

I am strong but not stronger than my best friend,I can be my self with pat

Praise_9081 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


Renee was in pain but wanted to avenge her mothers death,pat look at her an supported her. Renee went to her late fathers garage to make a base for equipment and for pat to,she went there and clean it up she saw the picture of her father and started crying, she pulled down the picture and the wall opened in half , They where guns,arrows and so many clothes .

Pat told her that ,her father had his on mission that he did not complete , Renee was ready for anything, well she was going for karate class in china for a competition . Renee wore a white hod with a tinted black and red hair, and white sneakers. She wore a red gloves just in case of the police ,she was ready.

Renee went up the building that the man shoot her mother and checked the security camera she saw the face and tracked his location and tried to go there. Her and pat went there ,it was an old factory the Kate always work in on till they died , they entered in side and saw a chart of Kate's picture, leading to Renee's dad picture , she was confused then she saw her mother's own.Then she got it , the person that killed her mother , killed her father.

Pat said"look at this"Renee checked it and saw her picture down ,she was there last target,Pat said that they have to start going, she agreed, suddenly people were coming , they hid in a room . Renee was hearing what they where saying, Jordan the girl saw when i snipe the woman said the sniper man, Jordan is an assassin that target people that ruined his life in the past , but his does not like when the remaining family is still alive because he never had parents or siblings ,Renee open the door of the room and saw the man that killed her mother ,the man went to go get Jordan a glass of water ,pat ran and cut his head of with his canine,Renee wore mask and fought Jordan's men and met Jordan face to face, Jordan asked who are you, Renee replied "i am some one that you will always want " she pulled out a gun and shoot his leg,and removed her masked "Jordan was shocked, her and pat ran away.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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