
My Best Friend Is A Transmigrator Moved

Springs_Halo · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Raze Them To The Ground!

"How can you say they are dead?!"


A table was smashed to smithereens by a man with a masculine build and refined features with a height of over two meters. 

This was Mason O'Brien, the father of Leon and also the family head of the O'Brien family. Before him, were two men on their knees shivering as one of them told him the news of Leon and Dean's death. One was dressed in normal clothes, while the other was wearing guard clothing. The one on guard clothing was currently sweating buckets because he was the one assigned to the safety of Leon. 

"And you, how come you weren't with them?" Mason looked at the guard with an icy gaze and a mountain-like pressure descended on him. 

Being called by Mason, the guard trembled. He couldn't stand the pressure Mason sent his way and his face went pale. 

"M...my lord, the young lord dismissed me when he was about to head out. I…I… tried persuading him, but he rebuked me and told me if I followed him he'll send me to the dungeon," The guard said with his head almost touching the ground from the pressure, and his voice shaky due to fear. 

"And you stayed behind?!" Mason shouted in anger. 

"I'm…I'm sorry my lord. I remembered you told me to always do as he commanded hence I obeyed him," The guard responded in a trembling voice. 


A booming voice came from outside the hall. 

"Get lost from my sight! Pray this is only a rumor else you'll pay for your sins with your head," An even terrifying aura exploded out of Mason's body and the guard was sent flying. 

The guard coughed up a mouthful of blood before scrambling outside the hall. 

Currently, no one was praying as much as he was. If the young lord is truly dead, then his head would follow. 

While the guard was heading out, a man with a slightly smaller build compared to Mason walked into the hall. With a calm expression, he looked at him. 

"You should know this isn't the first time the boys have done something like this," The man said calmly. 

"Yes I'm aware, but this is the first time something like this had been said about them. Why are you still so calm?" Mason asked while staring at his friend. 

This was the clan head of the Dawson family, and also the father of Dean. Anthony Dawson. 

"I thought I'm usually the hotheaded one?" Anthony took a glance at his friend before taking his seat by the side. 

"What are you getting at?" Mason asked straightforwardly. 

"From what you know of the boys, do you think they are dumb enough to brag about something like going into the forbidden zone?" Anthony asked while motioning for a servant to get him tea. 

"You know, now that I think of it, no. Even if they bragged about something like that, they wouldn't do it given how shameless they are," Mason said after thinking for a while. 

"Correct. Now it's time to get to the serious part," Anthony said with narrowed eyes. 

"Which is?" Mason couldn't help but ask. 

"We both know this rumor should be a plan of one of those six old fogeys," Anthony took the tea from the girl and took a sip after saying this. 

"But who?" Mason asked. 

"To find out, we need to know who started this rumor. According to my network, this rumor only started about twenty minutes ago. And what I can say is that they did a great job fanning it given how fast it circulated. Due to this, finding the culprit will be harder than usual," Anthony continued while drinking his tea calmly. 

"Then, what do you plan to do?" Mason asked still confused at where his friend was heading at. 

"Nothing," Anthony replied nonchalantly. 

"What do you mean nothing? There wouldn't be smoke without fire, so there is a chance there are some atoms of truth in the rumor," Mason felt a headache from how Anthony was taking the issue. 

"I said nothing because the culprit is already caught," Anthony replied calmly. 

"What?!" Mason's eyes nearly bulged out.

According to Anthony, the rumor should have started spreading about twenty minutes ago, and he should have heard it not so long ago. But not only has he investigated the issue, but he had also caught the culprit. Mason was amazed, and he had every right to. 

"But they are right about something though, the boys truly did enter the forbidden zone. Only, they were just at the edge, and when they saw the beast, they quickly ran away. The culprit couldn't confirm if the boys are dead because they couldn't go back in. But given how close they were to the exit of the forbidden zone, I believe they should be able to escape. You should know the beasts never go across that mark."

"Also, they didn't go on their violation, rather, they were chased by the Dale's family third son and also a son from the Claude family accompanied by some others. The boy caught is a son of a Marcus from the Erling family"

"I've sent some of my strongest warriors over. They should return with the boys if they are not hurt," Anthony said calmly. 

"And if they are?" Mason asked with a calm voice. 

"Then we'll raze those families involved to the ground, no matter the cost," A cold glint flashed through the eyes of Anthony, followed by a frightening killing intent. 

"Good, I thought you'd gone soft all of a sudden," Mason nodded when he noticed the killing intent. 

"Soft?" Anthony scoffed before mumbling the word in a low voice. 

He remembered seeing Leon's guard walking out of the hall with only a pale face and some blood at the side of his mouth. Dean's guard was currently bedridden, and according to the alchemist who treated him, he would stay that way for at least two months. 


Back at the forest... 

Leon had stopped crying for some time now but still hadn't said a word. 

Seeing this, Dean decided to break the silence. 

"What do you plan to do now?" He asked. 

"Cultivate," Leon said coldly. 

"Then what about me?" Dean couldn't help but ask. 

"Why should I care?" Leon replied in the same cold manner. 

"First, because I've told you my greatest secret which means I trust you and take you as a friend. Secondly, there's no way you can explain the sudden change in the relationship between us to our parents," Dean gave out his reason. 

"They're not your family!" Leon exploded in anger when he heard Dean say his family. 

"As far as the world is concerned, they are my parents, so deal with it," Dean said nonchalantly. 

Leon stared at him icily. 

"What? Do you want to tell them their son is dead and his body was occupied by a soul from another dimension? Who would believe you?" Dean asked with a smirk. 

"I can easily say you're suffering from the trauma when the beast attacked me, and although I miraculously didn't die, or get injured. I somehow lost my memory"

Hearing this, Leon knew Dean said was right. 

And once again, they both fell into silence, staring at each other.

Here's the chap guys...any stones are welcomed...

Thanks for reading and have a great day y'all!

Cya next chap!

Springs_Halocreators' thoughts