
Chapter 1

Yuna Tresravahl...

She's the girl you'll never imagine to have a boyfriend...

You might think that she's a nerd but...

She's NOT.

She's the girl that has no filter, no fear, no second thoughts.

But that's outside school...

Inside is another story. She's the quiet, smart, unpredictable, manipulative, independent girl.

Outside she's known for fights, being a criminal, a killer... but she- of course - doesn't show her true identity she's rather known as someone else

But at school...- she's the bullies next target...

Yuna' P.O.V

"Yuna look!"

Called a small boy from afar.

I couldn't see his face... It was blurred out.

"Yuna look! We got a perfect score!" The boy shouted again.

I thought it was calling out for me but as he got closer he turned left. Looking where he's going I saw a small little girl - around 4 or 5 - she looked familiar.

It was...

It was me!

"Yuna! We got a perfect score on our test! Look!"

He said while pointing at the test papers.

Little me looked at where the boy was pointing.

"Wow! I thought I wouldn't make it!" Little me said while saying through a big bright smile.

"Of course you'd make it! You're Yuna Presvahl!"

The little boy said having trouble saying my surname.

Little me chuckled " It's Tresravahl, how many times do I have to correct you? We've known each other since we were born!"

The little boy scratched the back of his head and forced a smile while the other hand made a peace sign "Sorry... But it's just so hard to say your name!"

"I know I sometimes get troubled myself" Little me replied.

"Anyho let's go pl-"

He got cut off.

"YUNA TRESRAVAHL COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!" someone screamed but it was just a voice.

It felt like it vibrated the whole environment.

"Im sorry Reilan but I have to go... Let's play some other time..." Little me apologized

"It's okay just come back tomorrow, okay?" He said.

"X marks the spot!" Little me shouted.

"And you're my treasure chest!" Reilan replied back.

I laughed at the exchange of words because I remember how we came up we that.

Little me dissapeared in the distance.

The sorroundings blurred and the next scene came.

It was still the same place but the trees got taller and some have already withered.

Suddenly a guy in a white T-shirt and grey denim pants walked in the middle of the scene.

He looked like he was looking for something-- or someone.

He looked familliar from the little boy a while a go. But the boy standing right in front of me now was a teenage boy- maybe 17 or 18 - and he was now very mascular.

I was sure that he was Reilan.

No... I know it was Reilan.

Everything sped up it looked like seconds but it was hours. Plenty of hours.

He waited until the moon showed up.

His face fell knowing that what he was waiting for was never gonna come.

One thing was for sure.

Little me never showed up again that day.


I jolted up as I heard my name being screamed.

My face felt like it was surprised but I quickly placed my 'blank face' mask on.

I quickly looked at the clock.


It was so early school was supposed to start at 7 o'clock am. But i guess it's a great time to fix my things for school.

Its a new school and I'm the new student.


I hate this. I hate changing school every year. It's just tyring but i guess it's to not get close to anyone.

I quickly fixed my things. Things that i need for school. After that I went inside the bathroom. I did some hygiene stuff and then I was finished.

I went downstairs, grabbed my stuff and headed outside.

Might as well walk.

School was just a short walking distance- well for me. Even before the start of the school year I made myself a really easy shortcut.

I went through the alley just a few blocks away from my house, I went to something that looked like a dead end- for other people- I hoped on the sides of the walls - because the path was narrow and the walls were close to each other.

When I was at the top of the wall blocking the way I quickly jumped over the - reachable - roof.

I pulled my torso and lodged my self up. I ran on top of the roof, not being mindful of the noise it makes downstairs. I leaped over three houses while I was at the third house I quickly made a path for me to go down.

When I was safely on the ground, I continued to walk as if nothing happened and exited the alley.

The school practically bloomed in front of me.

Rather than a normal school with a small and rusty gate, it has a tall new-ish looking gold gates. I can also see trees peeking over at the top of the tall walls.

Before I went in I dusted my clothes with my left hand. After I was the dirt got brushed away I continued walking.

Once I reached the gate I went into were the students was filing in to enter. When I was at the front of the line the guard looked at me with a pair of questioning eyes. I gave him one too.

When he was about to ask a question I interrupted him by answering his obvious question.

"I'm new here..." I stated

The guard just nodded his head and gave way for me to go through.

I continued walking. While I was on the progress of going inside the school, I cant help but stare at the surroundings.

There's trees everywhere. Everywhere I looked there's bright green trees left, right, and there was even baby trees. And in he middle of the field there's a big fountain. Crystal clear sparkling water was gushing through fountain faucets.

Even though it was still really early there was tons of students walking around the field, some even leaning against the fountain.

I continued walking - Again - while trying not to get distracted. As a result bumping into someone big, and masculine.

I made a really cheesy 'oof' sound as I stumble back a little bit.

When I recovered I looked up and saw an angry looking guy facing down at me. I must admit he's tall, about a head taller than me.

"Watch where you're going you idiot!" He shouted.

He did not just call me idiot!

I just rolled my eyes walking past him while 'accidentally' bumping into his shoulder.

He kept shouting while I kept walking, speeding up.

I reached the front of the office and knocked on the door.

A woman told me to enter and I did. Once I entered I saw a girl behind a desk piled with work papers, often info about students. Im guessing a secretary.

The secretary pointed the door on the left saying 'Guidance Office' in big bold black letter, with her thumb not even bothering to look at me.

I went to the door on the left and knocked without even bothering for an answer I opened the door and entered the Office.




Follow me

Thats all peace!!