
Chapter 2: Black Sheep

While Leo was on a call with Berry, opposite his room, Mili was getting ready to leave for the Temptation trial. The reason he had chosen to take part in such a may lay was simple. Power. He wanted power. He wanted to be the strongest so that no one would dare step on him.

"Where did I put that belt?! Aargh!! This room is a mess!!!" Milo yelled, throwing random items around the room. He wasn't kidding. If one were to look at his room, one would think two people were fighting with the stuff inside.

After a few more minutes of searching, he finally found what he was looking for. Similar to how karate students back then used to dress, Milo's attire was a white oversized outfit with a belt signifying the ranks. Thanks to his high skill, Milo was able to bag a black belt, the second-highest belt in the ranking.

The ranking is composed of five belt colors. The White, The Blue, The Green, The Red, The Black, The Yellow. The higher your belt, the higher your chance of surviving the trials and winning the Beasting System.

"I need to hurry to the event or else its name will be canceled from the list. I can't let all my hard work go down the drain just like that." Said Milo as he ran out of his room. The place wasn't far, taking only twenty minutes for Milo to reach the place.

The building was gigantic inside. It was painted white with a golden shade at the edges. The front side was mostly glass, but since it was tinted, it made it impossible to anyone to see the inside.

However, Milo didn't have time to admire the beauty Of the building as he ran inside. Once inside, he immediately set his sights on the giant door at the end of the hallway. Other people were walking in the hallway. But these people all wore silver attire similar to the man in the news. However, there's seemed to be of lower quality, having an unappealing shade of silver to the eye.

Ignoring these people, Milo ran to the door at top speed. He didn't care if they thought he acted immaturely or not. He would just deal with them once he gets the Beasting System.

Opening the door, as if being teleported to a completely different location, Milo could feel the soft grass on his feet as he walked towards the center to join the others.

"It seems like number 20 had finally decided to grace us with his presence." The announcer said with a nasty scowl. Despite this being an all man for himself trial sequence, they still had a strict rule of not starting a trial until everyone was present. This was a good and bad thing at the same time.

It was good because it meant that you don't get eliminated for being tardy. If that was the case, the number of participants left would have been two or three. However, it was bad because it was humiliating for someone to be late to an event that was being broadcast worldwide. If they didn't end up winning the beasting system, they would be ridiculed for the rest of their lives. And may even commit suicide to escape the overflowing shame.

Hearing hundreds of people laugh at him churned Mili's stomach as he eventually joined up with the others. Even the nineteen broke out in laughter as Milo joined them. But with a single glare, hewas able to silence fifteen of them, while the remaining four laughed regardless of his stare. This was because three of them were fellow black belts, while the remaining one was a yellow belt.

"Hey look. It's the commander." One of the four said, regaining his senses as he got back to his feet. His stomach and cheeks hurt so badly from laughing, he stumbled a few times before finally getting his footing.

"Hey, why are you so late? Aren't you the one who's always lecturing us on being early?!" Another said, strolling towards Milo. The deadly glare from Mili's fade turned a shade darker, but the teenager still walked forward, clearly unafraid of Milo. The moment he was within a few inches from his face, he leaned close to the ear and whisper seven simple words.

"Back down if you want to live."

For a brief moment, Milo felt his body quiver at the threat, but that was it. A moment. Milo shot the bastard a smirk with slitted eyes as he shoved him aside, taking his place among the others.

Everyone saw what was happening was crazier than ever. If there was one thing people loved, it was internal conflict, and that was what they were expecting to happen during this trial.

"Now that everyone is here, we can begin. As you can see, twenty beautiful young women have stepped on the field." He said, pointing his right hand at the entrance where the girls came from.

Girls was an understatement for addressing them. The young women were blessed with impeccable beauty. They had all the curves in the right places. What made matters worse was that they all wore tight clothing that expose their body figure, along with their breasts and butt. If one would take a closer look, one could see the outline of... ahem through the tight jeans.

"The test is simple. You all will have to share a bed with one of them in our specially designed rooms. If you manage to hold yourselves for twenty-four hours, you will advance to the next trial. However, if you fail, the road will end for you." The man said with a sadistic smile on his face as the crowd roared in excitement.

"Each of you should pick someone you will spend the night with. No fighting."

He said no fighting, but his instruction fell On deaf ears as the group of testosterone-filled men ran towards the crowd of girls. Seeing the boys act so childishly caused some of the girls to chuckyly. However, some didn't share the same expression. These girls had faces of disgust as the boy ran towards spite knowing the rule of the test, they still felt repulsed by everything. How the fuck do you expect seventeen-year-old boys to control themselves around such succulent girls. It's like asking a person not to breathe.

"Back off! She's mine!!"

"No, I saw her first! Get your girl!!"

"I'll break your dick if you dare lay a finger on her!!!"

The animals kept on fighting among themselves. They didn't even have regard for what belt the person they threatened wore. Their minds were only focused on one thing.

Regardless, there was someone who was able to suppress his primal urges. 'What a bunch of pigs.' Was milo's thought as he distanced himself from the group. He noticed that what they were doing didn't make sense at all. The purpose of the test was to stay twenty-four hours with a girl without having sex or doing anything else sexual. So why go for someone who will just drive your dick crazy? Not everyone in the group was thick and curvy. There was someone hidden within the group who keep on trying to remain unseen by others, but Milo's keen eyes allowed him to spot her even from a small distance.

Just he thought, she wasn't busty like the others. Instead, she was slender with little to no visible boobs showing through the tight drees which didn't help matters at all. Just like with the curvy girls, the outfit boasted her small boobs and flat ass, making her look like some sort of alien with her pale white skin and blue eyes.

__ __

As the boys and girls began to mingle, the cover of the girl had swiftly moved away, showing her on full display to the world.

"Seems like there's a black sheep in the flock." The announcer cracked a joke, earning a hell of a laugh from the crowd sitting in the stands in the background.

The girl shivered in place. Like a skinned chicken outside during heavy rain. She felt out of place in such a big world. She just wanted to shrink and disappear from existence when-

"Hey, the name's Milo. What's yours?" Said a boy with a deep voice that caused the slender girl to jump forward in response. She couldn't believe someone would sneak up on her, especially now when she was scared more than anything else.

Turning around to look at who just scared her, the first thing she noticed was his short black hair and perfect face that just screamed royalty. All of a sudden, her legs started to feel like jelly as she fell to the floor, but was caught in time by the strange boy.

"M-my name is J-joy." She stammered as she spoke, being hypnotized by the boy's appearance. It wasn't like the other boys weren't handsome. It was that his beauty was perfect. Too perfect as if he was not even human. Well to her that's how he looked like.

"Now that all of you have chosen a girl, please make your way to the rooms you will be staying in." The announcer said as he motioned for the doors to be unlocked, allowing them to leave and do as told.

After a few minutes of walking, the boys and girls finally arrived at their destination. Spread throughout the hall were doors each leading to the 7-star room. Some couldn't believe it. They had only seen such luxury on tv, but now they were going to experience it in real life?

During the trek to this hallway, a hierarchy had been set up in the group. Similar to the hierarchy before, the higher the belt, the better the room the couple will get. But that isn't just the case. Since there are more than one of the first four belts in the room. As such, they decided on who will get the better room by having brief sparring sessions along the way. Even better two black belts, one is still stronger than the other.

Due to this, Milo fell at number three on the scale. The highest being one and its follower, two. This wasn't too bad, seeing as there are forty of them.

Walking with the girl, Milo couldn't help but cringe at the situation he was in. He knew the reason he pickets Joy but still felt like he made a terrible mistake. Her character was completely out of place. Instead of looking ahead and focusing on the task at hand, her gaze would constantly shift from one thing to another. From time to time, she would even look at the other boys, but look away when they licked eyes. It was clear she lacked low self-esteem, which turned her into a target among those below Milo.

__ __

Milo didn't waste any time and got into his room with his woman while the others did the same. Now all that was left was surviving the four hours, which should be a breeze for Milo.

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