
Don't Disappoint Them

"Huh! What's going on?" Leon looked at Dean's body in shock. 

A faint light could be seen slowly revolving around Dean's body. 

Since Leon was still holding Dean, he was also enveloped by this light. With his entire focus placed on Dean, he failed to realize that the light was also on him. 

Dean's heart, which stopped beating after he was hit by the Lizard's tail, suddenly made a 'Ba-dump' sound. After beating the first time, it sounded out again, before the rhythm of the beating heart slowly started increasing, soon, it stabilized to the normal rate. 

The thing Leon found most shocking was that Dean's injuries were healing at a terrifying speed. He could literally see the spot on Dean's back which was punctured by a piece of wood when he slammed into the ground slowly closing. 

"How can this be?" He asked himself in disbelief. 

With his mouth opened wide, he continued watching what seemed to be an unbelievable event unfolding right before him. Even if Dean were to take the best healing tonic in the city, there was no way it would produce such an effect. Given the seriousness of the injuries, it would take at least a month before he would be able to completely recover.  


Inside Dean's consciousness.

Two souls were currently engaged in a tug of war, fighting for which will occupy the body of the revitalizing Dean. But of the two, one's light was gradually increasing, while the other was starting to fade.

The fading soul was the original occupier of the body, the other soul, was the soul of Dean who died on earth and transmigrated here. 

After he fell to his demise, a strange phenomenon happened. A light suddenly shone on his dead body, and something or someone dragged his soul out of his body. The soul was then covered with mysterious light before passing through countless dimensions and appearing here. 

During the journey, Dean's soul was in an unconscious state, unaware of his surroundings. Even with his soul battling to take over this soon-to-be empty body, he wasn't aware of what was happening.


The struggle continued for some time, with the original soul's light growing fainter by the second. He was unwilling, he didn't want to die just like that, there were things he needed to do. His death will affect everyone close to him, his father, mother, as well as his best friend. 

Why was he this weak? Why didn't he focus on cultivating like others his age did? He hated himself. What he found more regretful was that he dragged Leon down with him. Everyone knew Leon was more talented than he was, Leon could even be said to be a once in a hundred years genius in Raven's City, but because of his shenanigans, Leon couldn't cultivate and instead joined him. 

If they were strong, there was no way they would've been chased by this group. But now, everything has ended, he is dead. With no way to ever make it up to his family, and to Leon. But just as his soul was about to completely diminish, he gathered every single strength that was left in him and sent his last thoughts to the new soul which was about to occupy his body. 


Dean slowly started to regain consciousness. But he didn't open his eyes immediately, it's not that he didn't want to, but he couldn't. 

This was because something unheard of was currently happening to him. He saw a person who looks almost identical to himself but with fairer skin, more handsome, and slightly longer hair. 

"Hello, I'm Dean, the original owner of this body. It's kinda weird saying that though," Dean said the last part with a sad smile. 

"It's surprising I'm still conscious even though I'm dead, but it seems like it will fade soon. I have a message for you."

"I wanted to tell you about my life story, but my time is limited, so I'll only tell you about what I want from you. I know you're not obligated to do it since it doesn't really have anything to do with you. It might be important to the body, but not to the new soul."

"Throughout the fifteen years of my life, I can't really say I did anything worth mentioning, apart from hanging out with Leon and goofing around, I did nothing else. My death will disappoint my parents and Leon. Please if you can, don't tell them I died. I don't want to break their hearts."

"You can just stay for some time before you leave, you could say you're going on an adventure or something. Just don't tell them I'm dead."

Dean said this while crying. 

'I didn't know souls could cry,' This was what ran through the head of Dean who came from earth as he watched the soul which looked like him cry. 

'I've read too many novels. I'm starting to see things, and even believe them!'

At first, seeing all this, his mind went to those novels he had read previously. 

Naturally, as a youth in the modern world, if you don't read cultivation novels, then what kind of boring life are you living? Anime and gaming were also a must! 

The crying soul soon stopped sobbing and continued, "Also, there's a high chance Leon will find out. If there's no other choice, then you should let him know about you,"

The soul soon became transparent, apparently about to be extinguished forever. On seeing this, he hurriedly said his last words, "If you can, please don't disappoint my family, and also Leon,"

With that, the soul turned into a tiny light dot and faded away. 

After watching the soul vanish, Dean shook his head while thinking to himself. 

'*Aish* I think I will have to stop reading for some time, it's totally messing with my head now. Like it's possible to take over someone's body? Isn't that like transmigrating? Those are just fantasies we all wish for, even I, don't mind transmigrating to a world where people could fly. I mean, how f*cking awesome is that?!'

'Wait, how come I can move my body so freely. I remember falling off a cliff, or could it be that I didn't die? Yeah, that's most likely the case since I can think. I must have been in a coma for a while now.'

'Seems like those bastards found my body in time and rushed me to the hospital. But I must say, the bed of this hospital is quite hard.'

Not feeling the usual softness of a bed, he tried opening his eyes to see where he was. Finding out that he didn't die filled his heart with untold bliss. Now, all he wanted to do was take a view of the world. 

Slowly opening his eyes, he was shocked by the scenery. He was currently laying flat on his back, in a forest. Looking around, he was confident he hadn't seen this place before, there were gigantic trees everywhere and there was also a handsome-looking youth who seemed to be around fifteen years old staring at him with a joyous expression. 

'I don't remember seeing this guy before. But, why do I feel a sense of familiarity towards him, it's almost like I know him? Hmm, weird.' Dean scratched his head. 

Immediately his hands touched his head, he froze. 

'WTF! How did my hair get this long?!' He almost screamed out loud. 

After the shock, he recovered. 

'Maybe it grew longer during the time I was in a coma,' He calmed down when he thought of this. 

Staring at his hands, he got an even bigger fright. His hands were smaller than they used to be. 

'How's this possible?!' Dean's mind was racing. 

Seeing the weird expressions Dean was making, Leon couldn't help but feel something amiss. And there was also that look Dean gave him, it was the look one would give a stranger whom they haven't seen before.

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