


Blacktiger · Urban
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10 Chs

001: Tall female courier

The bright sun has come in from outside the window in the morning. The room's cold air is gradually subtracted, immediately having a warm feeling.

Su Ming yawned, along with lazy stretch. His younger brother is standing tall in protest.

Su Ming's face showed a bitter, "what's the point!"I'm such a good a man, I can do straight bend, stretches, I can dress up to play uncle, pretend to be a (true) virgin, play 3p, wear a sailor's suit, waved a small whip, can go the concert, you talk about the paragraph I shoot the table, you want to play literature and art I look up at the stars, can watch literary and artistic films in the wind and tears, I will be a good boy into the daily youth library.

I'm such a good man that he doesn't even have a girlfriend. Also,

no woman's day is difficult. Still, even if its character is super rotten, wants to own t handsome man, and is for Mao repeatedly unlucky? Can't you do it everywhere? With two brothers to tease the schoolgirls in the class, school girls scolded the two guys, and they were spat on a few mouthfuls. Of course, they took the lead in teasing. Penniless cheats two small mm to eat ice cream, eat enough after ready to slip away, the boss's mother with a knife chased over, small mm they said: brother, we have no money (cups). That night no money to buy cigarettes, cut a section of roadside wires, sold to the waste station aunt, aunt angry: your master's, steal my home wires (go). <

You say such a tasteful person has no reason to always be unlucky and can't get a girl


Su ming picked up the mirror seriously, took a picture, wanting to see where he went wrong, stayed for a while, he smiled narcissistically, "Well, no problem, handsome, a is attractive, this face does not say to be the most popular with the whole class of girls, at least can also fascinate the school flower level, legendary ."


Su Ming, who was pulling the wind, walked down the first-floor living room and went to the bathroom to get toothpaste, so he washed it quickly, fed his stomach, and went back to the room to clean up his books.

The room is in a mess, and nothing is neatly placed, that old computer is covered with dust that has not been wiped, the bedclothes pillow wrapped in a piece, the ground is more cigarette butts everywhere, as an excellent modern houseman, naturally have the style of the houseman ...


Pack the books, take the bag, Su ming left the room ready to go to school, mother Wang Xiu has gone to work, dark before coming back from work, have to lock the door a little bit. However, we are also tiny thieves. Thieves are challenging to prevent thieves.

I'm squealing.

Just as Su Ming was about to open the door, someone knocked outside.

"Li Gao, your sister's, did you come to borrow money

again?" Su Ming knows who knocks on the door. It is Li Gaona cattle, will not be a girl spent all the money to borrow the fare with himself to go to school? <

If this is the case, he broke off the brotherly relationship with him, rely on, borrows their own money has more than 500, did not want to return the


Opened the door, a look, Su Ming immediately corrugated it, identified initially as Li Gaolai, which thought to see the person is not, standing at the door is a female courier, tall, clean face protein, with a smile to look


"Hello! I'm here to deliver the courier. The female courier smiled slowly, holding a carton in her hand.

"Delivering couriers?"

Su Ming was a little confused and puzzled to see the package in her hand.

it?" Here is the designated address. I am not mistaken, 668 citizen's home, you see, is not your home address? The female courier saw Su Ming's puzzled look and laughed.

Su Ming took a look at the packaging on the address. It is indeed the exact address of their home. They did not buy things on the Internet. Is it the mother to

buy? Or someone sent it to Mom?

"Please pay the courier fee, and I have other couriers to deliver, can not stay too much time."

The female courier pushed the road.

"Okay, how much is

it?" Su Ming touched the pocket to pull out the money. Okay, mother gave herself this month's pocket money and 80 yuan; otherwise, there is no money to pay each other.

"55 yuan."

She handed over the east and west and said. <

"No, it's such an expensive

fee?" Suming some pain paid 55 yuan, female courier smiled and drove away, he just wanted to put things to the mother's room but found that the recipient wrote not the mother's name. Still, a man called Summer Ming, Suming suddenly guessed that this is not the mother's thing. Still, the fast sender sent things wrong. No, it should be the person who sent the items to write the address wrong. That guy is foolish. Write an incorrect address.

Just when Su Ming was ready to go out and say it wasn't our thing, the courier was gone and seemed to be in a hurry to know the road in that


"Come on, spend the wrong money, ah, I 55 fast pocket money so no, no, since the money spent, I care whose things, open to see."

Su Ming looked a little angry and decided to open the item and see what it was.

Suming opened the packing tray, eyes slightly looked, surprised to find that there is a piece of light cyan strange things, not like a circuit board, not jade or anything, but full of magically volatile light green


"Shrimp rice

stuff?" Glowing? Sumin felt incredible, staring dead at the half-slap-sized cyan light sheet.

After several observations and research, Su Ming still can not see what kind of object this belongs to. It can only take it as a mystery, but he was depressed, lost 55 yuan ocean. Ah, will it not be that female courier is a liar?

Feel free to get something to say it's a courier, take the money and run the way in a hurry?

Yes, it must be like


I didn't expect to be wise as I actually went to such a mentally retarded when, come on ah, that woman is too


Suming greets her whole family, including herself, and if she can still be seen, Laozi must stand up to her ass.

"Bad luck..." Su Ming sullenly lost the item to the sofa, now know that he is a fool, just now that the woman so in a hurry to play, he should immediately think of it is


!!!" Suddenly, Su Ming's face as if others owe him a hundred thousand pieces as ugly, that cyan light piece of things actually spits out a round of green light, decisive so that Su Ming can not help but close his eyes for a few seconds, in opening his eyes to find that thing became strange, actually shrouded the living room in a similar virtual space isolated from the outside world.

"The god horse

situation?" How did it make this strange space? Hey, how do I feel no longer at home but in a mysterious environment? "Su Ming looked around in surprise. Home is still home, but now the home put Buddha transparent looming.

Suming curious in the past picked up that cyan strange thing, suddenly found that the body lit up, the hands of things disappeared, actually into their own body, the body immediately had a peculiar feeling, as if suddenly between a particular item, but can not explain what it is