

Amber pov

I walked into my room and then ring a bell close to my bed and i heard a knock and i said "come in" And a maid walks in and said "what can u do for you your majesty? " And i said "prepare a hot bath for me" And she said "as you wish your majesty" Then she bows and walk into the bathroom.

Crystal walks into my room after i had finish dressing and she said "Amber what's wrong why did you call me" And i said "bad news mom gave me two weeks to find my mate, what am gonna do i've searched everywhere. Or is thete any where i haven't searched? " And she said "hmmmm let me see... " She taps the left side if her head and a holographic screen appeared and she types something on it and then begins to swip then stop and say "yes i've gotten it" and i say "got what? " and she say "we've everywhere except one place" And i say "where" and she say "earth" and i looked confused and say "please where's that" And she say "ut a place mortals live and abide" and i say"so if i find my mate there does that mean he'll be a mortal" and she nods and i sigh and say "then let's go" and she say "okay i'll get the maids to prepare our things we'll leave tomorrow morning" and i nod and then lie down on my bed.

Next Morning

Writer's pov

Crystal enters into Ambers room and she sees her still sleeping and taps her and say "why are you sleeping like a mortal" and Amber groans and say "i just slept few minutes ago nd now you're disturbing me" and Crystal say "your highness we have to leave before day break" and groans and stands up and say "tell the maids to prepare my bath and a cup of blood before my break fast" and Crystal say "okay", she leaves and Amber sighs and rub her arms then lueback on the bed...


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