him. Damn!I thought they will get him tonight but why so suddenly ?Maybe they knew that someone heard them so they changed their plan right away.This is my fault because I was so careless .

It's already too late when we arrive at the infirmary. They already got Lucas who is unconscious and put him inside the car. They start running the car so I runaway and follow them.

"Summer where are you going ?"

I need to save him.

"Don't mind me ,Go call your allies and save Lucas! hurry up!"

U followed the car they left in. The guards try to stops me but I was able to scape from them .I can't let them capture me . I need to Save that Guy first. I need to return him back safely . They are already faraway so I stop.I saw a bike in front of the store so I used it to catch them up .

"hey that's my bike!"

"i'm sorry Mr. I will return it right away !"

p.s I'm not stealing it . Just borrowing


where are they now ? I think I lost sight of them. This is bad !I need to keep going . I can't let them take him away

"yah Stupid president! Where are you now?"

I was about to cross the road when I saw the car where Lucas is in suddenly stop in front of me . A guy with mask came out from the car and went to me .He cover my mouth and i'm starting to feel dizzy Until it went blackout . They already captured me .Zachary please hurry up !

To be Continued