
Mind Your Own Business!

"Oh, but where should I go?" She tilted her head and contemplated.


Lan Ying turned and found that Zi Ming was chuckling at the sight of her pondering.

Zi Ming asked, "Why don't we be friends? I am going to be your colleague soon anyhow."

"You keep saying colleague," she said, "you don't intend to bring me to your company, right?"

He smiled, "I did intend to bring you back to the company."

"How much is the pay?" Without beating around the bushes, Lan Ying questioned straightforwardly; she also avoided answering his question.

Zi Ming paused upon hearing her question, then he burst out laughing again. "Haha, it definitely won't be little, don't worry!"


"He's back, Zi Ming~"

"Senior Zi Ming is amazing again, isn't he?"

"Yeah...even wearing glasses, it wouldn't dim his handsomeness..."

"Megane's fan... But honestly, he does look good in glasses, too."

"Oh, who is that little girl?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I just noticed."

"Why does she looks like some abandoned dog that Zi Ming picked up?"

"Hey, that's rude."

Then all of a sudden, a man in a grey suit strode towards Zi Ming with hastened pace, in big steps. "Zi Ming!!" The man then gripped Zi Ming's shoulders and continued, "Where the hell did you go this time!"

"Calm down," Zi Ming forced a smile as he was being shaken back and fore by the man. "I just went to the park."

"Ugh, how can I calm down when you have a shoot in an hour!?" he yelled. Wang Fu Geng turned his head and looked at Lan Ying. "And who is this four-eyes?"

"..." Now that she thought about it, she rather had modelling companies pestering her than being called 'four-eyes' by a guy who was wearing glasses.

Seeing that her mouth was twitching with irritation showing on her face, Zi Ming's lips curled in amusement. "Brother Geng, you're the real four-eyes here."

"What!?" Wang Fu Geng glared at him. "Anyway, who is this little girl?"

"This is..." Zi Ming suddenly turned his head and stared at her, "What is your name?"

"..." Two sweat droplets each formed on Wang Fu Geng's and Lan Ying's forehead.

"I am called Lan Ying." Her brows faintly creased in annoyance.

"Yes, this is Lan Ying," he said, "and she will be a new model of the company."

"...What?" Wang Fu Geng froze stiffly on spot.

Completely ignoring him, Zi Ming said to her, "Let's go meet the director."

"Hey!" Wang Fu Geng's legs started to work as he followed them to the director's office while kept on nagging Zi Ming.

Zi Ming pushed the door open, "Come in."

Within the office, a woman was sitting in her chair. She raised her head from the pill of paper to look towards the suddenly opened door. "Please, would you mind knocking the door next time?"

"If I can remember."

The woman sighed, then she noticed Lan Ying. "Who's this?"

"Let me introduce you," he said. "This is the director, Zhou Feng Yan. And this is Lan Ying, I am recommending her tip be our new model."

"Hello," Lan Ying said with a slight smile on her face.

"...Do you know what you're talking about?" Zhou Feng Yan said to Zi Ming.

Zi Ming stared at her with a meaningful gaze then said, "I'm sure you won't regret letting her work here."

"..." she didn't of she should believe him or not.

"Director! Please don't be so lenient towards him! He went missing two hours right before the shoot!" Wang Fu Geng opened his mouth, to soothe the unpleasant atmosphere with his rambling. "And it's not the first time this has happened."

"Manager Wang, return to your old days and control your temper." She said whilst her hand started working again. Zhou Feng Yan flipped through the pill and pulled out a piece of paper. She signed it and hand it to Zi Ming, "Since you recommended her, be her manager and prove to me that she can be of use."

"What!? Direc-"

"Okay," Zi Ming took the paper from her hand.

"Zi Ming, you're an actor!" he shouted as soon as they exited the office. Wang Fu Geng was having a hard time stopping himself from exploding.

Zi Ming arched his lips upward, "Does not means that I can't be a manager, Brother Geng."

"...!" Wang Fu Geng was really on the edge of having his head exploded. He finally figured out why Zi Ming was still so mischievous even after listening to his thousands times of scoldings throughout the time they had been working together.

It wasn't because Zhou Feng Yan's lenient attitude, it was him not able to keep up with this thickhead guy! "I'm too tired to continue chastising you, do whatever you want as long as it does not damage your own career."

With that, he rotated his foot and walked off while wiping his glasses and put it away. "Remeber, your shoot start in one hour."

Zi Ming grinned as he stared at his manager's back.

Off to the side, Lan Ying was standing with her eyes glanced at the wall. Her pupils contracted as its aim moved to Zi Ming. "...When did I agree to be your company's model?"

His smile stiffened then he turned to look at her, "What do you mean?"

"You told me that I can just do a few photo shoots to earn some money." Her eyes narrowed, "Never did I agree on being a model for an official job."

"But aren't you in need of money?" Zi Ming took a step forward. "What will do when the little money's out?"

Lan Ying frowned slightly as she exasperatedly glanced at him, "That's not your business!" Throwing her words at him, Lan Ying turned and walked in the direction towards the exit door.

"Hey!" he called out and chased after her. Catching up, Zi Ming caught her arm, "Answer me."

Abruptly being held in place, Lan Ying's turned around swiftly as she swung her arm out of his grasp. "Mind your own business!"

Zi Ming stood there, stunned. Then he raised his voice to distressedly say: "You are going to regret it!"