
My Best love

Teen love, women rights, school, hilarious

V_3921 · Teen
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1 Chs

Morning of the trip


My alarm goes off suddenly, it's already daylight. I didn't sleep a bit all night. It happens to me too much when something different or amazing is going to happen.

When I go to a different place, when I go on a trip, when I get out of my typical and boring routine.

Many of you may be wondering: What excites me so much? Well, I'll tell you, I'm going on an exchange to Canada!!!

Since I was little I have been told that I will go there, it is finally the day. Is today!!!

The warm sunlight crosses my window letting me know that it is time to get up. I quickly head to take a shower, which is very easy, since I don't have siblings.

That's strange, because in my family everyone has brothers. My parents have my uncles and my cousins have their brother or sister, while I am the only one who has no one to talk to or fight with over meaningless nonsense.

The good thing is that I have a dog, she is everything to me. She is like my own daughter, someone I love very much and would protect today and always with my life.

My parents always wondered: A brother or a dog? Obviously I chose the second option, since I love dogs. They are so beautiful, beautiful, fabulous, loving, among many other things.

After leaving the bathroom, I go to the closet and I can't decide what to wear, so I have an existential crisis. A dress.... Better not, then I'll end up freezing. Something more casual would be good for me.

I'm so immersed in my clothing decisions that I don't notice all the noise downstairs.

-EMMA!!!! COME DOWN TO BREAKFAST!!! We're leaving in an hour and you haven't finished packing yet. He shouts from the kitchen.

-GET DOWN IN 5 MINUTES!!!- I hope that's enough to calm him down...

5 minutes later...

- Until you finally arrive. "Eat or your breakfast will get cold," she tells me while she places some delicious pancakes with fruit on the table.

-Thank you- I say at the same time as I eat. I really love food, it is something unmatched.

-Remember that we have to be at the airport two hours before - she clears her throat to continue - Lest what happened the other time is going to happen.


1 year before...

-RUNS!!! THE PLANE IS GOING TO LEAVE YOU- My mother shouts as we approach the detectors.

-THAT'S WHAT I DO! My legs aren't up to that much. I'm no good at running.

She says goodbye to me and I run like crazy to look for the lounge where the passengers are boarding.

-Good heavens! I can not find it.

In the distance I see the room number and the door that is about to close. With all my strength I scream:

-NOOOOOOOO! Wait for me- I'm so distracted that I trip over a suitcase and fall to the ground.

Who put that there?!

The lady comes up to me and says:

-Are you OK?

I just nod my head and say:

- Could you give me some headphones for the flight?

End of flashback*

-That wasn't my fault! -She complained to me about my mother's obvious complaint.

-Really? -My mom makes that face that all her mothers make when they don't believe her daughters.

-Someone moved the rooms from where they really should be- That makes a lot of logic to me.

-Where do you get those ideas, Emma? - Sometimes I don't even know. - You better eat.

This is delicious. They hardly make pancakes for me, but since I'm leaving I imagine they want my last breakfast here to be incredible.

I finish breakfast and start packing things. They say that to travel you have to pack the basics, however I think I will end up packing the entire house.

I start with clothes, personal items, electronic devices, among other things. When I'm done, I can barely close the suitcase.

-EMMA, LET'S GO!- My father shouts from the car.

-I'M COMING- I look at my room for the last time and disappear through my door.

When I go downstairs I find Molly, who is wagging her tail from side to side full of joy. Too bad, it makes me very sad to leave her. On my own I would take it everywhere.

I say goodbye to the house and get into the car with Molly and my parents.

Thirty minutes later...

We have arrived at the airport. We put down the suitcase and start walking to the registry. We spent a long time waiting. When they finally serve us we go on international flights. I already have the plane ticket in my hands, but it's 1:30 until takeoff.

Suddenly, my stomach growls. I think the entire airport could hear it.

We decided to go to a restaurant with delicious food and good service. We order, we wait and our food arrives.

-It's delicious- I say at the same time that I savor this delight.

We're done eating. Finally my belly is full. I think there's still time for dessert, so let's go get ice cream.

When we finished we went to the detectors. This is as far as my parents and Molly can go. I feel very sad, because I won't be able to see them for a long time.

The atmosphere is very depressing. They are about to hold back their tears and I give them both a big hug.

"I'll call them every day," I say to lighten the mood.

It's my turn to say goodbye to Molly, my special baby, my beautiful little angel.

-I love you beautiful- I tell her while I hug her.

-You will always be in my heart and wherever I go... You will go.

I approach the lady who received my ticket and scan it. I go to the detectors and walk to the other side of the room.

My parents look at me with a smile on their faces and Molly with a sad face.


That's all I say before disappearing from her sight.

Welcome everyone, today is the day. if You decide to give me and My imagination a chance. i'm glad to read You and to meet You. see You! ❤️

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